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Project 2 of Machine Learning- 2017/2018


Twitter Sentiment Analysis. The submission is made to competition platform kaggle.

About the project

Through this project, we use Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) Neural Networks with Global Vectors for Word Representation (GloVe) for sentiment analysis to decide the positive ":)" and negative ":(" tweets.

Brief Overview

The main scripts for this project are (LSTM Neural Networks) and We tried several classification algorithms such as Naive Bayes and Decision Tree, and our best accuracy is obtained by LSTM neural networks. The scripts for other ML implementations are not included in this project.

  • : Scripts to train the model using training datasets and to produce and save our best models for tweets classifier system. The model will be stored to /results/models directory.
  • : Script to produce our final submission to kaggle. The script will load the model via static assignment in /results/models and will produce submission file in /results/submissions.

Note that all functions and helpers for the both scripts are stored in scripts/ directory, for more details you can go through README in scripts/ and read all methods directly.


To execute the and, the mininum requirements are as follows:

  1. Anaconda with Python 3.

(Alternative) mininum installation (only pandas) in python 3:

$ pip install pandas
  1. Tensorflow (we use version of 1.3.0)

Installing in machine without gpu:

$ pip install tensorflow==1.3.0

Installing in machine with gpu:

$ pip install tensorflow-gpu==1.3.0
  1. Download the Stanford's Pre-trained word Vectors for Twitter:
wget -O glove-stanford/
unzip glove-stanford/ -d glove-stanford/
  1. Download Twitter Datasets from Kaggle:

Please simply put the datasets (train_pos_full.txt, train_neg_full.txt and test_data.txt) in twitter-datasets/ directory.

mv ~/Downloads/ -O twitter-datasets/
unzip twitter-datasets/ -d twitter-datasets/

OS Environment

Please run the scripts in unix-based operating system. We suggest to run our scripts on Linux machine (Ubuntu 14.04 or 16.04) or MacOSX operating system.

Project Structure

├──                      : Main script to produce our models using LSTM neural networks.
├──                         : Main script to produce our submission using pre-trained models.
├──                      : The README guideline and explanation for our project.
├── data
│   ├── words-by-frequency.txt     : Quick-and-dirty 125k-word dictionary from a small subset of Wikipedia.
│   ├──                  : Brief explanation for words-by-frequency dataset.
├── glove-stanford
│   ├── glove.twitter.27B.200d.txt : Pre-trained word vectors of twitter dataset by Stanford NLP group.
│   ├──                  : Brief explanation for the glove dataset file.
├── opinion-lexicon-english
│   ├── negative-words.txt         : Dataset of negative words in English.
│   ├── positive-words.txt         : Dataset of positive words in English.
│   ├──                  : Brief explanation of the opinion-lexicon datasets.
├── report                         : Directory containing our report file in LaTeX and pdf format.
├── results
│   ├── models                     : Directory containing pre-trained models from our training process, models are generated by
│   ├── submissions                : Directory containing submission files, submission files are generated by
├── scripts
│   ├──        : Script containing trick and magic to perform glove_embedding.
│   ├──                 : Script containing helpers method.
│   ├──          : Script containing our methods to preprocess tweets before performing the main training.
│   ├──                  : Brief explanation for glove_embeddings, helpers, and preprocessings scripts.
├── twitter-datasets
│   ├── test_data.txt              : Twitter test dataset, containing 10,000 unlabeled tweets.
│   ├── train_neg_full.txt         : Twitter training dataset, containing 1,250,000 negative tweets.
│   ├── train_pos_full.txt         : Twitter training dataset, containing 1,250,000 positive tweets.

More on Technical Overview

Data Preprocessing

  • Remove numbers
    Removing numbers as they are less useful for sentiment analysis.
  • Remove repeating characters
    Ensuring the basic form of each word for glove embedding.
  • Expand English contraction
    Splitting the contraction in indirect speech (e.g I'm).
  • Reduce English punctuation
    Reducing repetitive punctuations (e.g. !!).
  • Highlight sentiment words
    Highlighting the presence of sentiment words, either positive or negative ones.
  • Split hashtags into words
    Splitting unspaced sentence or phrase (hashtag #) and performing this right before procedding glove embedding, in order to maximize the number of words vector representations of each tweet.
  • Transform emojis into special words
    Changing emojis into words for glove embedding.

Glove Embedding

We use the GloVe embedding dataset for tweets from Stanford NLP group: glove.twitter.27B.200d.txt

Description of GloVe dataset:

This dataset provides the mapping between frequently used words in tweets and 200-dimension word vectors. The words inside the dataset are varies in terms of languages, e.g. English, Chinese, Japanese, etc.


Each tweet is represented with a matrix of size 40x200, and the row vectors of the matrix represent the words in tweet.

  • 10 epochs
  • RMSProp with learning rate = 5e-4, decay = 0.9 and no momentum
  • 1000 tweets in each step (2500 steps in each epoch) - LSTM Neural Networks

Our final and best models can be reproduced by executing script

We use Long Short Term Memory networks with 1024 units trained over 40 timesteps. The LSTM takes in a glove embedded word at each timestep and outputs a 1024 dimensional feature vector at t=40. We then pass this vector through 4 fully connected layers with [512,512,512,2] where the final layer with 2 units compute the sigmoid operation.

Note that it takes around 4 hours to train our model in a machine with 2 x Intel Xeon E5-2680 v3 (Haswell), 256GB Memory, and 2x Nvidia Titan X (ICC.T3 in epfl iccluster). - Creating Final Submission File

Our final result can be reproduced by executing script
In, we use our best pre-trained model to reproduce our final submission.

  • With GPU, takes roughly around ~8 minutes of execution time to produce the submission file.

  • Without GPU, needs to run for ~20 minutes to produce the submission file.

  • Public leaderboard

    • 88.040% of accuracy.
  • Private Leadeboard

    • 87.560% of accuracy.

How to use

  1. Ensure that you have python 3 in your machine.
  2. Ensure that you have pandas, numpy, pickle (come along within Anaconda packages).
  3. Ensure you have tensorflow (we use version 1.3.0).
  4. To run the script, simply execute:
$ python

How to use

  1. Ensure that you have python 3 in your machine.
  2. Ensure that you have pandas, numpy, pickle (come along within Anaconda packages).
  3. Ensure you have tensorflow (we use version 1.3.0).
  4. To run the script, simply execute:
$ python

Team - "Instant Noodles are the Best"

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