import numpy as np
from sympy import symbols, rem, expand #library
#K = 2
N = 16
q = 251
# reduction mod q
def modNQ(a):
return np.asarray([a[i]%q for i in range(N)])
# product mod X^N+1
def productModN(a, b):
tmp = np.zeros(N, int)
for i in range(N):
for j in range(i):
tmp[j] -= a[i] * b[N+j-i]
for j in range(i,N):
tmp[j] += a[i] * b[j-i];
return tmp
# the polynomials are entered by increasing power order
t1 = [9,145,210,114,215,36,243,174,134,22,205,240,177,107,188,109]
t2 = [235,240,154,224,34,247,155,30,124,96,224,217,184,120,159,198]
A1 = [180,198,3,194,39,34,122,189,209,91,209,5,88,25,229,195]
A2 = [229,246,105,8,222,24,73,11,212,71,138,77,30,58,83,187]
A3 = [234,73,111,41,243,53,177,232,246,63,155,43,177,224,95,84]
A4 = [64,170,216,188,196,78,33,181,222,247,116,177,51,143,85,3]
What follows is an example collision-based cryptanalysis code that retrieves
We are searching for two binary polynomials
This means the unique
def f(s):
return np.concatenate((modNQ(t1 - productModN(A1,s)), modNQ(t2 - productModN(A3,s))), axis=None)
def g(s):
return np.concatenate((modNQ(productModN(A2,s)), modNQ(productModN(A4,s))), axis=None)
# checks if two 16-dim vectors mod q differ by 1,0,-1
def check(u,v):
for i in range(2*N):
if abs((u[i]-v[i]+125)%q-125)>1:
return False
return True
We could enumerate the
It is more satisfactory to use a collision-search time/memory trade-off algorithm to obtain the solution within a few minutes only:
We enumerate the
# if u is a binary polynomial of degree N, change it to the next one in lexicographical order.
# this allows to iterate over the 2^16 binary polynomials.
def next_array(u):
for i in range(N):
if (u[i]==0):
return True
return False
# given 3 coordinates mod q, return the corresponding integer bucket index
# since it is easier to use integer indexes in dictionaries.
def keyof(u0,u1,u2):
return (u0%q) + q*(u1%q) + q*q*(u2%q)
# for all coordinates u,v,w mod q,
# pool[keyof(u,v,w)] contains all the tuples (f(s),s)
# where s is binary and f(s) start with u,v,w
for i in range(q*q*q):
# this is the loop to populate pool.
att_s1=np.zeros(N, int)
for i in range(65536):
v = f(att_s1)
pool[keyof(v[0],v[1],v[2])].append(np.concatenate((v, att_s1), axis=None))
Finally, we remark that for each
def recover_keys():
att_s2=np.zeros(N, int)
for i in range(65536):
v = g(att_s2)
for x0 in range(-1,2):
for x1 in range(-1,2):
for x2 in range(-1,2):
for w in pool[keyof(v[0]+x0,v[1]+x1,v[2]+x2)]:
if check(v,w):
return (w[2*N:],att_s2)
return None
(s1,s2) = recover_keys()
print('Found s2=%s' % s2)
print('Found s1=%s' % s1)
Found s2=[1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1]
Found s1=[1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1]
Now that we have recovered the private key, we can safely use it to decrypt the challenge!
# this is the encrypted session key
u1 = [49,227,248,198,5,218,34,86,30,121,37,124,19,243,118,49]
u2= [112,190,242,199,70,141,85,141,128,82,224,218,28,147,70,41]
v= [29,156,77,121,232,189,96,34,16,86,80,165,81,72,206,78]
# this is the phase just before rounding
predec = modNQ(v - productModN(u1,s1) - productModN(u2,s2))
print('Decrypt before rounding: %s' % predec)
Decrypt before rounding: [123 0 248 120 249 122 125 1 0 120 128 125 1 245 0 128]
# rounding function: anything closer to q/2 than to 0 mod q gets decoded as 1,
# the rest becomes is decoded as 0
def decode(x):
if ((x+(q//4))%q) > (q//2):
return 1
return 0
# decode and present the flag by decreasing powers.
decrypted = [str(decode(predec[N-1-i])) for i in range(N)]
print('Decrypted session key (by decreasing powers): flag=%s' % ''.join(decrypted))
Decrypted session key (by decreasing powers): flag=1000111001101001