👍🎉 First off, thanks for taking the time to contribute! 🎉👍
Since JsonMapper currently only is a small project (though it has great ambitions) we welcome any contribution that helps us move forward. The project could use help with any of the following subjects:
- Middleware: Any new ideas for middleware that would be helpful for the project users are welcomed.
- Performance: Mapping should be fast pointing out or resolving any bottlenecks in performace are very helpfull
- Documentation: The project should have an up to date version of documentation. Any help here is apriciated.
To avoid going back and forth the project composer.json
was setup in such a way that it allows you to run
the same checks we do. These checks are:
composer unit-tests # For running the unit tests
composer integration-tests # For running the integration tests
composer phpcbf # For applying the correct code style (PSR-12) to the sources
composer phpcs # For scanning the sources for the correct style (PSR-12) being used
composer phpstan # For analysing the sources for potentional bugs