In this assignment, you will implement some basic data structures and algorithms relating to stacks, queues, and searching.
A completed stack and queue implementation is available in the following files:
The stack and queue implementations are simply wrappers around the linked list implementation that you wrote in the previous section of this assignment. Reusing the doubly linked list class in this way allowed us to create a whole new set of data structures, simply by restricting certain access patterns on the doubly linked list. Read and understand the implementation. Then read and understand the unit tests that ensure the stack and queue work properly.
Dijkstra's two stack algorithm, as presented in class, is a simpler version of Dijkstra's real
algorithm. As presented, it has a serious limitation. It relies on the use of parenthesis to know
when to execute an operation and store a result on the stack. However, we cannot always rely on
input expressions to include parenthesis. For example, our algorithm should be able to compute the
expression 2 + 4 * 2 = 10
, knowing that the *
operator has higher precedence than the +
operator, without the requirement of parenthesis as a guide.
Below is a slightly more advanced version of the algorithm with order of operations support built in.
- Declare two stacks: values and operators
- Split input (by spaces) into tokens
- Process each token one by one
- If value, push onto value stack
- If operator
- If operator stack is empty, push input operator onto operator stack
- If input operator precedence is greater than precedence of top of operator stack, push input operator onto operator stack
- If input operator precedence is less than or equal to precedence of top of operator stack
- Repeat until operator stack is empty or token at top of operator stack has lower precedence
than input operator
- Pop two value tokens from value stack
- Pop operator token from operator stack
- Apply operator to value tokens
- Push result onto value stack
- Push input operator
- Repeat until operator stack is empty or token at top of operator stack has lower precedence
than input operator
- Upon reaching end of input, process operators remaining on operator stack until the operator stack is empty
- Result is single element remaining on top of value stack
- If there is more than one element in the value stack, there was a missing operator and your code
should throw a
- If there is more than one element in the value stack, there was a missing operator and your code
should throw a
Implement the above algorithm. Your implementation should support the following operations:
- Addition
- Subtraction
- Multiplication
- Division
- Exponents (
Some starter code is already available in order to make this task easier for you. The files you will need for this exercise are:
The above algorithm doesn't support parenthesis and therefore cannot support expressions where the
user intends to override the order of operations. For example, users cannot evaluate expressions
like (4 - 2) * 3
. Extend the above algorithm with the instructions below.
- If left parentheses token, push token onto operator stack
- If right parenthesis token
- Repeat until top of operator stack is left parenthesis
- Pop two value tokens from value stack
- Pop operator token from operator stack
- Apply operator to value tokens
- Push result onto value stack
- Pop left parenthesis token from top of operator stack
- If the top of the operator stack is not a left parenthesis, throw a
to indicate that parenthesis are imbalanced
- If the top of the operator stack is not a left parenthesis, throw a
- Discard right parenthesis token
- Repeat until top of operator stack is left parenthesis
The Shunting-Yard Algorithm is Dijkstra's full two stack algorithm. The arithmetic expression evaluation algorithm summaries presented in this assignment are only simplified versions of this algorithm. The full algorithm supports many more mathematical operations (e.g. unary operators, variables, composite functions, functions with multiple arguments, etc).
Parts of an array backed binary minimum heap have been implemented for you. Complete the implementation by implementing the following functions:
Note that this binary heap implementation uses a 1-based array indexing system similar to the type
presented in class. When implementing your binary heap, you can make use of the resize(...)
function to grow or shrink the array backing the binary heap to a given capacity. Remember that when
growing the array, we want to double in size. However, when shrinking the array, we only want to do
so when the array is 1/4 used, rather than 1/2 used. This avoids avoid a possible worst case of
repeatedly growing and shrinking as discussed in class.
The file(s) you will need for this exercise are:
Your company builds and operates the world's fastest supercomputer and sells access to top research firms and universities for them to conduct various experiments (jobs). The company charges a flat rate per job run. In exchange, the research firms demand full, dedicated access to the entire supercomputer's resources during the time in which they run their jobs. Although each experiment takes a different amount of time to complete, it is known roughly how long a job will take to complete before launching it.
To better understand the problem, we assign some vocabulary to some concepts:
- Job processing time: the time it will take a given job to complete when run on the supercomputer
- Job waiting time: the time a job waits for other jobs to complete before it can run
- Job turnaround time: job processing time + job waiting time
- Total turnaround time: the sum of the turnaround time of all jobs
Regardless of what order the jobs run in, the sum of their processing time will be the same. There isn't much we can do about that. However, your company can provide a better experience by reducing a job's waiting time as much as possible, thereby reducing its total turnaround time and getting results back to the client as fast as possible. The company tasks you with finding the best ordering of jobs such that job waiting time, and thereby total turnaround time, is kept as small as possible. You decide to experiment with the following scheduling algorithms to find the best one.
For this task, we can assume that research firms only care that they get their results back at some point in the future and have no hard deadlines of when their jobs must be completed by. Furthermore, we can assume that no job depends on another job to be run before it in order to run successfully.
Jobs are processed in the arriving order. The job at the front of the queue is served until it has completed. That job is then removed from the queue. The next job at the front of the queue is served until it has completed and then it is removed from the queue. This process is continued until the queue is empty.
The job with the shortest processing time is processed first until it has completed. That job is then removed from the queue. The next job with the smallest processing time is then served until it has completed and then it is removed from the queue. This process is continued until the queue is empty.
Jobs are processed using a fixed time slice. The jobs are initially kept in a queue based on the order of arrival. The job at the front of the queue is removed and served similar to the FIFO algorithm. However, unlike the FIFO algorithm, each job is served up to the predefined slice of time. If the job can be completed within the allotted time, it is fully served and removed from the queue. If the job cannot be completed in the allotted time, it is served for the allotted time and then added to the end of the queue to be served later for the remaining time. This process is continued until the queue is empty.
The total turnaround time is the total time a job spends in the system: processing time + waiting time (time spent in the queue). For example, if the workload is 15 units of time, but the job spends 50 units of time in queue, waiting to be processed, then the total turnaround time is equal to 65 units.
Implement each scheduling algorithm in its respective file. The first in first out scheduler can be implemented with a linked list or a queue. The shortest job first scheduler should be implemented with a priority queue, and the round robin scheduler should be implemented with a queue. Some of this data structure selection has been done for you already. The directory you will be working in for this exercise is:
Tests have already been written to help you ensure that your code works. The following commands will be used to test and grade your code:
$ bazel test java:program2