Change to certifying LP solvers!
- A review of computation of mathematically rigorous bounds on optima of linear programs
- Certifying feasibility and objective value of linear programs
- Karmarkar algorithm
- Exact for rational inputs (approximate for real data)
- First efficient polynomial time algorithm for LP
- Interior point method
/// [Strategic] or [Normal] form games
/// [Strategic]:
/// [Normal]:
trait Strategic<Utility: Num> // We want to allow different implementation for different numerical types.
// Would one need to annotate which utility type is using if there were many implamantations??
const N: usize; // num_players
type Action = usize;
type ActionSet = Vec<Action>;
// Another option is to simply ask for the payoff matrix!
fn payoff_matrix(&self) -> ArrayBase<[Utility; N]>;
fn strategies(&self) -> [ActionSet; N];
fn payoffs(&self, strategy_profile: [Action; N]) -> Utility;
fn action_set(&self, player: usize) -> ActionSet {
fn num_players(&self) -> usize {
fn min_social_payoff(&self) -> Utility {
fn player_payoffs(&self) -> Iterator<Item = Utility> {
fn social_payoffs(&self) -> Iterator<Item = Utility> {
trait StrategicMut<Utility>: Strategic<Utility>
fn remove_action(&mut self, player: usize, action: usize) -> Self;
Should there be a representation of a Strategic game from a Array<[Utility; N]>
A number of desirable methods is given in [GZ89], including
- max_payoff
- uniqueness
- is_subset_of
- contains_the_subset
- support_at_least
- support_at_most
- is_pure
- is_mixed
- sample
- support
It should create a yew app to play the game :)
trait Nash<Utility>
const N: usize; // num_players
type Action;
type Solution = ([Action; N], [Utility; N]);
fn all_solutions(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item=Solution>;
fn is_equilibrium(&self, strategy_profile: [Action; N]) -> bool;
fn one_solution(&self) -> Option<Solution> {
fn one_solution_for_player(&self, player: usize) -> Option<(Action, Utility)> {
self.one_solution().map(|(strategy_profile, utilities)| (strategy_profile[player], utilities[player]))
fn has_equilibrium(&self) -> maybe_bool {
[Chapter 14, Section 7, Handbook of Game Theory, Vol. 4 (2015)]
- Homotopy methods to compute equilibria in game theory
- Lemke-Howson algorithm
- Solving systems of polynomial equations (See Chapter 6)
- Implement
- one_solution()
- Lemke-Howson?
- one_solution()
See Algorithmic Game Theory, chapter 7, pages 159–18.
struct StochasticGame {
states: [Game; N],
transition: Fn: (game, action_profile) -> [Probability; N],
current: usize,
Approachable and excludable sets computation?
- An analog of the minimax theorem for vector payoffs. Blackwell (1956) Presentation of matrix games with vector payoffs.
- Approachable sets of vector payoffs in stochastic games. Milman (2006) Online learning and Blackwell approachability in quitting games. Flesch et al. (2016) Partial results.
- PolyMatrixGame
- is_value_positive
- is_uniform_value_positive
- Documentation
- Check out is_value_positive and treat each case
- functional_form
The kernel is still missing, see MatrixGame
- value
- strategy
- Documentation
- MatrixGame methods
- is_completely_mixed
- Can you certify it?
- kernel_completely_mixed
- Does it give a correct kernel? Test it!
- solve
- Improve documentation
- from (certified) value?
- solve_row
- solve_column?
- value
- value_uncertified?
- is_completely_mixed
- Reduction to PolyMatrixGame
- is_weakly_robust
- is_strongly_robust
- functional_form
- functional_form_value() -> Ratio<Polynomial>
- functional_form_strategy_row() -> Vec<Ratio<Polynomial>>
- Given the kernel, use the formula for completely mixed games
- functional_form() -> (Ratio<Polynomial>, Ratio<Polynomial>)
Need a Kernel that maintain optimal strategies!!
- Kaplansky 1945 (doi: 10.2307/1969164) gives only the value
- is_uniform_value_positive
- Add a preliminary test (some “interesting” sufficient conditions)
- Implement from the basics
- play()
We assume we have access to all costs of the possible actions (not only the one taken)
Exponential weights for one player
struct ExponentialWeights { counter: usize, weights: [f64; N], dist: rand_distr::WeightedIndex, rng: R, } impl ExponentialWeightsTrait { fn losts(&self, time: usize) -> [f64; N] { assert!(0 <= losts <= 1); } } impl Iterator for ExponentialWeights { type Item = Action fn next(&mut self) -> Option { let next_action = self.dist.sample(&mut self.rng); self.counter += 1; let losts = self.losts(self.counter); for i in 0..N { self.weights[i] *= (1. - self.eps).powf(losts[i]); } let update_weights = (0..N).filter(|i| costs[i]).map(|i| (i, self.weights[i])).collect(); self.dist.update_weights(update_weights) .expect("There was a problem when updating weights!"); Some(new_action) } }
- Binary costs?
- define $\varepsilon \in (0, 1)$ as input?
- Weights to update and sample **once**
- [rand_distr]([WeightedIndex](
- `update_weights`
- action -> mut weight
#### Cost for action taken
We assume we have access only to the cost of the action taken
- Bandits