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NOTE: This is a work in progress.

A3S (stands for Auth As A Service) is an authentication and ABAC authorization server.

It allows to normalize various sources of authentication like OIDC, AWS/Azure/GCP tokens, LDAP and more into a generic identity token that contains identity claims (rather than scopes). These claims can be used by some authorization policies to give a particular subset of bearers various permissions.

These authorization policies match a set of bearers based on a logical claims expression (like group=red and color=blue or group=admin) and they apply to a namespace.

A namespace is a node that is part of hierarchical tree that represents an abstract organizational unit. The root namespace is named /.

Basically, an authorization policy allows a subset of bearers, defined by claims retrieved from an authentication source, to perform actions in a particular namespace and all of its children.

Apps can receive a request alongside a delivered identity token then check with A3S if the current bearer is allowed to perform a particular action in a particular namespace.


Table of contents

Quick start

The easiest way to get started is to use the docker-compose.yaml in the dev folder.

First, install the tools needed:

go install
go install
go install
go install

Then generate the needed certificates:


This creates the certificates in dev/.data/certificates that the A3S container will mount (the same certificates will be used by the dev environment, described later).

Then build the docker container:

make docker

And finally start the docker-compose file:

cd ./dev
docker compose up

Using the system

You can start to interact with the system by using the raw API with curl or using the provided cli named a3sctl. The later provide a streamlined interface that makes it more pleasant to use than the raw API.

Install a3sctl

To install the cli, run:

make cli

This will install a3sctl into you$GOBIN folder. You should have this folder in your $PATH if you want to use the cli without needing to enter its full path.

Obtain a root token

In order to configure the system and create additional namespaces, authorizations, etc., you need to obtain a root token to start interacting with the server:

a3sctl auth mtls \
  --api \
  --api-skip-verify \
  --cert dev/.data/certificates/user-cert.pem \
  --key dev/.data/certificates/user-key.pem \
  --source-name root

NOTE: In production environment, never use --api-skip-verify. You should instead trust the CA used to issue A3S TLS certificate.

This will print a token that you can use for subsequent calls. You can set the $A3SCTL_TOKEN environment variable to use it automatically.

NOTE: There are easier ways to deal with retrieving a token when using a3sctl as it will be explained later.

If you want to check the content of a token, you can use:

$ a3sctl auth check --token <token>
alg: ES256
kid: 1DAA6949AACB82DBEF1CFE7D93586DD0BF1F090A

  "exp": 1636830341,
  "iat": 1636743941,
  "identity": [
  "iss": "",
  "jti": "b2b441a0-5283-4586-baa7-4a45147aaf46"

You can omit --token if you have set $A3SCTL_TOKEN. If you need to print the raw token, you can use the --print flag.

Test with the sample app

There is a very small python Flask server located in /example/python/testapp. It comes with a script that creates a namespace, an MTLS source and two authorizations that will be used to demo a basic use of A3S.

You can take a look at the README in that folder to get started.

Obtaining identity tokens

This section describes how to create the various sources of authentication, how to retrieve a token from them, apply restrictions or apply cloaking.

All the following examples will assume to work in the namespace /tutorial. To create it, you can run:

export A3SCTL_API=""
export A3SCTL_API_SKIP_VERIFY="true"
export A3SCTL_NAMESPACE=/tutorial

a3sctl api create namespace tutorial --namespace /

NOTE: The env variable will tell a3sctl which namespace to target without having to pass the --namespace flag every time.

NOTE: Some auth commands will require to pass the namespace of the auth source. You can either set --source-namespace or leave it empty to fallback on the value set by --namespace.

NOTE: You can also get more info about a resource by using the -h flag. This will list all the possible properties the API supports.


Whichever authentication source you are using, you can always ask for a restricted token. A restricted token contains additional user requested restrictions preventing actions that would normally be possible to do based on the authorizations stored in the server, matching the bearer claims.

  • --restrict-namespace: a namespace restricted token will only be valid if used on the restricted namespace or one of its children.
  • --restrict-network: a network restricted token can only be used if the source network from which it is used is contained in one of the restricted networks.
  • --restrict-permissions: limits what permissions the token will have. For instance if your authorization set grants dog:eat,sleep, you may ask for a token that will only work for dog:eat.


It is possible to limit the amount of identity claims that will be embedded into the identity token by using the --cloak flag. This can be useful for privacy reasons. For instance, if a party requests you to have color=blue and this is the only claim that matters, you can hide the rest of your claims by passing

--cloak color=blue

Cloaking uses prefix matching. So you can decide to only embed the color and size claims (if you have multiple of them) by doing:

--cloak color= --cloak size=

Identity modifiers

Certain authentication sources allow to set an additional identity modifier. This is an URL to an HTTPS server running on your own premises, that will be be called by A3S when it is about to deliver a token from the source.

One reason one may want to do so is to enhance claims based on an external system. We can imagine an A3S server run by a health care provider, that may trust a more global A3S instance. This instance could return a claim based the bearer's SSN and the health care provider may want to deliver a token that would contain additional information, like a blood type for instance. The identity modifier would then query an external database to match the blood type on record with the bearer SSN.

The server will receive the claims that are about to be delivered, and will have a chance to modify the list. The server must implement MTLS authentication and must accept the certificates set in the source modifier.

The server must return 200 if it did modify the claims or 204 if it did not. Any other code will be treated as an error.

The source modifier allows to set the HTTP method to use when calling the remote server. If it is POST, PUT or PATCH, A3S will send the claims as a JSON array encoded in the body. For GET, the server will set the claims in the query parameter claim.

In any case, the server will receive the following headers, describing the source that was used to derive the identity claims:

  • x-a3s-source-type
  • x-a3s-source-namespace
  • x-a3s-source-name

The server must return the list of modified claims as a JSON-encoded array in the body of the response.

A server must not insert any identity claims starting with the symbol @ or A3S will refuse to deliver the token.

NOTE: You can find a naive implementation of a claim modifier in examples/python/claimmod. You can take a look at the README in that folder.

Authentication sources

While A3S allows to verify the identity of a token bearer, it does not provide any way to store information about the user. In order to derive identity claims, A3S relies on third-party authentication sources, who hold the actual data about a bearer.


The MTLS source uses mutual TLS to authenticate a client. The client must present a client certificate (usage set to auth client) that is signed by the CA provided in the designed MTLS auth source.

NOTE: This authentication source supports identity modifiers.

Create an MTLS source

You first need to have a CA that can issue certificates for your users. In this example, we use tg, but you can use any PKI tool you like.

tg cert --name myca --is-ca
tg cert --name user1 \
  --signing-cert myca-cert.pem \
  --signing-cert-key myca-key.pem

NOTE: tg can be installed by running go install

NOTE: Not protecting a private key with a passphrase is bad. Don't do this in production.

Then we need to create the MTLS auth source:

a3sctl api create mtlssource \ my-mtls-source \ "$(cat myca-cert.pem)"
Obtain a token from MTLS source

To obtain a token from the newly created source:

a3sctl auth mtls \
  --source-name my-mtls-source \
  --source-namespace /tutorial \
  --cert user1-cert.pem \
  --key user1-key.pem

If the private key is encrypted, you need to set the flag --pass <passphrase>.

NOTE: You can set - for --pass. In that case, a3sctl will ask for user input from stdin.


A3S supports using a remote LDAP as authentication source. The LDAP server must be accessible from A3S. A3S will refuse to connect to an LDAP with no form of encryption (TLS or STARTTLS).

NOTE: This authentication source supports identity modifiers.

Create an LDAP source

To create an LDAP source, run:

a3sctl api create ldapsource \ my-ldap-source \
  --with.address \
  --with.certificate-authority "$(cat ldap-ce-cert.pem)" \
  --with.base-dn dc=universe,dc=io \
  --with.bind-dn cn=readonly,dc=universe,dc=io \
  --with.bind-password password
  • The base-dn is the DN to use to search for users.
  • Yhe bind-dn is the account A3S will use to connect to the ldap. It should be a readonly account.
  • The bind-password is the password associated to the bind-dn.

You can also use --certificate-auhority to pass a custom CA if the certificates used by the server are not trusted by the host running A3S.

You can decide to ignore certain attribute by using the flag --ignore-keys. The opposite way is also posible by using --include-keys to only include the desised attributes. If the same attribute is set in both flag, it will end up being ignored.

Obtain a token from LDAP source

To obtain a token from the newly created source:

a3sctl auth ldap \
  --source-name my-ldap-source \
  --namespace /tutorial \
  --user bob \
  --pass s3cr3t

NOTE: You can set - for --user and/or --pass. In that case, a3sctl will ask for user input from stdin.


A3S supports using a remote HTTP server as authentication source. The HTTP server must be accessible from A3S. A3S will refuse to connect if the server does not support MTLS. This can be used to link to your own internal account system.

When an HTTP source is used, A3S will send a POST request to the corresponding server containing a JSON-encoded map with the following items:

  • username: the user provided user name.
  • password: the user provided password.
  • TOTP: optional one-time password for 2FA.

The server must respond 200 with a body containing the claims to insert in the token as JSON-encoded array (for instance: ["username=bob", "bu=eng"]). Any other status code will be returned as an 401 error to the user.

NOTE: This authentication source supports identity modifiers.

Create an HTTP source

To create an HTTP source, run:

a3sctl api create httpsource \ my-http-source \
  --with.url \
  --with.certificate-authority "$(cat ca-cert.pem)" \
  --with.certificate "$(cat client-cert.pem)" \
  --with.key "$(cat client-key.pem)"
Obtain a token from HTTP source

To obtain a token from the newly created source:

a3sctl auth http \
  --source-name my-http-source \
  --namespace /tutorial \
  --user bob \
  --pass s3cr3t \
  --totp 1234

NOTE: You can set - for --user and/or --pass. In that case, a3sctl will ask for user input from stdin.


A3S can retrieve an identity token from an existing OIDC provider in order to deliver normalized identiy tokens.

NOTE: This authentication source supports identity modifiers.

Create an OIDC source

Configuring a valid OIDC provider is beyond the scope of this document. However, they will all work the same and will provide you with a client ID, a client secret and an endpoint.

It is however important to allow http://localhost:65333 as a redirect URL from your provider confguration if you plan to use a3sctl to authenticate.

Once the provider is configuired, create an OIDC source:

a3sctl api create oidcsource \ my-oidc-source \
  --with.client-id <client id> \
  --with.client-secret <client secret> \
  --with.endpoint \
  --with.scopes '["email", "given_name"]'

The scopes indicate the OIDC provider which claims to return. They will vary depending on your provider.

You can also use --certificate-auhority to pass a custom CA if the certificates used by the OIDC providers are not trusted by the host running A3S.

Obtain a token from OIDC source

While all the other sources can be used easily with curl for instance, the OIDC source needs to run an HTTP server and needs to perform a dance that is quite painful to do manually. a3sctl will do all of this transparently.

To obtain a token from the newly created source:

a3sctl auth oidc \
  --source-name my-oidc-source \
  --source-namespace /tutorial

This will print a URL to open in your browser to authenticate against the OIDC provider. Once completed, the provider will reply and the token will be displayed.

A3S remote identity token

This authentication source allows to issue a token from another one issued by another A3S server. It allows to trust other A3S instances and issue local tokens from trusted ones, while potentially augmenting the identity claims.

NOTE: This authentication source supports identity modifiers.

Create an A3S source

You need to create an A3S source in order to validate the remote tokens. The source requires to pass the raw address of the remote A3S server, as it will use the well-known JWKS URL to retrieve the keys and verify the token signature.

To create an A3S source:

a3sctl api create a3ssource \ my-remote-a3s-source \

You can also use --certificate-auhority to pass a custom CA if the certificates used by the server are not trusted by the host running A3S.

If the issuer is not identical to the root URL of the remote A3S server, you can use the --with.endpoint flag to pass the actual URL.

Obtain a token from A3S source

To obtain a token from the newly created source:

a3sctl auth remote-a3s \
  --source-name my-remote-a3s-source \
  --source-namespace /tutorial \
  --input-token <token>

Amazon STS

This authentication source does not need custom source creation as it uses AWS broadly. How to retrieve a token from AWS is beyond the scope of this document. However, if you run a3sctl from an EC2 instance that has an IAM role assigned, it will retrieve one for you, if you don't pass any additional information.

If you are not running the command on AWS:

a3sctl auth aws \
  --access-key-id <kid> \
  --access-key-secret <secret> \
  --access-token <token>

If you are running it from an AWS EC2 instance, you just need to run:

a3sctl auth aws

Google Cloud Platform token

This authentication source does not need custom source creation as it uses GCP broadly. How to retrieve a token from GCP is beyond the scope of this document. However, if you run a3sctl from a GCP instance, it will retrieve one for you, if you don't pass any additional information

If you are not running the command on GCP:

a3sctl auth gcp --access-token <token>

If you are running it from an GCP instance, you just need to run:

a3sctl auth gcp

Azure token

This authentication source does not need custom source creation as it uses Azure broadly. How to retrieve a token from Azure is beyond the scope of this document. However, if you run a3sctl from an Azure instance, it will retrieve one for you, if you don't pass any additional information

If you are not running the command on Azure:

a3sctl auth azure --access-token <token>

If you are running it from an Azure instance, you just need to run:

a3sctl auth azure

A3S local identity token

You can use an existing A3S identity token to ask for another one. Note that is not a renew mechanism. The requested token cannot expire later than the original one. The goal of this authentication source is to ask for a more restricted and/or cloaked version of the original.

This authentication source does not need custom source creation.

To get obtain a token:

a3sctl auth a3s --token <token> \
  --restrict-namespace /a/child/ns \
  --restrict-network \
  --restrict-permissions "dog:eat,sleep"

Writing authorizations

The Authorizations allows to match a set of users (subjects) based on a claim expression and assign them permissions. Authorizations work on a whitelist model. Everything that is not explicitely allowed is forbidden.


A matching expression can be described as a basic boolean sequence like (org=acme && group=finance) || group=admin. They are represented by a two-dimensional array. As such, the expression above is written:

  [ "org=admin", "group=finance" ],
  [ "group=admin" ]

The first dimension represents or clauses and the second represents and clauses.

As there are many sources of authorization and delivered claims can overlap, potentially given way broader permissions than expected, the identity token always contains additional claims allowing to discriminate bearers based on the authentication source they used.

  • @source:type: The type of source that was used to deliver the token.
  • @source:namespace: The namespace of the source that was used.
  • @source:name: The name of the source.

NOTE: Claims starting with the symbol @ are reserved. If an authentication source tries to insert such claims, all prefixing @ will be removed.

This way, you can differentiate name=bob based on which Bob we are aiming. A safe subject to use in that case:

  ["@source:type=ldap", "@source:namespace=/my/ns", "name=bob"]

The authorization will only match Bob who got a token from any LDAP authentication source that has been declared in /my/ns. Another Bob from another namespace or coming from an OIDC source will not match.


Authorizations also contain a set of permissions that describes what the matching bearers can do. They are generic (ie they don't make assumptions about the underlying protocol you are using) and are represented by a string of the form:


For instance, the following allows the bearer to walk and pet the dogs:


The following allows the bearer to GET /admin:


The following allows to GET and PUT authorizations with ID 1 or 2:


Permissions can use the * as resource or actions to match any. As such, the following permission gives the bearer admin access:


An authorization contains an array of permissions, granting the bearer the union of them. If multiple authorizations match the bearer identity token, then the union of all their permissions will be granted.

Target namespaces

An authorization lives in a nanmespace and can target the current namespace of some of their children. Authorizations propagate down the namespace hierarchy starting from where it applied. It can not affect parents or sibling namespaces.


We can create the authorization described above with the following command:

a3sctl api create authorization
  --namespace /my/namespace \ my-auth \ '["/my/namespace/app1"]' \
  --with.subject '[
  ]' \
  --with.permissions '["dogs:pet,walk"]'

NOTE: If you omit --target-namespace, then the authorization applies to its own namespace and children.

Check for permissions from your app

A3S provides an API to verify if a token bearer is allowed to performed some actions. The easiest way to implement this is to add an authentication middleware in whatever HTTP framework you are using to call A3S to verify a token and its permissions. This middleware can call the all-in-one check endpoint /authz. The following example uses curl, but you should use the HTTP communication layer currently used in your application.

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
    "token": <token>,
    "resource": "/dogs"
    "action": "walk",
    "namespace: /application/namespace",
    "audience": "my-app",
  }' \

This would return 204 if the bearer is allowed to walk the dogs in /application/namespace, or 403 if either the token is invalid or the bearer is not allowed to perform such action.

This method is the simplest but has a few drawbacks. For instance, you will make A3S validate the token everytime, you need to make a call everytime, and you need to transmit the bearer token at every call.

A more optimized method will be described here soon, that allows to:

  • Validate token signature yourself locally
  • Retrieve the entire permissions set for a given token for caching
  • Validate the permissions locally
  • Be notified when cached permissions needs to be invalidated.

NOTE: This method requires the third-party application to be able to connect to the push channel, and hence will require to be authenticated.

Using a3sctl

a3sctl is the command line that allows to use A3S APIs in a user-friendly manner. It abstracts the ReST APIs and is self-documenting. You can always get additional help by passing the flags --help (or -h) in any command or subcommand.


a3sctl supports auto-completion:


. <(a3sctl completion bash)


compdef _a3sctl a3sctl
. <(a3sctl completion zsh)


. <(a3sctl completion fish)

Configuration file

a3sctl can read the values of its flags from various places, in the following order:

  • A flag directly provided, or
  • Env variable (ie $A3SCTL_SOURCE_NAME for --source-name), or
  • The config file (default: ~/.config/a3sctl/default.yaml)

You can choose the config file to use by setting the full path of the file using the flag --config (or $A3SCTL_CONFIG).

You can also pass the name of the config, without its folder or its extension through the flag --config-name (or $A3SCTL_CONFIG_NAME). a3sctl will scan the following folders, in the below order, to find a configuration file matching the name:

  • ~/.config/a3sctl/, or
  • /usr/local/etc/a3sctl/, or
  • /etc/a3sctl/


In addition to one-to-one mapping of a3sctl flags in the config file, you can also add the key autoauth to automatically retrieve, cache, reuse and renew a token using a particular authentication source. This method works for MTLS and LDAP.

For instance, in ~/.config/a3sctl/default.yaml:

namespace: /

    enable: mtls
        user: okenobi
        pass: '-'
            name: root
            namespace: /
        cert: /path/to/user-cert.pem
        key: /path/to/user-key.pem
        pass: '-'
            name: root
            namespace: /

You can decide which source to use for auto-authentication by setting the enable key. Leave it empty to disable auto-authentication.

The token is cached in $XDG_HOME_CACHE/a3sctl/token-<src>-<api-hash> and will automatically renew if it's past its half-life.

NOTE: Using - for secrets will automatically prompt the user for input during retrieval or renewal of the token.


A3S allows to manage the content of a namespace through declarative import. At its core, importing is done using the /import API.

The following resources can be imported:

  • All kind of sources (oidcsources, mtlssources, etc...)
  • authorizations

An import must provide a label in order to recognize all the resources imported. This will help the system to realign any changes between the import declarartion and the current state of the system. You must ensure the provided label is unique to an import in a namespace, or you may face unintended side effects. The label will be stored into the importLabel property of the resources.

Imported resources use a hash (stored in importHash) to determine if the data provided in the import request has changed or not. If the data is unmodified, the import will leave the object in place. If it has been modified, the import system will delete, then recreate a new version of the object (that means its ID will change).

Simple import files with a3sctl

a3sctl provides an easy way to deal with import declarations stored in a YAML file.

For instance:

label: my-import-label
  - name: authorization-a
  - - "@source:type=mtls"
    - "@source:name=default"
    - "@source:namespace=/ns"
    - "commonname=john"
  - /resource-a:GET
  - name: top-secret-access
  - - "@source:type=mtls"
    - "@source:name=default"
    - "@source:namespace=/ns"
    - "commonname=michael"
  - /resource-b:GET
  - /resource-c:GET

This file declares two authorizations, under the label my-import-label.

To import this file, run:

a3sctl import path/to/file.yaml

a3sctl also allows to point to a URL.

For instance:

apoctl import

Templating with a3sctl

Import files support go templating with sprig functions, as well as helm style values management.

NOTE: You can check the rendering of the template by passing --render

For instance, consider the following file:

label: my-templated-import:
- name: {{ }}
  description: {{ .Values.desc }}
  CA: |-
  {{ readFile "path/to/ca.pem" | indent 4 }}

This file can be imported using the following command:

a3sctl import mytemplate.gotmpl \
  --set name=hello \
  --set "desc=the description"

This will replace {{ }} and {{ .Values.desc }} by hello and the description respectively. You can also notice the call to readFile that will be replaced by the content of the file given as parameter.

In addition to the .Values dictionary, there are the following additional values that can be accessed:

  • {{ .Common.API }}: the value of the --api flag
  • {{ .Common.Namespace }}: The value of --namespace flag

Finally, you can store the values in their own files, and use them to populate a template. For instance:

name: hello world
description: the description

You can use the values in that file by doing:

a3sctl import mytemplate.gotmpl --values myvalues.yaml

Development environment


First, clone this repository and make sure you have the following installed:

  • go
  • mongodb
  • nats-server
  • tmux & tmuxinator

Initialize the environment

If this is the first time you start the environment, you need to initialize various things.

First, initialize the needed certificates:


Then initialize the database:


All the development data stored stored in dev/.data. If you delete this folder, you can reinitialize the environment.

All of A3S configuration is defined as env variables from dev/env

Finally, you must initialize the root permissions. A3S makes no exceptions nor has any hardcoded or weak credentials, so you must add an authentication source and an authorization.

To do so, run:

dev/a3s-run --init --init-root-ca dev/.data/certificates/ca-acme-cert.pem

NOTE: Even if you are in the dev folder the root CA must be passed relative to the root of the repository.

Start everything

Once initialized, start the tmux session by running:


This will launch a tmux session starting everything and giving you a working terminal. To exit:



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