diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index ec6c9ed6..f5f84eb4 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -8,9 +8,12 @@ automatically navigate the app and reach your desired outcome.
**Boost your mobile app testing efficiency with ScriptIQ:**
-- **Intuitive Testing:** Describe your test goals in plain English, making mobile app testing accessible to everyone.
-- **AI-powered Automation:** ScriptIQ leverages AI to intelligently interact with your mobile app, mimicking real user behavior.
-- **Real Device Testing:** Validate your app's functionality directly on real mobile devices, ensuring a true-to-life testing experience.
+- **Intuitive Testing:** Describe your test goals in plain English, making
+ mobile app testing accessible to everyone.
+- **AI-powered Automation:** ScriptIQ leverages AI to intelligently interact
+ with your mobile app, mimicking real user behavior.
+- **Real Device Testing:** Validate your app's functionality directly on real
+ mobile devices, ensuring a true-to-life testing experience.
**Who is ScriptIQ for?**
@@ -22,18 +25,92 @@ automatically navigate the app and reach your desired outcome.
🚦 ScriptIQ is currently in closed beta!
-1. Download and install the ScriptIQ extension (`.vsix`) from [the release page](https://github.com/saucelabs/vscode-scriptiq/releases).
+1. Download and install the ScriptIQ extension (`.vsix`) from
+ [the release page](https://github.com/saucelabs/vscode-scriptiq/releases).
2. From VSCode's main menu, select "Extensions".
-3. Click the `...` (View and More Actions) button at the top of the middle panel.
+3. Click the `...` (View and More Actions) button at the top of the middle
+ panel.
4. Select "Install from VSIX..." and follow the prompts.

-5. Upload your mobile app file via [Sauce Labs App Management](https://app.saucelabs.com/app-management).
-6. Describe your test goal in plain English.
-7. Click "Generate Test" to let ScriptIQ navigate your app on a Sauce Labs real device.
-8. Review the test results and iterate on your test goals as needed.
+5. Upload your mobile app file via
+ [Sauce Labs App Management](https://app.saucelabs.com/app-management).
+6. Click ScriptIQ icon in Activity bar.
-For more installation details, please check [here](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/extension-marketplace#_install-from-a-vsix).
-ScriptIQ brings the power of AI to mobile app testing, making it easier, and more accessible than ever.
+7. Input and save credentials (do this once, unless new credentials are
+ necessary).
+8. Describe your test goal in plain English.
+9. Click "Generate Test" to let ScriptIQ navigate your app on a Sauce Labs real
+ device.
+10. Review the test results and iterate on your test goals as needed.
-For more information and documentation, please visit the ScriptIQ documentation (coming soon).
+For more installation details, please check
+ScriptIQ brings the power of AI to mobile app testing, making it easier, and
+more accessible than ever.
+For more information and documentation, please visit the ScriptIQ documentation
+(coming soon).
+## Prompt Generation Hints
+ScriptIQ is powered by Large Language Models (LLMs). LLMs are very powerful,
+but sometimes it takes a couple of tries to create a prompt that the model can
+understand and interpret correctly. Therefore it might take multiple attempts
+to write a goal which generates the expected test. If your first attempt does
+not result in the desired outcome, and you are unsure why this is, you can refer
+to these potential issues with your prompt:
+- **Unclear word choice**: Consider whether the goal you created could be
+ interpreted in multiple ways. If so, consider rewriting or adding clarifying
+ statements.
+- **Incorrect path taken**: ScriptIQ uses common sense reasoning to generate the
+ test using the intent of your goal. But sometimes ScriptIQ takes the wrong path,
+ making an assumption about the best way to accomplish your goal which is
+ incorrect. When an incorrect step is taken, consider defining the correct action
+ explicitly in your goal. For example, if ScriptIQ attempts to login when you do
+ not require it to login, you can add "do not login" to your goal.
+- **Context provided in assertions**: The assertion statements do not guide
+ ScriptIQ towards accomplishing the goal, they only check whether the
+ descriptions provided in the assertion match seen screens. If you've only
+ included necessary context in the assertion fields you'll need to add it to the
+ goal.
+- **Non-journey based goal**: ScriptIQ is based on GUI interactions, it cannot
+ reference the source code, so goals which refer to the source code might not be
+ understood.
+Here is an example of updating your goal:
+1. Create your first, general goal:
+2. You can see that it did not accomplish the goal of logging in because it
+ scrolled down when the option to login is brought up when you click "More".
+3. Update the goal with this additional context and run again:
+4. The updated goal is now accurately finding the login button and clicking it.
+Those are just some examples of why a goal might not work and how to fix it.
+Feel free to be creative!
+## How Do Assertions work?
+Once you've started generating tests, you might want to more quickly determine
+if your test succeeded or failed, this is where the _Assert Inputs_ fields come
+in. Assert Inputs are descriptions of screens which are used to evaluate the
+test generated. When assertions are provided, the LLM will determine if the
+assertion matches what is on the screen for each assertion provided against
+every screen visited. These assertions can describe the entire screen (e.g.
+login screen) or describe an element on the screen (e.g. page with checkout
+button). These assertions are _not_ used to generate test steps, any intent
+needed to drive the test generation must be included in the _Test Goal_ field.
+Below you can see examples of assertions and an example output.
+Example of Assertion Inputs:
+Example of Assertion Results:
diff --git a/activity-bar-icon.png b/activity-bar-icon.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a50c6014
Binary files /dev/null and b/activity-bar-icon.png differ
diff --git a/media/imgs/assertion_input.png b/media/imgs/assertion_input.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d74ff44d
Binary files /dev/null and b/media/imgs/assertion_input.png differ
diff --git a/media/imgs/assertion_output.png b/media/imgs/assertion_output.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b9feab92
Binary files /dev/null and b/media/imgs/assertion_output.png differ
diff --git a/media/imgs/example_scriptiq_correct.png b/media/imgs/example_scriptiq_correct.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..58de8042
Binary files /dev/null and b/media/imgs/example_scriptiq_correct.png differ
diff --git a/media/imgs/example_scriptiq_incorrect.png b/media/imgs/example_scriptiq_incorrect.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..38545528
Binary files /dev/null and b/media/imgs/example_scriptiq_incorrect.png differ