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scale-tone edited this page Apr 16, 2017 · 5 revisions

The first thing you need to do is to define an entity, that will be stored in a DynamoDb table.

Now, to access and modify the entities in DynamoDB you need to create an instance of DataContext.

By now you can already make queries and modifications.

But the more common way to use DataContext is to derive your own child class from it.

Till now all your queries and updates are made directly against tables in DynamoDb. But the most exciting feature of LINQ2DynamoDB is in-memory caching, and here is how to use it.

To simplify the deployment process, you may also use DataContext's table creation methods.

Here you'll find a short walkthrough, that demonstrates how to move the well-known ASP.Net MVC MvcMovie sample to LINQ2DynamoDB.DataContext.

You can also easily expose your LINQ2DynamoDB.DataContext as an OData-endpoint.