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Deploying a Minimal Diego to AWS


These instructions will allow you to deploy a minimal Diego that works with the minimal CF installation instructions. The rest of these instructions will assume that you have followed the instructions from cf-release to set up a minimal CF deployment.

NOTE: This deployment is meant for instructional purposes only. It should not be used in a production setting as it does not guarantee high availability and lacks basic security configuration.


Create a Diego Subnet

  • Click on "Subnets" from the VPC Dashboard
  • Click "Create Subnet"
  • Fill in
    • Name tag: diego
    • VPC: bosh
    • Availability Zone: Pick the same Availability Zone as the bosh Subnet
      • Replace REPLACE_WITH_DIEGO_SUBNET_AZ in the example manifest with the Availability Zone you chose
    • CIDR block:
    • Click "Yes, Create"
  • Replace REPLACE_WITH_DIEGO_SUBNET_ID in the example manifest with the Subnet ID for the diego Subnet
  • Select the diego Subnet from the Subnet list
  • Click the name of the "Route table:" to view the route tables
  • Select the route table from the list
  • Click "Routes" in the bottom window
  • Click "Edit"
  • Fill in a new route
    • Destination:
    • Target: Select the NAT instance from the list
      • Update the security group for this NAT instance to add the following rule:
        • Type: All traffic
        • Protocol: All
        • Port Range: 0 - 65535
        • Source: Custom IP /
  • Click "Save"

Generate SSH Proxy Host Key and Fingerprint

Run the following to generate a host key for the SSH proxy. When prompted for the key passphrase, hit 'enter' to set no passphrase.

ssh-keygen -f ssh-proxy-host-key.pem

If the local ssh-keygen supports the -E flag, as it does on OS X 10.11 El Capitan or Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial Xerus, generate the MD5 fingerprint of the public host key as follows:

ssh-keygen -lf -E md5 | cut -d ' ' -f2 | sed 's/MD5://g' > ssh-proxy-host-key-fingerprint

Otherwise, generate the MD5 fingerprint as follows:

ssh-keygen -lf | cut -d ' ' -f2 > ssh-proxy-host-key-fingerprint

The ssh-proxy-host-key.pem file contains the PEM-encoded private host key for the Diego manifest, and the ssh-proxy-host-key-fingerprint file contains the MD5 fingerprint of the public host key. You will later copy these values into stubs for generating the CF and Diego manifests.

Replace REPLACE_WITH_SSH_HOST_KEY in the example diego manifest with the contents of ssh-proxy-host-key.pem, making sure to indent the contents correctly for the YAML literal block.

Modify the CF Manifest with Diego Properties

Add the following properties to the minimal-aws.yml:

    oauth_client_id: ssh-proxy
    allow_app_ssh_access: true
    default_to_diego_backend: true
    internal_api_user: internal_user
        authorized-grant-types: authorization_code
        autoapprove: true
        override: true
        redirect-uri: /login
        scope: openid,,cloud_controller.write,cloud_controller.admin
        secret: PASSWORD

Replace REPLACE_WITH_SSH_HOST_KEY_FINGERPRINT with the contents of ssh-proxy-host-key-fingerprint.

In order to properly SSH into application instances, you will also need to add the consul_agent template to the ha_proxy_z1 job definition as follows:

- name: ha_proxy_z1
  instances: 1
  resource_pool: small_z1
  - {name: haproxy, release: cf}
  - {name: consul_agent, release: cf}
  - {name: metron_agent, release: cf}

Note: If you no longer want to be able to run applications on the DEAs, you can decrease the number of instances for the runner_z1 and hm9000_z1 jobs to 0.

Redeploy CF

In order for the above changes to take effect, you will need to redeploy your cf deployment:

bosh -d example_manifests/minimal-aws.yml deploy

Fill in the Needed Values in the Diego Manifest

You will need to make the following changes to the example diego.yml file provided:

  • Replace REPLACE_WITH_BOSH_STEMCELL_VERSION with the version of the BOSH stemcell uploaded to the director.
  • Replace REPLACE_WITH_DIRECTOR_ID with the UUID obtained from running bosh status.

Some of the values come from the CF manifest constructed by modifying minimal-aws.yml:

  • Replace the properties.consul properties that begin with REPLACE_WITH with the values of properties.consul from your CF manifest.
  • Replace the properties.route_emitter.nats properties that begin with REPLACE_WITH with the values of properties.nats from your CF manifest.
  • Replace the REPLACE_WITH_ETCD_MACHINES_FROM_CF value in the properties.loggregator.etcd.machines property with the value of properties.loggregator.etcd.machines from your CF manifest.

Generate Diego Manifest from Stubs (optional)

You can also use the provided stubs to generate a diego manifest.

You will need to make the following changes to the example stubs provided:

  • stubs/diego/iaas-settings.yml
    • Replace REPLACE_WITH_DIEGO_SUBNET_AZ with the availability zone for the diego subnet
    • Replace REPLACE_WITH_BOSH_STEMCELL_VERSION with the version of the bosh stemcell uploaded to the director
    • Replace REPLACE_WITH_DIEGO_SUBNET_ID with the subnet-id for the diego subnet
  • stubs/diego/property_overrides.yml
    • Replace REPLACE_WITH_SSH_HOST_KEY with the contents of ssh-proxy-host-key.pem.

After replacing these values you can generate the diego manifest by running:

  ./scripts/generate-deployment-manifest -c $CF_RELEASE_DIR/example_manifests/minimal-aws.yml \
    -i $DIEGO_RELEASE_DIR/examples/minimal-aws/stubs/diego/iaas-settings.yml \
    -p $DIEGO_RELEASE_DIR/examples/minimal-aws/stubs/diego/property_overrides.yml \
    -n $DIEGO_RELEASE_DIR/examples/minimal-aws/stubs/diego/instance_count_overrides.yml

Upload Diego Bosh Releases

In order to successfully deploy diego, you will need to upload the following bosh releases:

bosh upload release
bosh upload release
bosh upload release
bosh upload release

Deploy Diego

bosh -d examples/minimal-aws/diego.yml deploy

Deploy Diego Windows Cells (optional)

Create a Diego Windows Subnet

  • Click on "Subnets" from the VPC Dashboard
  • Click "Create Subnet"
  • Fill in
    • Name tag: diego_windows
    • VPC: bosh
    • Availability Zone: Pick the same Availability Zone as the bosh Subnet
      • Replace REPLACE_WITH_DIEGO_WINDOWS_SUBNET_AZ in the example manifest with the Availability Zone you chose
    • CIDR block:
    • Click "Yes, Create"
  • Replace REPLACE_WITH_DIEGO_WINDOWS_SUBNET_ID in the example manifest with the Subnet ID for the diego Subnet
  • Select the diego_windows Subnet from the Subnet list
  • Click the name of the "Route table:" to view the route tables
  • Select the route table from the list
  • Click "Routes" in the bottom window
  • Click "Edit"
  • Fill in a new route
    • Destination:
    • Target: Select the NAT instance from the list
      • Update the security group for this NAT instance to add the following rule:
        • Type: All traffic
        • Protocol: All
        • Port Range: 0 - 65535
        • Source: Custom IP /
  • Click "Save"

Upload Windows Stemcell

You will need to download the windows bosh stemcell and upload it to the bosh director with the following:

bosh upload stemcell light-bosh-stemcell-0.0.50-aws-xen-hvm-windows2012R2-go_agent.tgz

Fill in the Needed Values in the Diego Windows Cells Manifest

You will need to make the following changes to the example diego_windows_cells.yml file provided:

  • Replace REPLACE_WITH_BOSH_WINDOWS_STEMCELL_VERSION with the version of the BOSH stemcell uploaded to the director.
  • Replace REPLACE_WITH_DIRECTOR_ID with the UUID obtained from running bosh status.

Some of the values come from the CF manifest constructed by modifying minimal-aws.yml:

  • Replace the properties.consul properties that begin with REPLACE_WITH with the values of properties.consul from your CF manifest.
  • Replace the REPLACE_WITH_ETCD_MACHINES_FROM_CF value in the properties.loggregator.etcd.machines property with the value of properties.loggregator.etcd.machines from your CF manifest.

Generate Diego Windows Cells Manifest from Stubs (optional)

You can also use the provided stubs to generate a diego windows cells deployment manifest.

You will need to make the following changes to the example stubs provided:

  • stubs/diego-windows/iaas-settings.yml
    • Replace REPLACE_WITH_DIEGO_WINDOWS_SUBNET_AZ with the availability zone for the diego_windows subnet
    • Replace REPLACE_WITH_BOSH_WINDOWS_STEMCELL_VERSION with the version of the bosh stemcell uploaded to the director
    • Replace REPLACE_WITH_DIEGO_WINDOWS_SUBNET_ID with the subnet-id for the diego_windows subnet

After replacing these values you can generate the diego windows cell manifest by running:

  ./scripts/generate-windows-cell-deployment-manifest -c $CF_RELEASE_DIR/example_manifests/minimal-aws.yml \
    -i $DIEGO_RELEASE_DIR/examples/minimal-aws/stubs/diego-windows/iaas-settings.yml \
    -p $DIEGO_RELEASE_DIR/examples/minimal-aws/stubs/diego/property-overrides.yml \
    -n $DIEGO_RELEASE_DIR/examples/minimal-aws/stubs/diego-windows/instance-count-overrides.yml

Upload Garden Windows Bosh Release

In order to successfully deploy Diego Windows cells, you will need to upload the following bosh release:

bosh upload release

Deploy Diego Windows Cells

bosh -d examples/minimal-aws/diego_windows_cells.yml deploy