- Added a GenericOntology and GenericOMDataset.
- Added a documentation for OA tasks.
- Added the test for GenericOntology.
- Added the bug fix.
- Minor fix to the CITATION.md, CONTRIBUTING.md, README.md, and documentations.
- Added MAINTANENCE.md for maintanence plan.
- Added CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md principles for community engagements and collaborations.
- Added CHANGELOG.md
- Added new version.
- Fix bugs in retriever, pipeline, and rag modules.
- Added new dependencies and update version of
- Minor fix
- License update
- Documentation updates
- Fixed Hugging Face requirements
- Documentation corrections
- Bug fixes in RAG dataset and modules
- Added OntoAlignerPipeline
- Documentation updates
- Added Fewshot RAG and ICV RAG
- Fixed imports for Fewshot and ICV RAG
- Completed examples and initial pipeline added
- Major updates on ontology classes, base classes, and encoders
- Extended post-processing with label mappers
- Documentation overhaul