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Dark Castle Color Palette

Below is our full color palette, along with other palettes used for specific purposes. All palettes conform to the colors used in the full palette.

Full Color Palette

A full list of colors used for Dark Castle.

Palette Hex RGB HSL Picker
Black #000000 0, 0, 0 0° 0% 0% Black Color
Black 02 #1A1A1A 26, 26, 26 0° 0% 10% Black 02 Color
Dark Gray #292929 41, 41, 41 0° 0% 16% Dark Gray Color
Dark Gray 02 #333333 51, 51, 51 0° 0% 20% Dark Gray 02 Color
Dark Gray 03 #4B4740 75, 71, 64 40° 8% 27% Dark Gray 03 Color
Gray #575757 87, 87, 87 0° 0% 34% Gray Color
Light Gray #9C9C9C 156, 156, 156 0° 0% 61% Light Gray Color
Light Gray 02 #D7DCE2 215, 220, 225 210° 18% 87% Light Gray 02 Color
White #FFFFFF 255, 255, 255 0° 0% 100% White Color
Light Red #EF6B73 239, 107, 115 356° 79% 68% Light Red Color
Light Orange #FF8040 255, 128, 64 20° 100% 63% Light Orange Color
Light Yellow #FFD580 255, 213, 128 42° 100% 75% Light Yellow Color
Light Green #BAE67E 186, 230, 126 79° 66% 70% Light Green Color
Light Blue #4DBCED 77, 188, 237 194° 79% 62% Light Blue Color
Light Purple #D8BFD8 216, 191, 216 300° 25% 80% Light Purple Color
Red #FF000F 255, 0, 15 0° 100% 50% Red Color
Orange #FF5503 255, 85, 3 19° 100% 51% Orange Color
Yellow #DFC200 223, 194, 0 52° 100% 44% Yellow Color
Green #08D220 8, 210, 32 127° 93% 43% Green Color
Green 02 #41CC45 65, 204, 69 122° 52% 53% Light Green Color
Blue #4164FF 65, 100, 255 227° 100% 63% Blue Color
Purple #9354FF 147, 84, 255 264° 100% 67% Purple Color
Pink #FF3399 255, 51, 153 330° 100% 60% Pink Color
Dark Red #AA0000 170, 0, 0 0° 100% 33% Dark Red Color
Dark Yellow #DDAB13 221, 171, 19 44° 85% 47% Dark Yellow Color
Dark Green #0D8501 13, 133, 1 116° 99% 26% Dark Green Color
Dark Teal #007B88 0, 123, 136 186° 100% 27% Dark Teal Color
Dark Blue #2D449B 45, 68, 155 228° 56% 39% Dark Blue Color
Dark Purple #AA1B86 170, 27, 134 315° 73% 39% Dark Purple Color

Core Color Palette

The core palette, used for most Text Editors and IDEs.

Palette Hex RGB HSL Picker
Background #000000 0, 0, 0 0° 0% 0% Background Color
Code Blocks #1A1A1A 26, 26, 26 0° 0% 10% Code Blocks Color
Current Line Highlight #292929 41, 41, 41 0° 0% 16% Current Line Color
Word Highlight #575757 87, 87, 87 0° 0% 34% Word Highlight Color
Borders, Icons, & Menu Text #9C9C9C 156, 156, 156 0° 0% 61% Borders Color
Punctuation #FFFFFF 255, 255, 255 0° 0% 100% Puncuation Color
Errors #EF6B73 239, 107, 115 356° 79% 68% Errors Color
Accent & Operators #FF8040 255, 128, 64 20° 100% 63% Accent Color
Foreground, Plain Text, Brackets, & Symbols #FFD580 255, 213, 128 42° 100% 75% Foreground Color
Headings #BAE67E 186, 230, 126 79° 66% 70% Headings Color
Tags & REGEX #4DBCED 77, 188, 237 194° 79% 62% Tags Color
Strings #FF000F 255, 0, 15 0° 100% 50% Strings Color
Classes & Words #FF5503 255, 85, 3 19° 100% 51% Classes Color
Variables & Characters #08D220 8, 210, 32 127° 93% 43% Variables Color
URLs #4164FF 65, 100, 255 227° 100% 63% URLs Color
Numbers #9354FF 147, 84, 255 264° 100% 67% Numbers Color
Comments #0D8501 13, 133, 1 116° 99% 26% Comments Color
Preprocessor #007B88 0, 123, 136 186° 100% 27% Preprocessor Color
Horizontal Rule #2D449B 45, 68, 155 228° 56% 39% Horizontal Rule Color
Functions & Keywords #AA1B86 170, 27, 134 315° 73% 39% Functions Color

Markdown Color Palette

Below is the color palette for Markdown .md files.

Palette Hex RGB HSL Picker
Background #000000 0, 0, 0 0° 0% 0% Background Color
Tags #FFFFFF 255, 255, 255 0° 0% 100% Tags Color
Errors #EF6B73 239, 107, 115 356° 79% 68% Errors Color
Links (Internal) #FF8040 255, 128, 64 20° 100% 63% Links (Internal) Color
Plain Text #FFD580 255, 213, 128 42° 100% 75% Plain Text Color
Heading 1 #BAE67E 186, 230, 126 79° 66% 70% Heading 1 Color
Emphasis #4DBCED 77, 188, 237 194° 79% 62% Emphasis Color
Heading 2-6 #FF000F 255, 0, 15 0° 100% 50% Heading 2-6 Color
Inline Code #08D220 8, 210, 32 127° 93% 43% Inline Code Color
Links (External) #4164FF 65, 100, 255 227° 100% 63% Links (External) Color
Checkboxes #9354FF 147, 84, 255 264° 100% 67% Checkboxes Color
Lists (Ordered & Unordered) #007B88 0, 123, 136 186° 100% 27% Lists Color
Horizontal Rule #2D449B 45, 68, 155 228° 56% 39% Horizontal Rule Color
Blockquotes #AA1B86 170, 27, 134 315° 73% 39% Black Quotes Color

Terminal Color Palette

Below is the color palette used for Terminal applications.

Palette Hex RGB HSL Picker
Background #000000 0, 0, 0 0° 0% 0% Background Color
Foreground & Text #FFD580 255, 213, 128 42° 100% 75% Foreground Color
Accent, Cursor, & Bold/Underline Text #FF8040 255, 128, 64 20° 100% 63% Accent Color
Links #4164FF 65, 100, 255 227° 100% 63% Links Color
Selection #575757 87, 87, 87 0° 0% 34% Selection Color
ANSI Black (Normal) #1A1A1A 26, 26, 26 0° 0% 10% Black Normal Color
ANSI Black (Bright) #292929 41, 41, 41 0° 0% 16% Black Bright Color
ANSI Red (Normal) #FF000F 255, 0, 15 0° 100% 50% Red Normal Color
ANSI Red (Bright) #EF6B73 239, 107, 115 356° 79% 68% Red Bright Color
ANSI Green (Normal) #08D220 8, 210, 32 127° 93% 43% Green Normal Color
ANSI Green (Bright) #BAE67E 186, 230, 126 79° 66% 70% Green Bright Color
ANSI Yellow (Normal) #DFC200 223, 194, 0 52° 100% 44% Yellow Normal Color
ANSI Yellow (Bright) #FFD580 255, 213, 128 42° 100% 75% Yellow Bright Color
ANSI Blue (Normal) #2D449B 45, 68, 155 228° 56% 39% Blue Normal Color
ANSI Blue (Bright) #4164FF 65, 100, 255 227° 100% 63% Blue Bright Color
ANSI Magenta (Normal) #AA1B86 170, 27, 134 315° 73% 39% Magenta Normal Color
ANSI Magenta (Bright) #9354FF 147, 84, 255 264° 100% 67% Magenta Bright Color
ANSI Cyan (Normal) #007B88 0, 123, 136 186° 100% 27% Cyan Normal Color
ANSI Cyan (Bright) #4DBCED 77, 188, 237 194° 79% 62% Cyan Bright Color
ANSI White (Normal) #9C9C9C 156, 156, 156 0° 0% 61% White Normal
ANSI White (Bright) #FFFFFF 255, 255, 255 0° 0% 100% White Bright