**NOTE: NO LONGER UPDATED. SEE RELEASE NOTES AT https://dataslayer.org/release-notes/ **
- bugfixes
- complete rewrite
- support dark devtools theme
- bug fixes
- bug fixes
- more detail on DTM rules
- option to display array indices
- fix for detail expansion on items with a space in their key name
- Object.observe polyfill
- fix DTM breaking load rules
- modify iframe injection method to accommodate Chrome CSP changes
- show GTM element click text
- capture redirected GA /collects
- misc. fixes
- added Adobe DTM container publish date
- show when GTM is responsible for firing a GA tag
- edge case GA fix
- added donate button
- initial support for Adobe DTM
- fixed custom watch showing as missing when it wasn't
- misc. fixes and improvements
- surface more SiteCatalyst variables
- catch classic GA page groupings
- bug fix for disabled third party cookies
- added TagCommander support
- added capture and display of custom data layers / variables
- added option to hide empty variables
- improved iframe display
- identify Universal Analytics timing hits
- bug fixes
- display GA enhanced ecommerce payloads
- support for multiple GTM containers on a single page (including iframes)
- fixed GA classic performance data edge case
- fixed missing event value for GA classic
- initial support for Tealium
- a new way to look at nested variables (shift-click + to expand all children)
- fixed issue with overwriting passed DOM elements (e.g. for link click listening)
- UI improvements
- capture SiteCatalyst tags fired before DevTools was opened
- added option to block tags from being collected (experimental, requires Chrome beta or dev channel)
- UI adjustments
- support for GTM variables not named 'dataLayer'
- pull in more Floodlights, while reducing false positives
- improved UI performance
- added option to display dataLayer presence in the panel (and removed content console logging)
- click open/close is now persistent
- added option to clear history
- fixed character parsing
- added option to ignore specific UA-IDs
- updated to jQuery 2.1.1
- fixed breaking with odd CV scope sets
- parse Universal Analytics content groupings
- handle Universal Analytics POST requests
- fixed silent failure on DevTools disconnect
- SiteCatalyst: capture exit links
- fixed SiteCatalyst detection
- added direct link to options in panel
- added info on bug reporting in options
- totally revamped dataLayer grabbing based on the Google Data Layer Helper Library; should fix sites that lagged from the old method
- fixed lots of issues with parsing classic utme data, including:
- CVs in wrong slot
- CVs/events not unescaped properly
- site speed & in-page link attribution info showing up incorrectly
- fixed elements passed to dataLayer by GTM click listener
- parse SiteCatalyst tags
- fixed Floodlight regex to avoid triggered subtags being captured
- fixed options logic
- fixed Floodlight regex so tags are not displayed twice (once for script load, once for image request)
- expanded depth of dataLayer object/array parsing
- callouts for GA classic now split into classic & dc.js
- changed expanded tag parameters from hoverable to expandable/collapsible (hovers were cut off on Chrome OS, maybe elsewhere)
- minor UI improvements