- Action: base class of all action types.
- FiniteTimeAction: finite time action which has the property of
. - ActionInstant: free action which will execute immediately, inherited from
. - ActionInterval: interval action which will be completed within a predetermined time period, also inherited from
. - ActionEase: all slow motion base classes to modify
. - EaseRateAction: slow motion base class with rate attribute.
- EaseElastic: elastic slow motion base class.
- EaseBounce: bounce slow motion base class.
The developer can get to know the basic API for every action type in these action type files.
Action name | Introduction | File link |
cc.sequence | sequential execution action | API description |
cc.spawn | synchronized execution action | API description |
cc.repeat | repetitive execution action | API description |
cc.repeatForever | forever repetitive action | API description |
cc.speed | alter action rate | API description |
Action name | Introduction | File link |
cc.show | show immediately | API description |
cc.hide | hide immediately | API description |
cc.toggleVisibility | show/hide status switch | API description |
cc.removeSelf | remove self from parent node | API description |
cc.flipX | X-axis flip | API description |
cc.flipY | Y-axis flip | API description |
cc.place | place at the target location | API description |
cc.callFunc | execute callback function | API description |
cc.targetedAction | create action with existant action and a new target node | API description |
Action name | Introduction | File link |
cc.moveTo | move to the target location | API description |
cc.moveBy | move by assigned distance | API description |
cc.rotateTo | rotate to the target angle | API description |
cc.rotateBy | rotate by assigned angle | API description |
cc.scaleTo | scale node to assigned multiple | API description |
cc.scaleBy | scale node by assigned multiple | API description |
cc.skewTo | skew to the target angle | API description |
cc.skewBy | skew by assigned angle | API description |
cc.jumpBy | move assigned distance by jumping | API description |
cc.jumpTo | jump to the target location | API description |
cc.follow | follow the target node's location | API description |
cc.bezierTo | move to the target location by Bezier curve track | API description |
cc.bezierBy | move assigned distance by Bezier curve track | API description |
cc.blink | blink(based on the transparency) | API description |
cc.fadeTo | alter the transparency to assigned value | API description |
cc.fadeIn | fade in | API description |
cc.fadeOut | fade out | API description |
cc.tintTo | alter the color to the assigned value | API description |
cc.tintBy | alter the color by the assigned increment | API description |
cc.delayTime | delay the assigned time amount | API description |
cc.reverseTime | reverse the time axis of the target action | API description |
cc.cardinalSplineTo | move to the target location by cardinal spline curve track | API description |
cc.cardinalSplineBy | move assigned distance by cardinal spline curve track | API description |
cc.catmullRomTo | move to the target location by Catmull Rom spline curve track | API description |
cc.catmullRomBy | move assigned distance by by Catmull Rom spline curve track | API description |
Action name | File link |
cc.easeIn | API description |
cc.easeOut | API description |
cc.easeInOut | API description |
cc.easeExponentialIn | API description |
cc.easeExponentialOut | API description |
cc.easeExponentialInOut | API description |
cc.easeSineIn | API description |
cc.easeSineOut | API description |
cc.easeSineInOut | API description |
cc.easeElasticIn | API description |
cc.easeElasticOut | API description |
cc.easeElasticInOut | API description |
cc.easeBounceIn | API description |
cc.easeBounceOut | API description |
cc.easeBounceInOut | API description |
cc.easeBackIn | API description |
cc.easeBackOut | API description |
cc.easeBackInOut | API description |
cc.easeBezierAction | API description |
cc.easeQuadraticActionIn | API description |
cc.easeQuadraticActionOut | API description |
cc.easeQuadraticActionInOut | API description |
cc.easeQuarticActionIn | API description |
cc.easeQuarticActionOut | API description |
cc.easeQuarticActionInOut | API description |
cc.easeQuinticActionIn | API description |
cc.easeQuinticActionOut | API description |
cc.easeQuinticActionInOut | API description |
cc.easeCircleActionIn | API description |
cc.easeCircleActionOut | API description |
cc.easeCircleActionInOut | API description |
cc.easeCubicActionIn | API description |
cc.easeCubicActionOut | API description |
cc.easeCubicActionInOut | API description |