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337 lines (221 loc) · 11.4 KB

File metadata and controls

337 lines (221 loc) · 11.4 KB

ChangeLog - DataStax C# Driver




  • [CSHARP-444] - Expose AddressTranslator instance in Configuration
  • [CSHARP-461] - Include Idempotence-aware retry policy

Bug Fixes

  • [CSHARP-331] - TokenMap#ComputeTokenToReplicaNetwork does not account for multiple racks in a DC
  • [CSHARP-372] - ProtocolErrorException are incorrectly reported
  • [CSHARP-465] - OperationTimedOut exceptions are not included in NoHostAvailableException



Bug Fixes

  • [CSHARP-447] - TimeUuid instances: Cannot order by underlying date
  • [CSHARP-448] - Support big-endian systems in TimeUuid struct
  • [CSHARP-451] - Mapper: Invalid CQL if first pocoValue is null and a later value is not
  • [CSHARP-453] - Decimal serializer: support negative scale




  • [CSHARP-409] - Mapper: Support timestamp at CqlQueryOptions level
  • [CSHARP-415] - Allow setting read timeout at statement level

Bug Fixes

  • [CSHARP-414] - Linq projections not handled correctly for select query.
  • [CSHARP-417] - Query trace: introduce delay between retries and max retries
  • [CSHARP-428] - Use QueryAbortTimeout for metadata sync queries
  • [CSHARP-439] - Race condition on read timeout
  • [CSHARP-445] - PrepareAsync() blocks the calling thread when fetching table metadata




  • [CSHARP-393] - Pass the authenticator name from the server to the auth provider #196
  • [CSHARP-395] - Mapper: Support TTL for Inserts #192
  • [CSHARP-402] - Support custom type serializers #194
  • [CSHARP-406] - Support Dictionary as named parameters in SimpleStatement #199
  • [CSHARP-410] - Mapper: Allow setting the BatchType for CreateBatch() #195



Bug Fixes

  • [CSHARP-408] - Serial not allowed as Statement consistency level



Bug Fixes

  • [CSHARP-403] - LZ4 decompression buffer pooling bug




  • [CSHARP-388] - Expose Builder.WithMaxProtocolVersion()

Bug Fixes

  • [CSHARP-385] - TokenMap evaluates all the ring when a replication factor contains a non-existent DC
  • [CSHARP-386] - Following reconnection attempts may be not be scheduled depending on timer precision
  • [CSHARP-391] - RequestExecution retry counter should be volatile



Notable Changes

  • Default consistency changed back to LOCAL_ONE.


  • [CSHARP-299] - Mapper and Linq: handle NULLs efficiently at the client level
  • [CSHARP-378] - Change default consistency level to LOCAL_ONE
  • [CSHARP-374] - Use a private field for inFlight counting
  • [CSHARP-375] - Enable heartbeat by default
  • [CSHARP-377] - Reduce allocations inside RowSet class for void results

Bug Fixes

  • [CSHARP-313] - DCAwareRoundRobinPolicy incorrect detection of local datacenter, connects to wrong datacenter
  • [CSHARP-336] - Connection with SSL settings to a C* host without ssl enabled causes the driver to hang
  • [CSHARP-351] - Linq CreateTable(): support frozen keyword
  • [CSHARP-366] - ControlConnection: reconnection attempt after Cluster.Shutdown() may cause ObjectDisposedException
  • [CSHARP-376] - HashedWheelTimer should remove cancelled timeouts on each tick to allow GC



Notable Changes

  • Support for Cassandra 3.0
  • Breaking: Changed default consistency level to LOCAL_QUORUM #158
  • Breaking: AggregateMetadata.InitialCondition member now returns the string representation of the value #157
  • Changed read timeout to 12 secs #158
  • Linq: Select expressions or lambdas that do not specify fields generate a query with explicit columns names. ie: SELECT a, b, c, ... #94


  • [CSHARP-361] - Update schema type representation to CQL
  • [CSHARP-353] - Change default consistency level to LOCAL_QUORUM
  • [CSHARP-259] - Enable TCP NoDelay by Default
  • [CSHARP-356] - Updated default behavior unbound values in prepared statements
  • [CSHARP-362] - Set default read timeout to 12 secs

Bug Fixes

  • [CSHARP-308] - Linq: Avoid using SELECT * when the fields are not specified
  • [CSHARP-365] - Mono: SocketAsyncEventArgs BufferList must implement indexer
  • [CSHARP-371] - Mapper: Allow automatic conversion to structs for null values



Notable Changes

  • Support for Cassandra 3.0-rc2


  • [CSHARP-213] - Retrieve Cassandra Version with the Host Metadata
  • [CSHARP-286] - Process Modernized Schema Tables for 3.0
  • [CSHARP-348] - Process materialized view metadata
  • [CSHARP-359] - Updated Clustering Order Representation in Schema Metadata




  • [CSHARP-270] - Use a pool of buffers
  • [CSHARP-244] - Add driver-side write batching of native frames



Notable Changes

  • Mapper and Linq: Fixed regression introduced in v2.7.2 that failed to map columns with null values to structs.

Bug Fixes

  • [CSHARP-371] - Mapper: Allow default(T) for null values




  • [CSHARP-337] - Make PreparedStatement mockable

Bug Fixes

  • [CSHARP-342] - Custom type converters do not work
  • [CSHARP-345] - Regression: Support server error in STARTUP response for C* 2.1
  • [CSHARP-346] - Mapper: Support anonymous type containing a nullable column for value types
  • [CSHARP-347] - Improve exception message for null values on collections



Bug Fixes

  • [CSHARP-344] - Calling Socket.ConnectAsync() can result in uncaught exception



Notable Changes

  • Cluster: All requests use a client read timeout that can be configured using SocketOptions.SetReadTimeoutMillis(int), disabled by default
  • Cluster: Added support for speculative query executions


  • [CSHARP-273] - New Retry Policy Decision - try next host
  • [CSHARP-311] - Cluster-level reusable timer: Hashed Wheel Timer
  • [CSHARP-314] - Use Immutable collections for Hosts and the Connection pool
  • [CSHARP-243] - Speculative query retries
  • [CSHARP-279] - Make connection and pool creation non blocking
  • [CSHARP-280] - Schedule reconnections using Timers
  • [CSHARP-328] - Linq support for StartsWith()
  • [CSHARP-332] - Per-Host Request Timeout

Bug Fixes

  • [CSHARP-260] - Default QueryAbortTimeout value should not be Infinite
  • [CSHARP-296] - Driver hangs when system.peers is mucked up.
  • [CSHARP-316] - RequestHandler retry should not use a new query plan
  • [CSHARP-325] - Enum column mapping to int is not supported in Linq Update()
  • [CSHARP-333] - Allow Heartbeat interval be set to zero to disable it
  • [CSHARP-338] - TcpSocket.ReceiveAsync() raises ObjectDisposedException that faults the user Task
  • [CSHARP-339] - Host reconnection delay Read operation and isUp Write operation are not thread-safe
  • [CSHARP-340] - Switching keyspace at level after disposing connection results in ObjectDisposedException



Notable Changes

  • Added support for Cassandra 2.2 types and features


  • [CSHARP-282] - Support UDF and Aggregate Function Schema Meta
  • [CSHARP-283] - Add client address to query trace
  • [CSHARP-285] - Support protocol v4 exceptions
  • [CSHARP-287] - Use PK columns from v4 prepared responses
  • [CSHARP-290] - Key-value payloads in native protocol v4
  • [CSHARP-291] - Small int and byte types for C* 2.2
  • [CSHARP-293] - Support new date and time types
  • [CSHARP-303] - Add support for client warnings
  • [CSHARP-304] - Distinguish between NULL and UNSET values in Prepared Statements
  • [CSHARP-305] - Support server error in STARTUP response for C* 2.1



Bug Fixes

  • [CSHARP-255] - Use active connection to wait for schema agreement
  • [CSHARP-268] - Linq Select() projections for Update() do not support fields
  • [CSHARP-269] - Mapper always sets automatic paging to false




  • [CSHARP-146] - Manual paging
  • [CSHARP-211] - Make Statement.SetRoutingKey() api more friendly
  • [CSHARP-240] - Log additional information on RequestHandler and Connection classes
  • [CSHARP-242] - Make pool creation, after node considered back up, less eager
  • [CSHARP-245] - Use specific TaskScheduler for calling callbacks from the Connection
  • [CSHARP-251] - Support Lightweight Transactions in the Mapper API
  • [CSHARP-258] - Add TCP NoDelay socket option
  • [CSHARP-261] - Linq: Manual paging
  • [CSHARP-262] - Mapper: Manual paging

Bug Fixes

  • [CSHARP-246] - ObjectDisposedException in Connection.WriteCompletedHandler()
  • [CSHARP-252] - Metadata.HostEvent is not firing when a node is Down, it does fire when a node is Up
  • [CSHARP-253] - RPTokenFactory produces negative hashes
  • [CSHARP-254] - TokenMap doesn't handle adjacent ranges owned by the same host
  • [CSHARP-264] - Builder.WithPort() option not considered
  • [CSHARP-266] - Connection: Serialization of bad frames can result in NullReferenceException




  • [CSHARP-234] - Support Freezing and Nested Collections
  • [CSHARP-174] - Deprecate SimpleStatement.Bind and add constructor params
  • [CSHARP-176] - Mark Session.WaitForSchemaAgreement() as Obsolete
  • [CSHARP-235] - Mapper & Linq: Issue a log warning when the number of prepared statements is large
  • [CSHARP-239] - Make RowSet.GetEnumerator() and Row.GetValue() methods mockable

Bug Fixes

  • [CSHARP-227] - ReplicationStrategies now internal?
  • [CSHARP-237] - Linq Table.Create() does not use provided keyspace when using constructor that specifies it
  • [CSHARP-241] - TaskHelper.Continue() calls to SynchronizationContext.Post can cause deadlocks
  • [CSHARP-247] - Support for COM single threaded apartment model
  • [CSHARP-248] - QueryOptions PageSize setting not being respected



Notable Changes

  • Integrated CqlPoco into the driver codebase


  • [CSHARP-199] - Integrate CqlPoco
  • [CSHARP-165] - Add an address translator
  • [CSHARP-173] - Linq Counter column support
  • [CSHARP-81] - Cannot add item to collection column using linq
  • [CSHARP-89] - Ignore attribute for object properties would be really useful
  • [CSHARP-92] - Makes it possible to provide Table and Keyspace creation options to Linq
  • [CSHARP-123] - Linq: Make identifier quoting optional
  • [CSHARP-128] - Linq CreateTablesIfNotExist: varint support
  • [CSHARP-143] - Strong Name the NuGet Assemblies
  • [CSHARP-144] - Linq: CQL functions support
  • [CSHARP-153] - Performance optimization for adapt Rows to entities
  • [CSHARP-214] - Use InvalidTypeException with a clear message when conversion is not valid
  • [CSHARP-215] - Make mapping Fetch() lazy
  • [CSHARP-233] - Support SortedSet and HashSet as valid sets and arrays as valid List or Set values

Bug Fixes

  • [CSHARP-170] - When Changing Key Space after a Prepare, the driver goes into a recursive exception pattern causing the application to be blocked
  • [CSHARP-229] - Internal class Cassandra.TcpSocket leaks memory that can cause long running multiple/many C* sessions with large records to run OOM
  • [CSHARP-231] - Batch ExecutionInfo always returns consistency Any as achieved consistency