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Health_Server is DARNA.HI V2.2

Darnahi's Vision:

This tool wants to be your personal health assistant. In the future, very smart computer programs called language models will run on your own devices like phones or computers. These smart programs will understand all your personal health information while keeping it private and secure just for you. You'll be able to ask the program any health questions you have, and it will provide answers specifically based on your own medical details. It's like having a knowledgeable health concierge available whenever you need, but the concierge is actually an intelligent computer program giving you personalized health information while protecting your privacy.

NOTE: This tool is not a replacement for a Doctor. For medical advice, please consult with a Healthcare professional. Darnahi only aims to provide Health suggestions/information which might not be evidence based.

DEMO version with features turned off: ADMIN password'health' USER1 password 'wellness'

"Forward looking open source Health server initiative! Put simply, it aspires to be your personal health concierge."


##DARNA Healthy Intent v2.2- An open source intiative - self custody of your health data ##Early stage. Beta and under development and isnt secure. Please take all steps to safeguard your data. ##This tool is not a replacement for a Doctor. For medical advice, please consult with a Healthcare professional. Darnahi only aims to provide Health suggestions/information which might not be evidence based.

Key words:

  • LINUX,
  • python,
  • Open Source,
  • Self Hosted,
  • AI/ML
  • lightweight LLM BOT

**Vision: **

This will be an open source, self hosted personal Health concierge.

What is this project?

DARNA. HI v2 is a Forward looking project.

About Darnahi

Darnahi is a home computer program that securely manages your medical details, is self hosted and can provide personalized health suggestions and answers using artificial intelligence.

  • Darnahi is a personal health assistant that runs on Linux.
  • Is Locally Self Hosted
  • It keeps your medical data safe at home.
  • It can suggest health checkups based on your age and gender.
  • It stores your medication list and medical history.
  • It analyzes your health information using language processing.
  • It has a smart program that can answer simple questions about your saved health data.

**Disclaimer: **

Use at your own Risk. See License document. It is still in beta. Take all steps to safeguard your data. The security will be as safe as your computer is. Keep your computer encrypted. Dont share password. This tool is not a replacement for a Doctor. For medical advice, please consult with a Healthcare professional. Darnahi only aims to provide Health suggestions/information which might not be evidence based.

Who is it for:

  • If you want to take control of your medical information and share it easily with new doctors, this tool is for you.
  • You are able to Self Host
  • You are privacy conscious.
  • You have some computer skills and an ability to use Linux or set up a virtual Linux machine.
  • open source afficionado

With this program you can create an encrypted health passport. This allows you to safely share your medical details whenever you need to see a new doctor.

We are getting ready for the day when powerful Language models would run locally on your device and you can ask it in a very Privacy centered questions very specific to your health . In Darnahi v2.2 a language model (llama 1B) is being used to process personal health data and provide answers to questions specific to an individual's health situation. Additionally, natural language preprocessing (NLP) techniques are being used, along with a retrieval augmented architecture (RAG) to process and understand the health data by the local LLM.

In future we hope to have a trained lightweight large language model (LLM) being employed to interpret the processed data and generate relevant health intents or responses tailored to an individual's queries about their health. To summarize Darnahi aims to leverage advanced language AI capabilities to give personalized health insights and recommendations by analyzing someone's specific health information and answering their questions in that context.

The core components are NLP for understanding natural language, a RAG model for retrieving and processing relevant data, and a local LLM that ties it together by mapping the data to the queries and providing contextualized health-related output.

This project is an Free and open-source software that helps bring together your health data that is currently saved in different places like electronic health records, fitness apps, and wearable devices. We wish to provide a way to aggregate your health data. One stop to bring all your health data together on your secure computer at home. When you visit a new doctor, you can choose to share your encrypted health data with them on demand through QR code, email, link etc. This way, you have full custody of your health data and can decide who to share it with and what to do with it.

**Disclaimer: **

Use at your own Risk. See License document. It is still beta. Take all steps to safeguard your data. The security will be as safe as your computer is. Keep your computer encrypted. Dont share password. This tool is not a replacement for a Doctor. For medical advice, please consult with a Healthcare professional. Darnahi only aims to provide Health suggestions/information which might not be evidence based.

WHY I CARE ABOUT THIS: I created this project because I had trouble moving my own health data when I switched healthcare providers. As someone who works in the healthcare space, I see that current EHR solutions make it difficult to port your data, even though there are regulatory requirements to do so. It's frustrating to see that some institutions still rely on fax and scan to move data around, which shows how outdated and hidden these data porting techniques are. Given this pain point, I also see an exciting oppportunity with LLM's. I look forward to the day when superior Language models will run on your device at home.

This is version 2.2 of the project, and I anticipate that there will be many more iterations and help from OSS community before it takes a good form. My goal is to make it easier for people to take ownership of their health data and store it in one place on their own computer. They can shoose to interact with local LLM or use their deidentified data to interact with powerful public LLM if they wish. Darnahi provides both- a way to interact with local LLM and also to deidentify their data seamlessly/ This way, they can decide who to share it with, how to use it and finally have more control over their own health.


This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Darna modified GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You would of course have to credit Darnahi.

basic requirements

#linux os (Debian or Ubuntu distro preferred) #GPU enabled computer (preferred for running local LLM) #python3 #git #docker (if you wish to use dockerized apps in sky market)


We are trying to take all steps to keep it safe and secure. Please note this is still a beta version. All software runs in python Virtual Env and dockerized containers. To delete it, delete the Health_server folder and thats it!

Please note that this is only the second version of the project, and I plan on adding more features and making improvements in the future. You can expect constant improvement in the future.

step 1: Git clone and install Health_server

Make sure you have python3. If not go to Once done do the following:

(Optional) Install Git and git clone Darna_local repo: (skip this step if git already installed)

sudo apt-get install git

Git clone the Darna_local repo

git clone

(Optional) Make sure pip is installed to help install python modules (skip this step if pip is already installed)

sudo apt-get install python3-pip

Change directory into the Health_server directory

cd Health_server

Now install 'distro' and subsequently run Setup. This should also start your Server.

pip install pip-tools distro      

Once started the server should be active at port :3001. The browser should auto launch and take you there. You could easily access on the home computer at http://localhost:3001 .The flask server when launched will give you the IP address at which it launched. You could now navigate to that http://your_ip_adddress:3001 with any mobile device and access the server.


The app allows you to shut down the server remotely from anywhere. Go to the 'INFORMATION' section and scroll to the bottom to find the 'kill switch' option. Using this will shut down the server and the local language model running on it. However, to restart the server, you need to be physically at your home computer.

Note: This might not shutdownt he docker containers from the sky store. You would have to remove them on your home computer.


Click on the Darnahi icon from launcher. OR go to Health_server directory and type:

cd Health_server


If you don't want to use the health server app anymore, you can simply delete the entire 'Health_server' folder. Since the software is running in virtual environments, deleting that folder will completely remove it with just one click. No need for any special shutdown process, just delete the folder to get rid of it all.


To give feedback, please go to 'Information' card and click on last link that allows you to email me. Or you could start a debug thread on github itself.

Step 2: Upload your health data in the health_server folder:

a) Upload health files: On health app, search how to 'get your data', then choose "Export All Health Data" and save the file in iOS files. Then click on 'UPLOAD' icon (+) on your Darnahi server, choose file and upload to your server.

b) If you have data on EPIC MyChart or Cerner er Athena etc or your doctors gateway. Go to 'Sky App Store', click on the 'Portal Access Card', choose your EMR provider, login and go to Menu, search 'sharing' or 'export', click 'yourself' and download a zip file to 'files'. Then click on 'UPLOAD' card on your flask server and download to your server.

c) PDF's and JPGS on mobile: 'UPLOAD' (+) icon on the Darnahi server and follow instructions to upload to your server.

d) Tips are in 'INFORMATION' card of server.

e) The default username password: ADMIN 'health' and USER1 'wellness'. You could change it 'Information' card if you wish. For Grafana is user:'admin', password:'health'.


Here it what the Analyze care does once you enter your age, sex, and words to de-identify separated by "|" It generates a list of recommended medical screenings for your age based on USPSTF guidelines It uses OCR to extract data from your uploaded files It runs simple NLP to get medical data organized by headings It vectorizes and chunks up the data It creates a word cloud of your recent uploaded data It creates a vectorized database for the local LLM This allows the LLM to access your data and provide personalized answers to your medical questions

**Disclaimer: **

Use at your own Risk. See License document. It is still beta. Take all steps to safeguard your data. The security will be as safe as your computer is. Keep your computer encrypted. Dont share password. This tool is not a replacement for a Doctor. For medical advice, please consult with a Healthcare professional. Darnahi only aims to provide Health suggestions/information which might not be evidence based.


It allows you to enter your past medical history and update your list of medications in a standard FHIR format. This information gets stored in the 'summary' folder. When you share an encrypted zip file with your healthcare provider, they can access your past medical history and current medication list in a format compatible with electronic medical records (EMRs). Additionally, it creates a database from your entered information that the vectorizer can use when you ask health-related questions to the local language model.

So in summary, it lets you securely share your medical details with providers while also building a personalized database to enable the AI to provide tailored health insights based on your specific medical background.


The dropdown menu provides several options: Access a 'summary.pdf' file stored in the 'summary' folder in PDF format. View the personalized health intents generated when you run the 'Analyze' function. View your de-identified data, which could be useful for interacting with public language models. View your word cloud visualization. Encrypt and zip the health files stored in the 'summary' folder.

So in essence, the menu allows you to access your medical summary PDF, personalized health insights, de-identified data, data visualization, and create an encrypted package to securely share your health information.

**Disclaimer: **

Use at your own Risk. See License document. It is still beta. Take all steps to safeguard your data. The security will be as safe as your computer is. Keep your computer encrypted. Dont share password. This tool is not a replacement for a Doctor. For medical advice, please consult with a Healthcare professional. Darnahi only aims to provide Health suggestions/information which might not be evidence based.


This card allows you to view the folders on your server. You can access and view XML files, PDF files as well as DICOM files. DICOM files are a standard format used for medical imaging data like X-rays, CT scans, etc. A sample DICOM file is included on the server for demonstration purposes.

So in simple terms, this gives you the ability to navigate the server's file system and open XML document files or medical imaging files in the DICOM format, with an example DICOM file provided. Note: some XML health files need a supporting styles.xsl file alongwith to allow viewing.


Darnahi currenlty uses a lightweight but smart computer program called 1b Llama. It works by combining two important parts:

RAG architecture: This helps the program quickly find and understand the specific health information it needs from your medical data.

ChromaDB: This is like a special database that organizes and stores your health details in a way the computer program can easily access.

By using RAG and ChromaDB together, the 1b Llama program can efficiently retrieve your personal medical information and then provide health-related answers just for you based on that data.

**Disclaimer: **

Use at your own Risk. See License document. It is still beta. Take all steps to safeguard your data. The security will be as safe as your computer is. Keep your computer encrypted. Dont share password. This tool is not a replacement for a Doctor. For medical advice, please consult with a Healthcare professional. Darnahi only aims to provide Health suggestions/information which might not be evidence based.


If you encounter the missing module _sqlite3 error when you start venv. Its a known error with older python Venv. You might need to uninstall python3 and reinstall. Its preferred if you download directly from

sudo apt update
sudo apt install libsqlite3-dev
sudo apt install python3 python3-venv

You can check with:

import sqlite3

OR Build python3 from source:

The default username password: ADMIN 'health' and USER1 'wellness'. You could change it 'Information' card if you wish.

** Venv error:** Error creating venv could mean venv need to be installed or upgraded
python -m pip install --upgrade venv

If computer sleeps and wakes, the CUDA breaks while running Darnabot as part of its memory offload mechanism. Restarting fixes it. will add a fix next update.


**Code for Install Module is at : **

Install Module is a set of dockerized container apps that you could add to the 'Pie in Sky'. It is completely optional. It is maintained by another user.

Why we support XMR?

In the realm of financial privacy, the use of cryptocurrencies like Monero can play a role in enhancing users' security. Monero is a privacy-focused cryptocurrency that provides anonymity and obfuscation of transaction details. This can be particularly relevant in healthcare contexts.

You could choose to support the XMR network by running a node on your computer. More nodes make the network more resilient and futureproofs it.


PIE IN SKY: I imagine it a way download external dockerized apps to run on your server. It adds more functionalities and dimensions to our server. We aim to add more apps in future. Cheers!

**Disclaimer: **

Use at your own Risk. See License document. It is still beta. Take all steps to safeguard your data. The security will be as safe as your computer is. Keep your computer encrypted. Dont share password. This tool is not a replacement for a Doctor. For medical advice, please consult with a Healthcare professional. Darnahi only aims to provide Health suggestions/information which might not be evidence based.

Hope you like it! Please share feedback and let me know if you woudl like to contribute to this project. You could send feedback by commenting on this repo or going to 'INFORMATiON' card and clicking on link saying 'email' the writer of repo.