Clipping Data​
-Turf functions can be used directly for clipping features including:
+Turf functions can be used directly for clipping features against other features. They tend to be single purpose and include:
The geoprocessing toolbox offers some convenience functions that wrap these functions with additional functionality, error checking, and/or error prevention:
+The geoprocessing toolbox offers some convenience functions that wrap these operations with additional functionality, error checking, and/or error prevention:
- function that performs one of 4 different clip operations on features (union, intersection, xor, difference)
- similar to clip but takes two feature inputs, and merges second into a single multipolygon before clip. This can make an intersection operation run faster, and avoids errors in underlying clipping library when clipping against too many features. +-
- Used by intersectInChunks and intersectInChunksArea +
Multiple clip operations in a row against different feature classes:
- clipToPolygonFeatures - takes a Polygon feature and returns the portion remaining after performing one or more clipOperations (intersection or difference) against multiple feature classes. If results in multiple polygons then returns the largest.
- takes a Polygon feature and returns the portion remaining after performing one or more clipOperations (intersection or difference) against one or more Datasources.
Higher-level intersection functions:
- performs one of 4 different clip operations on features in one function (union, intersection, xor, difference)
- performs clip after first merging features2 coords into a single multipolygon. Avoids errors in underlying clipping library when too many features in features2.intersectInChunks
- calculates area overlap between a feature A and a feature array B. Intersection is done in chunks on featuresB to avoid errors due to too many features.intersectInChunksArea
- calculates area overlap between a feature A and a feature array B. Intersection is done in chunks on featuresB to avoid errors due to too many features.intersectSum
- sums a property value of intersecting features. No support for partial.
-- clipToPolygonFeatures - takes a Polygon feature and returns the portion remaining after performing one or more clipOperations (intersection or difference). If results in multiple polygons then returns the largest.
Vector Overlap Analysis​
@@ -40,7 +50,7 @@
- rasterMetrics calculate summary metrics (statistics/area) on a loa. If
is passed will limit to raster values overlapping with the sketch (zonal statistics). Similar torasterStats
but results are returned in a standardizedMetric
array format.-
@@ -49,15 +59,14 @@
- Categorical example
- overlapRasterClass
- salculates sum of overlap between sketches and a categorical raster with numeric values representing feature classes
-- Lesser used: +
- calculates sum of overlap between sketches and a categorical raster with numeric values representing feature classesoverlapRasterSum
- returns sum of cells overlapping sketch with raster as a metric objectoverlapRasterArea
- returns area of sketch overlap with raster as a metric object
Raster Overlap Analysis​
Geoblaze can be used directly for calculating zonal raster statistics using a Sketch feature.
The geoprocessing framework offers some convenience functions that extend them with additional functionality:
Older and lesser used functions:
- rasterStats - is a lower-level all-in-one function for calculating up to 10 different raster stats in a single pass.
@@ -66,7 +75,7 @@
Older function:
+Older and lesser used function:
- getSum - returns sum of raster cell values overlap with feature. (not multi-band aware, first band only)
- getArea - returns area of valid raster cell values (not nodata) overlapping with feature. (not multi-band aware, first band only) @@ -91,6 +100,6 @@
- used by all high-level group metrics functions