1.16 - Implement liftMembers, analogous to liftEither
1.16 - Implement liftMembers, analogous to liftEither
1.14 - re-export SeeReason.Errors.Sort in SeeReason.Errors
1.14 - re-export SeeReason.Errors.Sort in SeeReason.Errors
Make the rethrow function a parameter of findError
Make the rethrow function a parameter of findError
Add HasCallStack constraint to findError
Add HasCallStack constraint to findError
It helps to actually export liftMemberT
It helps to actually export liftMemberT
* Add fromExcepT :: Unexceptional m => ExceptT (OneOf e) IO a -> Exce…
* Add fromExcepT :: Unexceptional m => ExceptT (OneOf e) IO a -> Exce…
1.10 - remove annoying type alias Errors
1.10 - remove annoying type alias Errors
Type variable order for tryMember
Type variable order for tryMember
1.9 - New implementations of catchMember and tryMember
1.9 - New implementations of catchMember and tryMember
Remove the recently added DEPRECATED pragma
Remove the recently added DEPRECATED pragma
1.8.1 - expose splitException and splitExceptT
1.8.1 - expose splitException and splitExceptT
Split SeeReason.UIO out of SeeReason.Errors
Split SeeReason.UIO out of SeeReason.Errors