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121 lines (62 loc) · 2.69 KB

File metadata and controls

121 lines (62 loc) · 2.69 KB

ypspur_ros node

The topic names will be migrated to ROS recommended namespace model. Set compatible parameter to 1 to use new topic names.

Subscribed topics

~/cmd_vel (new: cmd_vel) [geometry_msgs/Twist]

Vehicle velocity control command input.

~/cmd_joint (new: joint_trajectory) [trajectory_msgs/JointTrajectory]

Joint trajectory control command input.

~/control_mode (new: control_mode) [ypspur_ros/ControlMode]

Motor control mode input. (velocity control, torque control, passive (short circuit) brake, and open circuit mode)

~/joint_position (new: joint_position) [ypspur_ros/JointPositionControl]

Joint position control command without time constraint. (Time optimal control.)

~/dio? (new: dio?) [ypspur_ros/DigitalOutput]

Digital IO output command. This topic name is configurable through dio?_name parameter.

Publihed topics

~/odom (new: odom) [nav_msgs/Odometry]

Odometry pose.

~/joint (new: joint_states) [sensor_msgs/JointState]

Joint status array.

~/wrench (new: wrench) [geometry_msgs/WrenchStamped]

Estimated vehicle force and torque.

~/digital_input (new: digital_input) [ypspur_ros/DigitalInput]

Digital IO status.

~/ad/name (new: ad/name) [std_msgs/Float32]

Analog input status. This topic name is configurable through ad?_name parameter.


~/port [string: "/dev/ttyACM0"]

~/ypspur_bin [string: "/usr/local/bin/ypspur-coordinator"]

~/param_file [string: ""]

Path to your vehicle parameter file for yp-spur.

~/cmd_vel_expire [double: -1.0]

Expire duration of cmd_vel. After this duration since receiving cmd_vel, velocity and angular velocity is set to zero. Negative or zero value disables this feature.

~/ad?_enable [bool: false]

~/ad?_name [string: "ad" + i]

Published topic name

~/ad?_gain [float: 1.0]

~/ad?_offset [float: 0.0]

~/dio?_enable [bool: false]

~/dio?_name [string: "dio" + i]

Subscribed topic name and published IO pin name.

~/dio?_output [bool: true]

~/dio?_input [bool: false]

~/dio?_default [string: "HIGH_IMPEDANCE"]

Default output state.

~/odom_id [string: "odom"]

Odometry frame id.

~/base_link_id [string: "base_link"]

base_link frame id.

~/hz [float: 200.0]

Frequency to publish odometry data.

~/odometry_mode [string: "diff"]

~/max_joint_id [int: 32]

~/joint?_enable [bool: false]

~/joint?_name [string: "joint" + i]

~/vel [float: max velocity specified in the parameter file]

~/acc [float: max acceleration specified in the parameter file]

~/angvel [float: max angular velocity specified in the parameter file]

~/angacc [float: max angular acceleration specified in the parameter file]