distro artix/arch
wm bspwm
bar polybar
search dmenu patched with line-height and xyz
browser pale moon
music mpd & ncmpcpp & tmux & ueberzug required to show album art
fm ranger & w3m & ffmpeg-thumbnailer & atool required to extract and view video thumbnails
img view sxiv & hsetroot used to set wallpaper
rss newsboat
music player album art is complicated so i'll explain it here.
the keybind (super + F10) spawns a tmux window with pre-defined split dimensions and spawns ncmpcpp on the left pane, and the shell script for the album art on the right pane.
ncmpcpp doesn't have anything to do with it. mpc has something to do with the album art. the script uses mpc and ueberzug to generate the correct image to display.