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51 lines (42 loc) · 1.77 KB

File metadata and controls

51 lines (42 loc) · 1.77 KB


Aggressive config stuff for the adventurous user.


Why "-dots"? See the system I start with:

zsh <(curl


  • vim stuff:
    • .vim/plugin/1337-keys.vim - Changes formatoptions to favor comments less.
    • .vim/ftplugin/ruby_syntaxshortcuts.vim
      • \9 for converting to Ruby 1.9-style hash args
      • \0 to kill parens
      • \' to switch to single quotes (this and the next needs to be available more generally)
      • '"' to switch to single quotes
    • coffee-1337.vim - Auto-write .js from .cs, if you have a file in the current dir named .compile-coffeescript-automatically
    • Powerline - A more informative status bar. For super1337 mode try to get the font patches going.
    • NERDCommenter - Enable <leader>cc (comment) and <leader>cu (uncomment), in an Acmeist way.
    • Gundo - Sweet navigator around the undo tree. Have +python then :GundoToggle
      • Bound as gu (which, for me, is \gu and gu)
    • surround - cs"', etc.
  • zsh stuff:
    • Add zaw (supergood thing that's kind of like CtrlP. Bound to ^x;)
    • Add zsh-syntax-highlighting, which is good because you get instant feedback if something is typed as you expect.
    • .zsh/rc/autojump - Adds the 'j' command, if you've installed autojump.
  • X11 stuff:
    • .Xmodmap - Gives you Hyper_L instead of Caps_Lock, plus Multi_key
    • xmonad.hs - Xmonad is the best window manager out there. This file makes use .Xresources of Hyper_L and adds a few layouts.
  • Ruby
    • .irbrc - Run pry instead of old irb
  • A self-referential file.


[email protected]

Ask/tell/demand anything. I'll be receptive.