This is the shosetsu plan to handle ePubs
The following are the steps that the user will have to take to import an ePub
- User goes to "Browse"
- User then goes to the top right, and selects import
- File manager will open for selecting the file
- After complete, will take the filepath and send it a ImporterWorker that will move/copy the file into the applications local directory
- Prompt user to where the new file is located (the local directory)
- EPub/PDFReaderWorker will being reading the file, will notify user when done
- User goes to "Browse"
- User clicks "Local source"
- User will be sent to an view showing the local files
- User can select the listing, and import the file
- EPub/PDFReaderWorker will being reading the file, will notify user when done
After the above, the user can go to their library and read the file just like any other novel
An ePub has to be parsed properly before it can be used by Shosetsu
= D/extracted epub == F/mimetype == D/META-INF === F/container.xml
F/mimetype seems to contain what the extracted content is META-INF/container.xml