All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
v1.1.3 - (29 Sep, 2022)
- Date Picker on BMC home screen.
- Menu icon on Note component.
- Add button styling.
v1.1.2 - (22 Apr, 2020)
- Edit note feature.
v1.1.1 - (21 Apr, 2020)
- CMS content for Joyride.
v1.1.0 - (21 Apr, 2020)
- Testing configuration.
- Custom domain - CNAME file.
- App joyride showing on user's first visit to the website
- file.
- Print feature.
- Meta tags for SEO
- Google Analytics
- SonarCloud properties.
- App social preview image.
- Section title popover interaction to CLICK.
- Animation of Note from NoteDialog component.
- App version number label from side menu.
- CNAME file was deleting while deploying the app through Travis.
v1.0.0 - (19 Apr, 2020)
- Initial project files.
- Some basic/initial app features
- Screen to show business model canvas.
- Option to add notes in canvas sections.
- Save file option.
- Open file option.
- Travis CI/CD integration.
- SonarCloud integration.