- fix bad npm publish
- ac90c9a Changes to support use in universal apps (fixes #29) (#31)
- 77398d0 "Warning: Accessing PropTypes via the main React package is deprecated" fixed (#35)
- 274d6e8 Convert autocomplete to camelcase (#34)
- cfa2dcd Update README.md
- e0b6c3d move testing deps to devDependencies (#26)
- 7e9dacd Pass props to container (#25)
- dba4a52 update with correct uuid (#23)
- 4cc429d Add unit testing (#22)
- e77de4b Cleanup update (#20)
- a8dd38e Expose clear fn (#19)
- d53d124 changeCallback should be invoked after setState finishes (#17)
- 4aaa690 Improve initial state (#16)
- 13e58d1 update example build (#15)
- 57fd6a1 Fix overwrite ref bug (#14)
- 1f3bb2e Publish example (#13)
- 455a895 update README (#12)
- 5a5103b Update readme (#10)
- f3195e9 update to v0.6.0 (#9)
- 0b449ae Design update (#8)
- 59a5e74 Integrate zxcvbn (#7)
- 8e91cef Min length support (#4)
- 243d723 cleanup for neater npm publishing (#3)
- 801f55b add styling and scaffolding for score support (#2)
- da53e52 initial component (#1)
- 5f0c8cc Initial commit