All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- (profile) [a677fc7e] revert amazonQ profile settings
- (nvim) [f945d52a] add fzflua shortcut for buffers
- (profile) [c97b73ab] add powerlevel10k as zsh theme
- (nvim) [49ec6c25] replace ollama-copilot with modelmate plugin
- [433988ac] update overall documentation
- (nvim) [breaking] [85082d2f] adjust setup for lazy latest major breaking changes
- (profile) [8aecced0] rollback from mise to taskfiles
- (yazi) [44dfe9a5] adjust options for last release
- (profile) [f6d8ef23] reorg and update aliases and settings
- (mise) [ac3ec1e2] adjust syntax for latest releases
- (nvim) [c2703211] give up on neorg again
- (readme) [92a10ef3] update task of lists available
- (nvim) [ce2fc64e] trying out neorg one more time
- (nvim) [d04fd3f6] add ollama-copilot plugin
- (mise) [b1399c5f] bump configs and deps
- (profile) [5c06fb73] testing asdf as alternative to mise
- (profile) [e65e2d27] new conda function and small tweaks
- (wezterm) [8fcfc6d9] experimenting new keybindings and events for better navigation
- (yazi) [8b7a9278] rollback to catppuccin-mocha theme
- (mise) [ef279d48] use openjdk for java in profile
- (nvim) [47e46ce1] bump deps and add words to spell dict
- (profile) [c91738e4] add amethyst config back
- (profile) [6ee23209] update aliases and functions
- (nvim) [da683126] remove obsidian plugin and keymaps
- (nvim) [6695de5e] bump lazy and fixes for breaking changes
- (profile) [daab954b] fix exports for mise and brew for mason
- (docs) [2129b145] add git-cliff for changelog
- (profile) [352b608a] update sops encrypted credentials file
- (profile) [8a45d725] add rancher bin back to path
- (nvim) [fde7eb16] deps, comments, small fixes
- (nvim) [35fb2551] improve lua support with lazydev
- (nvim) [b5c84cff] improve dap configuration and keybindings
- (nvim) [2a8e51d7] add lazygit configs
- [93a0b36c] replace install tasks with mise
- [fbbdeaaf] add cue and kcl support (wip)
- [ba53baea] add matchup plugin
- (nvim) [feca2bff] remove unused vim plugins and customize gitsigns
- (nvim) [6525ff66] go back to yazi default theme settings
- (nvim) [aa0fc5fc] update keybindings
- (yazi) [2c906757] add keybind for yazi to copy files
- (profile) [129c20eb] add terminalizer config to profile
- (nvim) [ef66f86f] add yaml companion and yamlfmt as formatter
- (nvim) [f86dce82] add gohtml parser with prettier go-template plugin
- (nvim) [9e5045e6] replace neotree and netrw by yazi
- [0b97cbec] clean-up unused, small tweaks, and bump deps
- (nvim) [5e4e2572] remove zig formatting with null-ls for now
- [6bcc4137] update private profile
- (nvim) [6ee45988] restore protoc autocmd
- (nvim) [45b33d48] add html/htmlx lsp with templating configs
- (nvim) [30749393] disable bufferline again
- (nvim) [ff730ac7] bump and reorganize neotree into dedicated config
- (nvim) [56fe6cb1] bump lazy and llama version
- (repo) [8f30e641] add new commit msg tag for deps
- (nvim) [d78d56b7] bump lazy and add words to spell
- (wezterm) [d16547c7] cache settings for performance
- (nvim) [080333b6] disable neovim to avoid hanging on wezterm
- (nvim) [5b62350e] treesitter tweaks to validate
- [72b8dd6c] remove pipx aliases
- (nvim) [ec91c5f0] add FzfLua keybindings
- (nvim) [e177321b] add lazy extras for better lsp support
- (nvim) [656e8b09] change hlsearch to true
- (nvim) [eb030720] improvements on lsp settings
- (tasks) [c4f61cb2] add protobuf lsp install
- (nvim) [a566bc0a] colorscheme and formatting tweaks
- (nvim) [98681063] add hidden search on telescope and exclude new patterns
- (nvim) [9aaf8ea4] give bufferline another shot
- (nvim) [79a348bf] add yazi support
- (yazi) [9ea06b09] add placeholder for docs
- (nvim) [83e921c6] organize autocmds
- (nvim) [3a2266ad] improve kustomize support
- (deps) [9ce899b7] bump lazy packages
- (nvim) [20587bd4] disable spell check
- (docs) [adcc5820] improve overall documentation
- (hammerspoon) [d308b581] add shiftIt spoon [WIP]
- (tmux) [3b484d4d] new bindings and adjust status and colors
- (tasks) [7f05fa55] add new utils
- (git) [c70a0de6] ignore luarocks files
- (secrets) [1db1c987] update encrypted credentials
- (nvim) [6aa94beb] add new words to spell
- (hammerspoon) [172282ff] change structure and add commands
- [966c65f6] fix tmux glitches with lazygit and wezterm
- (setup) [cc8d5ff2] add nerdfonts to install tasks
- (nvim) [a3750bcd] add telescope media preview
- (wezterm) [f65d3824] more tweaks and tab customizations
- [f8ede278] add hammerspoon
- (lua) [14d0a10f] lint/format all files with same settings
- (images) [b58b2b90] add image backdrops
- (terminal) [67f41a9a] replace kitty with wezterm
- [3827df24] reorg config files and scripts
- (lua) [ec5c3ae7] consolidate lint and editor configs
- (tasks) [7e560cd5] add dotfile dirs as global vars
- (docs) [7484f087] readme and spelling updates
- (deps) [9dcc534f] bump lazy
- (nvim) [6fc90da6] update spell dict, formatting
- (tasks) [c9fa7e38] add kubeconform install task
- (secrets) [bf5aafe6] update private credentials file
- (deps) [de882a3e] update to latest's
- (docs) [90090913] adjust incorrect changelog links
- (nvim) [ae685370] add new filetypes to lspconfig
- (nvim) [187c3fd9] add dictionary file to spell
- (nvim) [d9624d11] always upgrade bash to latest
- (functions) [1e9af37a] adjust openui launcher for rancher
- (secrets) [b9dd9617] update private credentials
- (docs) [cf2255d5] add wakatime badge to readme
- (nvim) [5e003444] link go src to git to avoid duplicates
- [9f508bf5] tweaks, and more tweaks
- [70f85f91] add tmux pane switch plugin
- [7e19f3ba] reorg tasks
- [f0ed659b] refactoring stuff up
- [9a2077d0] add go auto import
- [b812aed5] add amethyst config file
- [9bfa6319] markdown no fence errors
- [c287a2ec] improve lsp configs
- [d8e5b873] fix linting, style, typos
- [c7367d07] small tweaks
- [75b52e80] add sdkman to zsh profile
- [0c3d10d2] add missing kubectl alias
- [1db06bbc] improve telescope cmds
- [1c7d7944] add rust support
- [0e8fe230] improve git plugin
- [49ddbcea] add tmux integration
- [e194747a] add quickfix window plugin
- [632643bc] add zen mode
- [b729b79c] bump deps
- [6eeff096] add lazyvim stuff
- [c6d821cf] improve vue and typescript support
- [7c85819c] add eslint support
- [d8589e6d] bump lazy deps
- [2c66af49] cleaning stuff up
- [9b7864c7] more cleanup
- [0f320726] backup some configs and scripts
- [7d1943fd] archive old stuff
- [fc9b7f6a] reorg telescope settings
- [893016e9] refactor lsp config
- [fdbcf360] update on aliases and functions