My personal Neovim configurations.
Check the reference below on how things are organized:
├── init.lua # LazyVim entry-point
├── lazy-lock.json
├── lazyvim.json
├── lua
│ ├── config
│ │ ├── autocmds.lua # Autocmds such as file types, LSP attach configs
│ │ ├── keymaps.lua # Keybindings
│ │ ├── lazy.lua
│ │ └── options.lua # Neovim global options
│ │
│ ├── lsp
│ │ ├── config.lua # Language server settings
│ │ └── servers # Customization per language server
│ │
│ ├── plugins # Plugin customization
│ │ ├── colorscheme.lua # Color theme
│ │ ├── dressing.lua # Overall aesthetics
│ │ ├── editor.lua # Editor settings
│ │ ├── formatting.lua # Formatting and visual options in general
│ │ │
│ └── utils # Misc utilities
│ └── luasnip.lua
└── spell # Spellchecker dictionary
├── en.utf-8.add
└── en.utf-8.add.spl
This setup assumes the following:
- LazyVim as package manager,
- Mason and vhyrro/luarocks.nvim for installing dependencies.
- nvim-lspconfig and tree-sitter for LSP configurations, code-completion, syntax-highlighting, etc.
# backup previously existing settings
mv ~/.config/nvim{,.bak}
# optional but recommended
mv ~/.local/share/nvim{,.bak}
mv ~/.local/state/nvim{,.bak}
mv ~/.cache/nvim{,.bak}
# clone the main repo and move nvim configs
# to its default location
git clone
mv .dotfiles/nvim ~/.config/nvim
# To have all plugins installed just go into
# the directory and start nvim
cd ~/.local/nvim
nvim .
All LSPs listed below are fully configured with syntax-highlighting, auto-completion, formatting, linting and different tweaks:
- angularls
- bashls
- clangd
- cmake
- docker_compose_language_service
- dockerls
- eslint
- golangci_lint_ls
- gopls
- groovyls
- helm_ls
- html
- jdtls
- jsonls
- lua_ls
- marksman
- pylsp
- rust_analyzer
- taplo
- terraformls
- tflint
- tsserver
- volar
- vuels
- yamlls
- zls
A big shout-out to thank the amazing folks, from which I borrowed ideas, and code to use as starting point for my own personal setup: