title | icon | description |
Quick Start |
bolt |
Use our simli-client sdk to start streaming |
API Key: Our endpoint require an API key which you can easily obtain by creating an account at Create an account. The API key makes it easier for you to track your usage and control who has access to Simli.
Faces: All our available Avatar faces can be accessed through: Available Faces. We are continously adding new ones.
simli-client: Stream PCM16 audio bytes to our SDK to start recieving media.
Our API comprimises of two main components:
API to initialize a session./startWebRTCSession
WebRTC API to start streamingPCM16
audio bytes to video.
If you're a WebRTC enthusiast, we encourage you to learn more about Simli WebRTC
In this guide we will be using our `simli-client` SDK to avoid setting up all the WebRTC complexities. ## API Key In order to use our API you need to get your `apiKey` first. [Create an account](https://simli.com/sign-up-in), log in and in your profile you can view your API Key. ## Import simli-clientImport the simli-client
package to your project.
npm install simli-client
Check on GitHub: simli-client
## Initialize and start streaming 1. Create a React ref and pass it to the video and audio ```jsx import React, { useRef } from 'react';function YourComponent() { const videoRef = useRef(null); const audioRef = useRef(null);
return (
2. Initialize SimliClient and pass in the video and audio ref
import { SimliClient } from 'simli-client';
const simliClient = new SimliClient();
const InitializeSimliClient = () => {
const SimliConfig = {
faceID: FACE-ID,
handleSilence: true,
maxSessionLength: 3600, // in seconds
maxIdleTime: 600, // in seconds
videoRef: videoRef,
audioRef: audioRef,
- Call start function to Setup WebRTC connection
- Stream audio using
AudioData should be of type PCM16
and sample rate 16KHz
// Example: sending empty audio data
const emptyAudioData = new Uint8Array(6000).fill(0);
- Finally
If done successfully, you will recieve media to be rendered on your frontend.
import React, { useRef } from "react";
import { SimliClient } from "simli-client";
const simliClient = new SimliClient();
function YourComponent() {
const videoRef = useRef(null);
const audioRef = useRef(null);
// 1: Initialize SimliClient
const InitializeSimliClient = () => {
const SimliConfig = {
apiKey: "SIMLI-API-KEY",
faceID: "FACE-ID",
handleSilence: true,
maxSessionLength: 3600, // in seconds
maxIdleTime: 600, // in seconds
videoRef: videoRef,
audioRef: audioRef,
// 2: Start WebRTC connection
const startSimliClient = () => {
// 3: Call InitializeSimliClient and startSimliClient
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
// 4: Send audio data
const sendAudioData = (audioData) => {
const emptyAudioData = new Uint8Array(6000).fill(0);
return (
<video ref={videoRef} autoPlay playsInline></video>
<audio ref={audioRef} autoPlay></audio>