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Bijection Build Status

A Bijection is an invertible function that converts back and forth between two types, with the contract that a round-trip through the Bijection will bring back the original object. Moreover, the inverse has the same property.

See the current API documentation for more information.


Current version is 0.3.0. groupid="com.twitter" artifact="bijection-core_2.9.2".


scala> Bijection[Int, java.lang.Integer](42)
res0: java.lang.Integer = 42

In addition to Bijection, we have Injection. An Injection embeds a type A in a larger space of type B. Every item from A can be round-tripped through B, but not every B can be mapped to A. So Injection is like a pair of function: A => B, B => Option[A].

import com.twitter.bijection._

scala> Injection[Int, String](100)
res0: String = 100

scala> Injection.invert[Int, String](res0)
res1: Option[Int] = Some(100)

If we want to treat an Injection like a Bijection (over a restricted subspace of the larger set), we use the B @@ Rep[A] syntax, for instance: String @@ Rep[Int]

Bijection[Int, String @@ Rep[Int]](100)
res2: com.twitter.bijection.package.@@[String,com.twitter.bijection.Rep[Int]] = 100

Use invert to reverse the transformation:

scala> Bijection.invert[Int, String @@ Rep[Int]](res2)
res3: Int = 100

If you import Conversion.asMethod you can use .as[T] to use an available Bijection/Injection to T:

scala> import com.twitter.bijection.Conversion.asMethod
import com.twitter.bijection.Conversion.asMethod

res6: java.lang.Integer = 1

Bijections and Injections can also be composed. As with functions, andThen composes forward, compose composes backward.

This example round-trips a long into a GZipped base64-encoded string:

scala> val injection = Injection.long2BigEndian andThen Bijection.bytes2GZippedBase64
injection: com.twitter.bijection.Injection[Long,Array[Byte]] = <function1>

scala> injection(123456789L)
res1: com.twitter.bijection.GZippedBase64String = GZippedBase64String(H4sIAAAAAAAAAGNgYGBgjz4rCgBpa5WLCAAAAA==)

scala> injection.invert(res1)
res2: Option[Long] = Some(123456789)

When you have bijections between a path of items you can Bijection.connect or Injection.connect them:

scala> import com.twitter.bijection.Injection.connect
import com.twitter.bijection.Injection.connect

scala> import com.twitter.bijection.Base64String
import com.twitter.bijection.Base64String

scala> import Conversion.asMethod
import Conversion.asMethod

scala> implicit val long2String2Bytes2B64 = connect[Long,String,Array[Byte],Base64String]
string2Long2Bytes2B64: com.twitter.bijection.Bijection[String,com.twitter.bijection.Base64String] = <function1>

res0: com.twitter.bijection.Base64String = Base64String(MjQz)

scala> long2String2Bytes2B64.invert(res5)
res1: Option[Long] = Some(243)

Supported Bijections/Injections

Bijection implicitly supplies Bijections between:

  • all numeric types <-> their boxed java counterparts
  • containers/primitives <-> Json (Injections via bijection-json)
  • thrift/protobuf <-> Array[Byte] (Injections via bijection-protobuf/bijection-thrift)
  • all numeric types <-> big-endian Array[Byte] encodings (Injections)
  • all numeric types <-> String (Injections)
  • Bijections for all asScala, asJava pairs provided by scala.collection.JavaConverters
  • String <-> utf8 encoded bytes
  • Array[Byte] <-> GZippedBytes
  • Array[Byte] <-> Base64String
  • Array[Byte] <-> GZippedBase64String
  • Array[Byte] <-> java.nio.ByteBuffer
  • Class[T] <-> String (Injection)
  • A => B <-> C => D (function conversion)
  • Bijection/Injection builders for all tuples. ((String,Int) <-> (Array[Byte], java.lang.Integer) is built automatically, for example.)

Additionally there is a method to generate Bijections between most of Scala's built in types: Bijection.toContainer[Int,String,List[Int],Vector[String] returns Bijection[List[Int], Vector[String]

If you see a reversible conversion that is not here and related to types in the standard library of Java or Scala, please contribute!

Serialization via Bufferable

Bufferable[T] handles putting and getting a type T into a ByteBuffer in a composable way. Bufferable[T] instances for all primitives/tuples/containers are provided. Bijections and Injections to any of these types give you binary serialization via Bufferable.



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