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Retrieving all data from a collection

object edited this page Oct 4, 2012 · 28 revisions

Simple.Data method All is used to retrieve all data from a collection.

Retrieve all products:
OData URI: Products

IEnumerable<dynamic> products = _db.Products.All();

Retrieve all order details using different naming convention for OrderDetails collection:
OData URI: OrderDetails

IEnumerable<dynamic> orderDetails = _db.Order_Details.All();

Retrieve product total count:
OData URI: Products/$count

var count = _db.Products.All().Count();
Assert.True(count > 0);

Retrieve all products with total count and take the first row in a single operation:
OData URI: Products?$top=1&$inlinecount=allpages

Promise<int> count;
IEnumerable<dynamic> products = _db.Products.All().WithTotalCount(out count).Take(1);
Assert.True(count > 1);

See also:
Simple.Data documentation for All