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Tim van Dijen edited this page Oct 15, 2022 · 3 revisions


All projects within the SimpleSAMLphp namespace follow PSR-12 coding style. We also use phpunit, psalm, phpcs and scrutinizer for code quality and codecov for code coverage.

unit testing

Testing an element extending AbstractElement is fairly simple. To properly test your XML-structures, you SHOULD add testMarshalling and testUnmarshalling` (*):

(*): Marshalling SHOULD use all the setter methods and Unmarshalling SHOULD use all the getter methods in a class. Both tests should use a pre-defined xml-file set in the xmlRepresentation property, and a reference to the fully qualified class name set in the testedClass property.


  • testMarshalling:
        $element = new Element(2, false, 'text');

  • testUnmarshalling:
        $element = Element::fromXML($this->xmlRepresentation->documentElement);

  • Additional tests should be added to cover 'missing required' during Marshalling, same for 'missing required' during Unmarshalling.

  • Elements that COULD render into an empty element SHOULD implement isEmptyElement() and should have a unit tests to cover for both Marshalling and Unmarshalling.

  • SerializableElementTestTrait:

You SHOULD use the SerializationTestTrait to make sure marshalling/unmarshalling an element produces the same output.

  • ArrayizableElementTestTrait:

Simple elements that implement toArray and fromArray SHOULD implement this trait to make sure marshalling/unmarshalling an element produces the same output.

  • SchemaValidationTestTrait:

Elements that implement a certain xsd-schema SHOULD implement this trait to test output against their xsd-schema. Set the schema property on the unit-test class to point to the xsd-schema file.

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