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TalentHive - Recruitment Management System

TalentHive is a web-based application designed to streamline and enhance the recruitment process. Built with React, Tailwind CSS, Express.js, Node.js, and PostgreSQL via ElephantSQL, TalentHive offers a user-friendly interface for managing candidate data effectively.


  1. Candidate Management: Easily add, update, and delete candidate details.
  2. Search and Sort: Quickly find candidates using search functionality and sort them based on computed scores.
  3. Pagination: Navigate through a paginated list of candidates for a better user experience.
  4. Scoring System: Automatically compute candidate scores based on relevant experience.


  1. Clone the repository.

    git clone
  2. Install dependencies for both the client and the server.

    cd recruiter-tool/client
    npm install
    cd ../server
    npm install
  3. Set up your PostgreSQL database via ElephantSQL.

    • If you haven't already, sign up for an ElephantSQL account at

    • Create a new database instance.

    • Create a .env file in /server folder and add the following variable:

  4. Seed the database.

    In the root directory (/recruiter-tool), run the following commands in your terminal to create the database table and seed the database with initial data.

    cd server
    npm run seed
  5. Start the backend server.

    The backend server will be available at http://localhost:5000.

    In the root directory (/recruiter-tool), run the following commands in your terminal to start the backend server.

    cd server
    npm start
  6. Start the frontend server.

    In the root directory (/recruiter-tool), run the following commands in another terminal to start the client.

    cd client
    npm start

Visit http://localhost:3000 in your browser to access TalentHive.

Optional: Hosting Your Application

Deploying Backend to Render

  1. If you haven't already, sign up for a Render account at

  2. Connect a Github repository and create a new web service.

  3. Configure web service and deploy.

    • Set the root directory to server.
    • Set the build command to npm install and the start command to npm start.
    • Set the environment variable DATABASE_URL with your ElephantSQL database instance URL.
  4. Update Proxy in Frontend.

    In the package.json file of the frontend application (/client), update the proxy to point to the backend service URL on Render.

  5. Create a .env file in /client folder and add the following variable.


Deploying Frontend to Netlify

The frontend client can be hosted separately on services like Netlify.

  1. If you haven't already, sign up for a Netlify account at
  2. Connect a Github repository and create a new web service.
  3. Configure the site and deploy.
    • Set the base directory to client.
    • Set the build command to npm run build and set the publish directory to client/build.
    • Set the environment variable REACT_APP_BACKEND_URL with the URL of your backend service.

Application Link

The app is deployed on Netlify and accessible at

Note: Initial loading of table data might be delayed as the backend server is hosted on Render. Render temporarily spins down free web services after 15 minutes of inactivity, which can delay requests by 50 seconds or more.


Watch a demo of TalentHive here.