To create a new specialist document you will have to make changes to this application, [govuk-content-schemas][govuk-content-schemas] and [rummager][rummager]. You will not have to make any changes to frontend applications.
See CMA cases.
You'll need to generate your own UUIDs for it, e.g.:
$ irb
irb(main):001:0> require "securerandom"
=> true
irb(main):002:0> SecureRandom.uuid
=> "5087e8b6-ee54-40f9-b592-8c2813c7037d"
See CMA cases
Rummager needs a copy of a schema very similar to the one in Specialist Publisher.
See CMA cases.
You also need to tell Rummager about the format so it will allow it to be indexed.
- Add the format to this list
- Add any new field definitions to this file
- Add examples as instructed
- Follow the rest of the workflow
Once you're ready to ship your code to an environment,
- Deploy Specialist Publisher, Rummager, and govuk-content-schemas.
- Run the "Search reindex for new schema" Jenkins job. This takes around 45 minutes.
- Use the "Run rake task" Jenkins job to run
against the specialist publisher app on a backend machine.