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352 lines (294 loc) · 27.6 KB

File metadata and controls

352 lines (294 loc) · 27.6 KB


####Version 12.00 (May 3, 2015)

  • Added right page icons, that had been around in other themes for decades. Many people asked for it, including Joe Cooper. It was one of the conditions for making Authentic Theme default in Webmin. Icons that are used at the moment, are not brand new but looks good. Brand new, SVG icons, are coming in the near future! It's very important to know, that all of these innovations, can be tweaked using settings. By default, big icons are enabled, with animation and grayscale effect. Using settings, you can change default icons, to small or extra small, or even completely disable them and get back to what Authentic Theme has been before. Added in settings settings_right_hide_table_icons, settings_right_small_table_icons, settings_right_xsmall_table_icons, settings_right_animate_table_icons, settings_right_grayscaled_table_icons. Read the manual for using it
  • Improved general UI of the left menu
  • Fixed some bugs

####Version 11.55 (May 2, 2015)

  • Added Easy Pie Charts and corresponding option settings_sysinfo_easypie_charts, that will let you enable/disable Charts on System Information page

####Version 11.50 (May 1, 2015)

  • Added in settings settings_right_iconize_header_links, that enables you to choose between old style right-page header links or replace it with new beautiful icon links. Default is set to true. Read the manual for using it
  • Added ability to disable right-page reload upon switching between Webmin/Virtualmin/Cloudmin by the following option settings_right_reload. The default value is set to true. Read the manual for using it
  • Added ability to choose hotkeys modifier and hotkeys values, when using it by the following options settings_hotkey_toggle_modifier, settings_hotkey_toggle_key_webmin, settings_hotkey_toggle_key_virtualmin, settings_hotkey_toggle_key_cloudmin, settings_hotkey_toggle_key_usermin, settings_hotkey_toggle_key_webmail, settings_hotkey_focus_search and settings_hotkey_reload. Read the manual for using it
  • Added ability to choose the custom page, when Virtualmin/Cloudmin is loaded/selected by the following options settings_right_virtualmin_default and settings_right_cloudmin_default. The default value is 'sysinfo.cgi' (System Information). Read the manual for using it
  • Added autofocus on username field, when login page is accessed
  • Fixed mail being displayed in HTML, to preserve message custom formatting
  • Fixed dozens of bugs

####Version 11.10 (Apr 13, 2015)

  • Added ability to open new tab of Webmin/Usermin/Virtualmin/Cloudmin/Webmail by clicking on the switch (top left menu's selector) by right mouse button. Important: You must once add popup window exception in your browser to make this feature work
  • Improved greatly the usage of autocomplete for basic Webmin modules. You can test it by going to Running Processes or Perl Modules and start typing in search field. Same done for most inbuilt modules
  • Removed a hack for Historic System Statistics module, as it was fixed by the author in version 2.11 #1
  • Fixed login screen missing for the link to Virtualmin Password Recovery module, in case it's installed and set in Webmin Configuration->Anonymous Module Access. In that case, the reset button will act as expected and be the color of yellow #152
  • Fixed Webmin Servers Index module issue #147
  • Fixed databases listing in editing table cells mode #150
  • Fixed increased the height of ::-webkit-scrollbar for easy access
  • Fixed .cgi file attributes and set to be executable by default #154
  • Fixed missing images in Translator Module #155
  • Fixed multiple small bugs

####Version 11.01 (Mar 29, 2015)

  • Fixed unclickable left menu links, when custom logo is used #143
  • Fixed DHCP-server module showing no hostnames #145
  • Fixed multiple small bugs

####Version 11.00 (Mar 25, 2015)

  • Added window automatic scrolling, upon page is populated from server-side.Test it and see it in action in such modules as Fetchmail Mail Retrieval, Software Package Updates and others. Intended mouse-scroll done by user, during auto-scrolling, will make it stop. Loader will be automatically hidden upon this features is triggered. This feature can be disabled using settings
  • Added in settings: settings_security_notify_on_pre_login_request, settings_security_notify_on_login_request, settings_security_notify_on_login_success, settings_window_autoscroll, settings_sysinfo_theme_updates, settings_sysinfo_csf_updates, settings_leftmenu_button_language, settings_leftmenu_singlelink_icons, settings_leftmenu_vm_installscripts, settings_leftmenu_vm_webpages and settings_leftmenu_vm_backup_amazon. Read the manual for using it
  • Added automatically stretching inputs for long text #121
  • Added auto-detection/redirection to Mailbox module upon logging in to Usermin
  • Added Dutch translation by Richard van Laak
  • Added Russian translation
  • Fixed appearing loader on changing select, even though it was disabled in settings #127
  • Fixed text not being wrapped in pre tag and now scrollable horizontally instead #123
  • Fixed left menu output issue in uncategorised mode #128
  • Fixed encoding issue #129
  • Fixed stuck loader in Virtualmin, while using third party modules
  • Fixed left menu being shown irrespectively to the right frame #131
  • Fixed external custom links not being opened in new window in Virtualmin module #130
  • Improved UI of the right frame - dozens of improvements on fonts, tables, buttons, scrollbars and etc
  • Remove all dependencies #125

####Version 10.20 (Mar 15, 2015)

  • Fixed issues with slight text flickering on the left menu
  • Fixed missing table headers/borders in some modules
  • Fixed compatibility mode for third-party modules

####Version 10.12 (Mar 9, 2015)

  • Fixed sub-accordions issue found by Joe Cooper

####Version 10.11 (Mar 8, 2015)

  • Added in settings settings_leftmenu_section_hide_unused_modules
  • Moved theme build to the separate directory as recommended by Jamie Cameron

####Version 10.10 (Mar 7, 2015)

  • Changed left menu color to be slightly lighter
  • Added in settings settings_sysinfo_expand_all_accordions and settings_leftmenu_section_hide_refresh_modules
  • Fixed quota/bandwidth calculations for System Information

####Version 10.00 (Mar 4, 2015)

  • Changed theme repo location to GitHub. Attention: It's required that your Perl installation can handle https connections. Make sure to have installed, either LWP::Protocol::https or Bundle::LWP modules to make future automatic updates work
  • Improved left menu design to be more flat-like (complete page reload is required)
  • Improved the look of old ui_hidden collapse, to look more like new Bootstrap collapse
  • Added support for Webmail in Usermin #104
  • Added dataTables search, in case table contains more than 10 rows
  • Added dataTables on filesize, to properly sort columns containing filesize data #103
  • Added custom logo support for login screen #116. Read the manual for using it
  • Added support for basic settings to control the theme (disable loaders and more). Read the manual for using it
  • Added extended controls to System Information page for ConfigServer Security & Firewall
  • Added complete support for scrolling on iPhone/iPad #115
  • Fixed server-side search that stopped working after adding autocomplete
  • Fixed select issue in Internet Explorer browser #99
  • Fixed package updates showing wrong numbers on System Information page #112
  • Fixed quotas charts issue, displaying incorrect numbers in System Information/Quotas #110
  • Fixed missing left menu reload upon importing new virtual server
  • Fixed stuck loader appearing in certain cases #117
  • Fixed stuck loader in all third party modules, like AWStat, Webminstat and OpenVPN + CA #106
  • Fixed hotkeys triggers, which now is executed only in case the switch is not already active #118
  • Fixed fatal error happening when changing domain in Webmin/Virtualmin domain owner mode
  • Fixed System Statistics link to be shown only in administrative mode
  • Fixed Virtualmin->Administration Options->Switch To Server's Admin link, being opened in __parent window
  • Fixed WYSIWYG bar being lower than it should be from the upper border, when composing new message
  • Fixed login page throwing an error to the console
  • Removed screen-saver, as it was eating a lot of memory

####Version 9.50 (Feb 8, 2015)

  • Added dataTables to Software Package Updates, as it's useful to sort packages by name/description/status/source
  • Added font Roboto in the package and set as default. Font now is local, because Google is blocked in some countries #80
  • Added Hotkey - double Shift for dismissing right side loader
  • Added custom styles and scripts injector. Now you can apply custom styles/scripts to the theme, which will be preserved upon updates. Manual for using
  • Added brand icons for Webmin/Virtualmin/Cloudmin switches (thanks to Joe Cooper for it)
  • Added left menu dependency updates, upon some triggers happening on the right frame
  • Added extended panels on System Information page, like Quotas, Status, IP address allocation and et cetera
  • Added Perl error message, explaining how to make the theme work, if it's downloaded from GitHub as .zip #85
  • Fixed missing option create sub-servers, when clicking on Create Virtual Server link, on theme very first load #96
  • Fixed sticking out long text in the left menu in some languages (Russian, French, Polish and some other) #95
  • Fixed stuck loader, when going to Webmin Scheduled Functions #86

####Version 9.03 (Feb 3, 2015)

  • Fixed file selector filter broken in some cases #81
  • Fixed a general bug (not theme related), when clicking on external links #82
  • Fixed ConfigServer Security & Firewall Firefox bug when buttons didn't work #83

####Version 9.02 (Feb 2, 2015)

  • Fixed loader positioning
  • Fixed small buttons under the menu showing correct language link on toggling between Webmin/Virtualmin/Cloudmin
  • Fixed menu jumps #76
  • Fixed selects incorrectly triggering loader in some cases #78
  • Improved mobile menu trigger button position and some other mobile menu tweaks

####Version 9.01 (Feb 1, 2015)

  • Fixed Firefox bug making right frame links not clickable #74
  • Improved navigation menu auto-opening

####Version 9.00 (Feb 1, 2015)

  • Changed: Overall UI redesign for better experience
  • Changed: Code core complete rewrite for both server and client-side. Improved speed and browser/plugin compatibility
  • Added support for Virtualmin/Cloudmin missing left menu, for currently selected virtual server/machine. Attention: You need latest Virtualmin installation to make it work. (For Virtualmin Pro, minimum version requirement is 4.13 and for GPL users minimum is 4.14)
  • Added autocomplete for currently opened module in Webmin, currently selected domain and list of all available virtual domains/machines in Virtualmin/Cloudmin modules
  • Added complete mobile support. Navigation menu now has absolutely same functionality for both desktop/mobile versions
  • Added custom logo support. Manual for using
  • Added screen-saver effect (using pure CSS) after 2 minutes of inactivity
  • Added shortcut Alt+R for reloading right frame
  • Added Chinese translation by Dreista

####Version 8.10 (Jan 9, 2015)

  • Fixed script removing text in rare cases, next to radios/checkboxes, which is actually crucial for understanding of what to select
  • Changed alien Alt sign to Alt, which now also only appears onfocus on search field (thanks to Joe Cooper for advice)
  • Fixed dozens of UI issues, like broken borders on tables and some other visual improvements (now theme provides most accurate UI ever achieved)
  • Removed donation button from System Information page, that was seen on everyday basis (thanks to Joe Cooper for advice)

####Version 8.00 (Jan 4, 2015)

  • Added Quick Search. No more searching through the menus. Hit Alt+S (⌥S) and start typing to see what you get. When you use suggestions from dropdown, you get quick access to the modules; if you just type and hit enter you get the regular search
  • Added Quick Toggle. It lets you quickly switch between Webmin/Virtualmin/Cloudmin. To toggle use Alt+W (⌥W) / Alt+V (⌥V) / Alt+C (⌥C)
  • Added support for TimePlot for Pro versions of Virtualmin to display System Statistics
  • Added search for CodeMirror files
  • Added basic support for Webminstats module #1
  • Updated CodeMirror to the latest version 4.10
  • Updated DataTables to the latest version 1.10.4
  • Fixed stray /div tag #62
  • Fixed sticking out tables on very long content #58
  • Fixed ConfigServer Security & Firewall UI bugs
  • Fixed minor UI bugs fixes

####Version 7.00 (Dec 21, 2014)

  • Improved overall theme speed - twice as fast as before
  • Added scrolling to extra long help popovers that were going off the screen
  • Added complete support for Internet Explorer browser
  • Changed right side body background to draw more attention to content
  • Changed panel top border height, to draw more attention, while being the main page header
  • Changed loader - no more images or fonts used - pure script brings overall beauty and compatibility
  • Updated jQuery to latest 2.1.3 version
  • Fixed problems when using LastPass/FireBug plugins #6
  • Fixed extra width in table rows and all around the theme
  • Fixed position of dataTables sorting images to be closer to the text #55
  • Fixed dataTables disappear in init module in some cases #55
  • Fixed missing ui_hidden when changing tabs #56
  • Fixed hundreds of UI bugs

####Version 6.60 (Dec 2, 2014)

  • Added basic support for Cloudmin module
  • Added TinyMCE text editor for Mail modules
  • Fixed display issues in Mail modules
  • Fixed login page being displayed inside of the right frame, when session is expired
  • Fixed all possible issues with missing input fields, in all modules, including ProFTPd module #50
  • Fixed minor UI bugs

####Version 6.52 (Nov 23, 2014)

  • Reverted incorrectly removed stray div tag at the theme_footer
  • Added Virtualmin Pro information popover and refresh license keys on System Information
  • Fixed minor UI bugs

####Version 6.51 (Nov 23, 2014)

  • Fixed display issues at small screen resolutions #45
  • Added functionality to prevent stuck update states #46
  • Removed stray div tag at the theme_footer to prevent possible page breaks

####Version 6.50 (Nov 21, 2014)

  • Fixed positioning for new quick-access menu and refresh button. Refresh button now spins on frame reload. Both buttons now work well on mobile devices
  • Added File Manager link on quick-access menu per request
  • Added link behavior, for/when clicking on hostname in page header
  • Fixed minor UI bugs

####Version 6.41 (Nov 20, 2014)

  • Fixed missing icons on Virtualmin Bandwidth Usage page #41

####Version 6.40 (Nov 18, 2014)

  • Added refresh button to refresh the page. Attention! Left click will refresh the right frame, while right click will refresh the whole page
  • Added quick access menu and refresh button hover effect
  • Fixed missing font-family: monospace; on all pre tags

####Version 6.30 (Nov 15, 2014)

  • Added quick access menu for Webmin/Usermin/Virtualmin. It makes things easy accessible. Menu depends on the module/user permissions
  • Added display of Virtualmin version to the System Information
  • Fixed minor UI bugs

####Version 6.24 (Nov 14, 2014)

  • Fixed history state toggle for System Information #39
  • Added webprefix to the file paths #38

####Version 6.23 (Nov 13, 2014)

  • Updated to the latest Bootstrap v3.3.1
  • Fixed paginations misplacement and size on Read Mail module #37
  • Fixed/added missing icons on Read Mail module

####Version 6.22 (Nov 9, 2014)

  • Updated to CodeMirror v4.7.0
  • Improved page loader
  • Fixed/added missing icons on Read Mail module
  • Fixed stuck spinner when printing mail on Read Mail module
  • Fixed minor UI bugs

####Version 6.21 (Nov 9, 2014)

  • Fixed opening Webmin/Usermin at the right frame, when session is expired #35
  • Fixed Read User Mail module, showing a stuck spinner when performing mail download

####Version 6.20 (Nov 7, 2014)

  • Fixed opening window issue on user switch action #31
  • Fixed missing icons on Read Mail module #33
  • Added Italian, French, Spanish translations #26

####Version 6.10 (Nov 6, 2014)

  • Fixed messed up theme automatic update #29
  • Added option to refresh only system information and not packages, by clicking right mouse button on refresh button #29

####Version 6.02 (Nov 6, 2014)

  • Fixed upcoming bug #28

####Version 6.01 (Nov 6, 2014)

  • Fixed upcoming bug #26

####Version 6.00 (Nov 6, 2014)

  • Fixed refresh button being slow on System Information page #24
  • Fixed System Information being displayed properly based on logged in users' privileges #10
  • Changed the way refresh button works on System Information page. No more using recollect.cgi or any other server-side scripts.
  • Fixed dozens of small bugs

####Version 5.10 (Oct 31, 2014)

  • Added refresh button to System Information page #23
  • Added System Information link to Virtualmin left navigation bar

####Version 5.00 (Oct 30, 2014)

  • Added new beautiful ui_link buttons in replacement for old links with | separator
  • Fixed devastating bug, that stopped the script with fatal error, as dataTables were called prematurely
  • Fixed dozens of small bugs

####Version 4.41 (Oct 28, 2014)

  • Fixed an issue with file chooser, not selecting a file/directory #21

####Version 4.40 (Oct 28, 2014)

  • Fixed missing numbers for memory and local disk space #20

####Version 4.31 (Oct 25, 2014)

  • Fixed automatic updates not working in some cases #17
  • Fixed rating stars not being rendered on sub-server script installer page in Virtualmin module #18

####Version 4.30 (Oct 24, 2014)

  • Fixed general issue causing buttons submit a form with an empty values #16

####Version 4.20 (Oct 23, 2014)

  • Fixed general issue causing forms on submit return an error in some cases #15
  • Fixed showing loader when clicking on select_all/select_invert links

####Version 4.17 (Oct 22, 2014)

  • Added Norwegian translation. Special thanks to Kjetil Elde #14

####Version 4.16 (Oct 22, 2014)

  • Fixed language files encoding #13

####Version 4.15 (Oct 21, 2014)

  • Added Polish translation. Special thanks to Michał Pawlik #12

####Version 4.14 (Oct 20, 2014)

  • Fixed general issue causing radios disappear in some modules, including Linux Firewall #11

####Version 4.13 (Oct 18, 2014)

  • Fixed tables automatic sorting by first th, to keep defaults set by Webmin/Virtualmin #8
  • Fixed minor loader issues
  • Fixed false/unclickable links in Usermin
  • Added CodeMirror autofocus on editing textarea

####Version 4.12 (Oct 15, 2014)

  • Added an option, upon logging in, automatically redirect to Virtualmin module, in case it's installed

####Version 4.11 (Oct 13, 2014)

  • Removed requirement for both, either using Switch module or Feature is no longer necessary. Replaced with simple if/elsif/else statements. Using Switch caused error messages on latest installations, e.g. CentOS 7, while using Feature caused errors on old installations

####Version 4.10 (Oct 12, 2014)

  • Changed link named View changelog in ConfigServer Security & Firewall module to a button
  • Improved loader animation and behavior
  • Added many missing input stylings in some modules
  • Added German translation. Special thanks to Michael Keck #3
  • Fixed theme_ui_form_end generator to wrap buttons in span not in td, which enables support for lower resolutions #4
  • Removed redundant fonts directory

####Version 4.00 (Oct 9, 2014)

  • Fixed lost pre-login banner option
  • Added support for dataTables. Now you can easily sort table rows based on the table header. It gets easier to manage data in such modules as Bootup and Shutdown, Users and Groups and others, containing multi-row data. It also supports ConfigServer Security & Firewall, where you can also easily filter Temporary IP Entries and Listening Ports
  • Added possibility to use automatic updates for Authentic Theme, with direct means of Webmin and its theme installation module - no other server-side scripts are used! Updates, when available, will be displayed in System Information tab.
    Warning! In order to use automatic updates and check for new theme versions, your system must have the following Perl modules installed: Net::SSLeay. You should be able to install it from official repos.
    See FAQ for more details
  • Added ability to remove the page loader and see what is happening before the page actually loaded/constructed or just in case of the loader getting stuck. To prematurely remove the loader, click on it, using mouse double-right-click
  • Removed false dependency for virtual-server-theme/

####Version 3.01 (Oct 7, 2014)

  • Fixed malfunctioning theme_ui_checkbox, causing some input fields disappear
  • Fixed few other small bugs

####Version 3.00 (Oct 5, 2014)

  • Added popover tooltip for old to process help.cgi
  • Added theme information version (installed/update notice) in System Information (works by just comparing VERSION.txt files, nothing more)
  • Fixed error in default.js script, throwing NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE in Firefox and other Gecko browsers
  • Fixed all problems with selecting and filtering files/user/groups in *_chooser.cgi
  • Fixed loaders being shown every time when waiting for server reply
  • Fixed listing of virtual-servers in Virtualmin
  • Fixed checkboxes margins in Virtualmin
  • Fixed table vertical-align: top for selecting hours
  • Fixed dozens of small bugs

####Version 2.01 (Oct 1, 2014)

  • Fixed small bugs

####Version 2.00 (Oct 1, 2014)

  • Added support for Virtualmin module
  • Added support for ConfigServer Security & Firewall module
  • Fixed/optimized images
  • Fixed Usermin not loading menu
  • Fixed/added support for menu on mobile devices
  • Fixed dozens of small bugs

####Version 1.10 (Sep 24, 2014)

  • Added support for highlighting edited config files, with showing line numbers
  • Fixed navigation menu problems, when using back (history) button
  • Fixed/optimized favicons dimensions

####Version 1.00 (Sep 21, 2014)

  • Added full support for all elements: tables, forms, inputs, buttons and etc
  • Added stick menu to display which module was selected
  • Added optional favicons to visually distinguish Webmin/Usermin
  • Fixed problem when the changes/new settings were not submitted
  • Fixed missing radios/checkboxes because label tag isn't always used
  • Fixed/removed old/unnessesary icons/images all over the theme