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The toolkit uses a number of grunt commands in order to build, serve, watch and rebuild the site.

Grunt Commands

  • grunt - Compile all files.
  • grunt server - Compile all files, run the web server and open the browser
  • grunt test-with-coverage - runs tests with code coverage
  • grunt test-without-coverage - runs tests without code coverage
  • grunt test-cross-browser - Builds the site then runs cross browser tests on 'browserstack'
  • grunt test - Run unit test, first without test coverage on minified code, then with coverage
  • grunt fonts - Rebuild the Skycons

Grunt Plugins

Runs our tests with code coverage.

Removes previously compiled files from the dist.

Compiles the Sass from grunt/sass into dist.

Runs the web server from the specified directory.

Executes command line instructions, specifically used from cross browser testing.



Compiles the files needed for a Jekyll server into the _site directory. GHPages serves this directory at <>.

Validates all our JS.

Runs our tests.

Opens the website on your browser.

Server side dependency management.

Minify the SVG files used within Skycons

Creates a minified and beautified version of the JS within dist/scripts. Also adds the version number comment.

Keeps _config.yml version number in sync with the manually changed number from package.json.

Watches all the source files (e.g. grunt/js and _include) for changes and will rebuild the jekyll server automatically.

Takes the font SVG's and using the templates, builds a number of font files and a single css.