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Releases: skyjake/lagrange


08 Dec 05:10
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04 Dec 22:09
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28 Nov 19:30
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21 Nov 20:41
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v0.10.0 Pre-release
  • Added option to load inline images when pressing Space or ↓ for a more focused reading experience — just keep tapping a single key to proceed. If an image link is visible, it will be loaded instead of scrolling. This option is disabled by default.
  • Added context menu item to save inline images to Downloads.
  • Added an option to use a proxy server for Gemini requests.
  • Added a new keyboard link navigation mode focusing on the home row keys. The default keybinding for this is F.
  • Added a keybinding to activate keyboard link modifier mode. The keyboard link keys are active while the modifier is held down. The default is Alt or ⌥.
  • Clearing and resetting keybindings via a context menu.
  • Added a Window tab in the Preferences dialog; moved some of the settings around for better organization.
  • Improved page search visualization: if the match is inside a link URL, the link icon is now highlighted. Previously these matches were not visualized in any way.
  • Improvements to URI parsing with regard to RFC 3986. Cases that are handled better are double slashes, query-only relative URIs, relative URIs that begin with a tilde, IPv6 literals, username in the authority.
  • Replaced EB Garamond with Tinos for improved readability.
  • Replaced Kosugi Maru with Noto Sans CJK JP for better glyph coverage.
  • Fixed font sizing of level 3 headings.
  • Fixed download progress indicators sometimes remaining visible even after leaving the page.

Prebuilt binaries for Windows and macOS


17 Nov 05:13
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v0.9.0 Pre-release
  • Clicking on the top banner of a page (where the site icon and hostname are shown) navigates to the root directory of the site.
  • Added menu items and keybindings for navigating to site root or the parent directory.
  • Added option to use a monospace body text font on all Gemini and/or Gopher pages.
  • Remember redirect source URLs as visited but not shown in the History tab. Note: "visited.txt" is no longer fully compatible if opened in an older version of Lagrange.
  • gopher: scheme is allowed in command line arguments.
  • XDG: .desktop file declares support for opening Gopher URLs.
  • Fixed an issue where copying the URL input field would not place anything on the clipboard.
  • Fixed the Lagrange window visibly changing position during launch.
  • Fixed crash when a single percent sign was typed in an input field.
  • macOS: Fixed native menu keyboard shortcuts causing redundant command activations.
  • macOS: Fixed assigning keybindings when there is an equivalent native menu shortcut.

Prebuilt binaries for Windows and macOS


11 Nov 11:05
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v0.8.1 Pre-release
  • Fixed potential lockup when navigating back to a query prompt.
  • macOS: Improved handling of scroll wheel events from a mouse.

Prebuilt binaries for Windows and macOS


08 Nov 19:23
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v0.8.0 Pre-release
  • Added support for Gopher.
  • Added support for the full palette of 8-bit ANSI foreground colors.
  • Added option to disable smooth scrolling.
  • Added button to manually set server certificate as trusted (if the certificate is valid but untrusted).
  • Added keybindings for Back/Forward navigation.
  • Added a context menu item for opening HTTP links in the default browser even when a proxy is configured.
  • Revised identity creation dialog: changed field order, added warning about temporary identities not being saved.
  • Ctrl+Click (⌘Click) opens tab in background, Shift+Ctrl+Click (⇧⌘Click) opens as foreground tab. The same modifier keys work with keyboard navigation.
  • Improved word wrapping of emoticons (:D).
  • Automatic redirects allowed when the destination URL uses the same scheme as the originating URL. For example, when using a proxy, HTTP(S) is allowed to automatically redirect to other HTTP(S) URLs.
  • Windows: Fixed handling of drag-and-dropped and command line file paths.

Prebuilt binaries for Windows and macOS


04 Nov 06:21
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v0.7.2 Pre-release
  • Fixed parsing of the server's response. In some cases it was possible that the response was only partially read.
  • Fixed handling of TLS/SSL connection being closed without the socket being closed.

Prebuilt binaries for Windows and macOS


02 Nov 19:58
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v0.7.1 Pre-release
  • Fixed build on OpenBSD.
  • Fixed build with LibreSSL.
  • Fixed a potential crash at app shutdown.
  • Fixed a potential crash when a thread exits.
  • Fixed a potential lockup when a thread exits.
  • Linux/Unix: Open "mailto:" links with xdg-open instead of the web browser.

Prebuilt binaries for Windows and macOS


31 Oct 19:28
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v0.7.0 Pre-release
  • Basic set of user-configurable key bindings.
  • Sidebar: Added a "New Identity" button and a link to "about:help" if there are no identities.
  • Faster drawing of certain UI elements: site icon and current heading in the left margin, unfocused input fields, timestamp at the end of the page.
  • History is not updated until a network request finishes.
  • Improved opening connections when multiple IP addresses are found for a hostname.
  • Fixed handling of TLS/SSL errors and hostname lookup problems — an error page is shown.
  • Fixed an issue where window contents were not being updated immediately after the window gets exposed when using, e.g., openbox or dwm.

Prebuilt binaries for Windows and macOS