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Releases: skywind3000/asyncrun.vim

20240702 - v2.13.0

01 Jul 16:43
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  • asyncrun#get_root() now accepts buffer number, if you pass an integer in the first argument, it will be interpreted as a buffer number.

This will display the root of current buffer:

:echo asyncrun#get_root(bufnr('%'))

as well as:

:echo asyncrun#get_root('%')

20240523 - v2.12.9

22 May 17:36
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  • fixed shellslash issue in NeoVim.

20240522 - v2.12.8

21 May 16:57
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  • Force to use "cmd.exe" as g:asyncrun_shell on Windows.

20240514 - v2.12.6

13 May 19:54
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  • Update script_write() to write files silently to avoid displaying unnecessary messages.

20240323 - v2.12.5

22 Mar 16:54
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  • set g:asyncrun_mode to 1 during creating a terminal buffer and clear it to 0 after buffer has been created.
  • script triggered by the #TerminalOpen or #TermOpen autocmd can use it to detect if this terminal buffer is created by asyncrun.

20240220 - v2.12.4

20 Feb 13:48
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new g:asyncrun_rooter hook for root detection:

  • each item in the g:asyncrun_rooter dictionary is a function pointer (or name).
  • each function will be called to detect current buffer's root directory, until find one valid result.
  • returns empty string to skip, see the example
let g:asyncrun_rooter = get(g:, 'asyncrun_rooter', {})
function! g:asyncrun_rooter.mydetect()
    if unable_to_detect
        return ''
    return '/path/to/root'

20240216 - v2.12.3

16 Feb 03:59
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  • Added handling for fugitive buffers in asyncrun#fullname() function

20231001 - v2.12.2

30 Sep 18:05
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  • accept AsyncRun :!!command to start gui programs.
  • minor issues fixed.

20230920 - v2.11.23

20 Sep 01:53
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  • added try/catch for Ex commands (starting with colon), eg. :AsyncRun :echo 123 and display exception if failed.
  • fixed minor issues.

20230821 - v2.11.20

20 Aug 19:12
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  • new api g:asyncrun#current_root() can return current root directory.