This server implements a simple todos rest api using the following libraries:
- routing/http
- expressjs
- logging
- winston
- config
- dotenv
- database access & migrations (postgresql)
- knex
- runtime validation
- class-validator
- authentication
- TODO (passport)
- authorization
- TODO (acl, node-acl, simple-acl, ...)
- sessions
- TODO (express-session)
startDev // migrate the database and start the server in development mode that restarts on file change
start // migrate the database and start the server in production mode
build // outputs a pure javascript server to the build directory that can be run with: NODE_PATH=./src npm start
test // run tests
testWatch // run tests using the jest watcher (reruns efficiently on file change)
createMigration // create a new migration script (goes to src/database/migrations)