- functional programming
- the elm architecture (TEA)
- react
- modern CSS
- regex
- sqlite
- emacs
- naming stuff
- web design
- ux
- calculus
- freecodecamp - exercism - codewars
- HTML & CSS: grid, masonry generator and zen garden - flexbox
- javascript: runJS - questions - 1loc - prettier
- python: rhonny - snakify
- regex: 101 - regexr - rubular - crosswords
- SQL: SQLPD - sqlime
- JS: weekly - exploring - way - YDKJS - info - eloquent - modern - human - data science
- functional programming: for JS people - jargon - light - allonge - jargon
- basic apps: spreadsheet - data table - notes - calculator - chrome extension
- games: JS1K - JS13K - traffic simulation - minesweeper - tetris - rogue - maze - path finding - doom - night drive
- data viz: with JS - threeJS fundamentals - 3d.js
- graphics & webGL: raytracer source - water - waves source - fluids - cloths - particles - generative - inspirograph - gears - fractals - text - golfing - glisp
- other: nuejs - chrome apps
- CSS frameworks: bulma - tailwind - minimal 1/2/3 - tufte CSS - shuffle.dev
- themes, icons & vectors: themes 1/2/3/4/5 - noun project - vectors - svg shapes - streamlinehq - tabler
- fonts: google - what the font - iosevka - firacode - inter - public sans - national park - web fonts - nerdfonts - braille
- colors: colourcode - uigradients - patterns bookmarklet - colorbox - huemint
- pixel art: aseprite - isometric maps - ditherpaint - tutorials
- ruby: weekly - for beginners - poignant guide - shell scripting - http requests - style guide
- python: weekly 1/2 - automate boring stuff with python- practical - tutorial - resources
- golang: weekly - practical go - games in go
- regex: learn 1/2 - for regular folk - beyond
- data: dbeaver - sql client 1/2/3/4 - evidence - jsoncrack - jailer - prql - trailbase
- maths: functors, applicatives and monads - calculus with derivatives - matrix1/2 - modes, medians and means/3 - this day in math - lectures 1/2/3 - hexagonal grids - 3blue1brown - mathologer - map of math - linear algebra
- crypto: howtoweb3 - scaffold eth - zkintro - with python
- other: practical typography - excel - sicp 1/2 - xahlee - learnByExample - emacs news - janet - forth - mark mahoney - rust exercises - haskell mooc
- cheatsheets: learn X in Y minutes - rosetta code - rosetta.alhur.es - hyperpolyglot - syntax across languages - vim cheatsheet
- docs: devdocs - mdn web docs - zealdocs
- autocompleters: tabnine - kite
- boilerplate: 1/2
- computer languages speed
- web frameworks speed: benchmarker - techempower - browserbench
- computer languages popularity: redmonk - githut - stackoverflow
- JS ecosystem: npm - moiva - best of - awesome
- github: dev community - octotrends - rankings
- HN: posting - hiring
- where innovation happens