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134 lines (121 loc) · 3.83 KB

File metadata and controls

134 lines (121 loc) · 3.83 KB


Data extraction

The first step of the process is the extraction of the data from the downloaded Wiktionary dump. The most recent version can be found here. You'll want the pages-articles version of the dump which hash the following name format: ruwiktionary-{date}-pages-articles.xml.bz2. You don't need to unpack it. Just put it in a desired directory, then specify the path in the config.yml file.

After running the following command (it should take approximately 10 minutes):

Extract data from the dump


Three files will be generated in the tmp folder: articles.jsonl, templates.jsonl, and template_redirects.jsonl

Some examples of the format

An article

  "morpho": {
    "template": "сущ ru m ina 1a",
    "stems": {
      "основа": "перево́д"
    "alternate": {},
    "forms": {},
    "info": {
      "слоги": "{{по-слогам|пе|ре|во́д}}"
  "segments": {
    "1": "пере-",
    "2": "вод",
    "и": "т"
  "id": 3941,
  "title": "перевод",
  "type": "article",
  "is_proper": false,
  "is_obscene": false,
  "has_homonyms": false

A template

  "template": {
    "case": "{{{case|}}}",
    "form": "{{{form|}}}",
    "nom-sg": "{{{основа}}}я",
    "nom-pl": "{{{основа}}}и",
    "gen-sg": "{{{основа}}}и",
    "gen-pl": "{{{основа1}}}ь",
    "dat-sg": "{{{основа}}}е",
    "dat-pl": "{{{основа}}}ям",
    "acc-sg": "{{{основа}}}ю",
    "acc-pl": "{{{основа}}}и",
    "ins-sg": "{{{основа}}}ей",
    "ins-sg2": "{{{основа}}}ею",
    "ins-pl": "{{{основа}}}ями",
    "prp-sg": "{{{основа}}}е",
    "prp-pl": "{{{основа}}}ях",
    "loc-sg": "{{{М|}}}",
    "voc-sg": "{{{З|}}}",
    "prt-sg": "{{{Р|}}}",
    "П": "{{{П|}}}",
    "hide-text": "{{{hide-text|}}}",
    "слоги": "{{{слоги|}}}",
    "дореф": "{{{дореф|}}}",
    "Сч": "{{{Сч|}}}",
    "st": "{{{st|}}}",
    "pt": "{{{pt|}}}",
    "затрудн": "{{{затрудн|}}}",
    "коммент": "{{{коммент|}}}",
    "зачин": "{{{зачин|}}}",
    "клитика": "{{{клитика|}}}",
    "кат": "неодуш",
    "род": "{{{род|жен}}}",
    "скл": "1",
    "зализняк": "2*a^",
    "чередование": "1"
  "id": 15763,
  "title": "сущ ru f ina 2*a^",
  "type": "template"

A template redirect

  "id": 836905,
  "title": "сущ ru f ina 2*a-ня(2)",
  "redirect_title": "сущ ru f ina 2*a(2)-ня",
  "type": "template_redirect"

Suppose that the extracted data in this form may have its uses. Do note, however, that homonymous lemmas are currently not accounted for. This means that if a certain page has articles for several word senses, then only the first one will be saved.

Generating Word Forms

The main purpose of this project is to generate word forms with morpheme boundaries marked using the provided wiki-templates and segmented lemmas. To do this, some preliminary steps are required.

Note: only nouns are supported at the moment.

Process the templates

This will filter and reformat templates.jsonl.


Process the articles

This will clean up and enrich articles.json.


The results of the last two steps will be saved in tmp/processed/ folder by default.

Generate the segmented noun word forms

This will use the processed files to generate word forms (where possible). Obscene words and proper names are not used.


The output is saved to result/processed_articles.jsonl by default. The file should contain approximately 500 thousand noun word forms.