Program that checks Github to make sure you get that sweet sweet green commit chart.
Sends a text message if you haven't pushed to Github in the past day
- establish your superiority over other programmers
- place all of your self worth onto a contribution graph
- more green in the world
Follow this guide to get your credentials for texting via Gmail servers.
add this .env file to src/util
edit these variables found in src/util/sms.py
EMAIL = 'PUT YOUR EMAIL HERE' # email to send via
PASSWORD = 'PUT YOUR PASSWORD HERE' # special auth password for email above
PHONE_NUMBER = 'PUT YOUR PHONE NUMBER HERE' # phone number to send texts to
I used a cron job on an ec2 instance that just checks Github every day at 10pm.
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1. cd
into /src:
cd did-you-code-today/src/
2. install needed packages:
pip install -r requirements.txt
3. adjust permissions of python file with chmod
chmod +x github_scraper.py
4. edit crontab:
crontab -e
5. put this in your crontab thing (with respective paths):
0 22 * * * /usr/bin/python3 /home/ec2-user/did-you-code-today/src/
6. enjoy!
- webscraping with BeautifulSoup (python library)
- don't waste your time with the Github API (haha)
- green graph == good
Q: Why AWS?
A: Beacuse it was free (thanks bezos)
Q: Is this practical?
A: Yes
Q: Does this use AI?
A: unfortunately, no.