- Modified the Macstodon installer so that it will no longer attempt to update the Finder on international versions of System 7.1.
- Implemented Toot-To-Speech (TTS) support, select a toot and press the new Speak button to have the toot read out to you!
- Fixed a bug that could cause toots from multiple columns to be highlighted at once under certain conditions.
- Improved exception handling - Macstodon will log errors to a file instead of dropping to a console window.
- Removed several MacPython dependencies that were being included during the build process but were unused.
- Dropped support for running Macstodon via the MacPython IDE, which never really worked properly anyway.
- Macstodon is once again a single Fat Binary application - build process has been optimized.
- Tweaks to the image caching process that may slightly improve memory usage.
- Images are now always cached, unconditionally.
- Removed unused media cache directory.
- Updated copyright year to 2024.
- Macstodon is now fully compatible with WebOne 0.16+, and should also feature improved compatibility with other web proxies that can strip SSL.
- Fixed a dumb bug that would cause Macstodon to crash after authentication if you were trying to sign in to an account that had no lists.
- The timeline window now allows you to select which timeline is displayed in each column, using the drop-down menu next to the refresh button.
- The preferences window now allows you to select the default timeline that is loaded in each column at Macstodon launch.
- The title bar of loading dialogs now states the overall activity taking place.
- Fixed a bug that caused the Links and Attachments buttons to have glitched icons under certain circumstances.
- Fixed a bug that would display the wrong error message if the current user ID could not be retrieved from the server.
- Fixed a major bug that could corrupt the timeline state when removing a boost from a toot.
- Fixed the bookmark button on timeline/profiles toggling the favourite button when pressed.
- Fixed a typo in the error message when failing to favourite/unfavourite a toot.
- Updated Macstodon's default memory requirements to 4 MB minimum, 16 MB preferred
- Implemented support for profiles! Click on a user's profile picture to bring up their profile in a new window.
- Implemented support for user interactions, including follow/unfollow, mute/unmute, and block/unblock.
- Implemented support for viewing and modifying user notes.
- Added a "Find User" button to the Timeline window that allows you to search for a user by name and bring up their profile.
- Clicking on "User" notifications that are not connected to a toot (i.e. "User foobar followed you") will bring up that user's profile.
- Refactored the way that Macstodon does window management, this should result in the app using less memory and running faster.
- Added a Preferences window that allows you to customize the number of toots to load into a timeline, enable/disable images and clear the cache.
- More improvements to unicode character conversion, should see much less "junk" characters now.
- Fixed a bug causing unicode character conversion to not take place in the notification list.
- Removed BeautifulSoup and replaced it with a homebrewed solution for link extraction.
- Added a button to the timeline window for displaying the links attached to a toot, and automatically opening them in your browser.
- Added a button to the timeline window for displaying the attachments on a toot, viewing their alt text, and downloading them to your computer.
- Added new icons for the Boost, Favourite, Bookmark, and Reply buttons, courtesy of C.M. Harrington!
- Fixed a bug where the Toot window would remain open if you logged out with it open.
- Added a menu item for logging out.
- Fixed a JSON parsing bug introduced in 0.4.2, Macstodon will no longer rewrite "false", "true", or "null" if used in a toot.
- Improved reliability of getting the toot character limit from the Mastodon instance.
- The cursor will change to a watch when a progress bar window is active.
- Fixed a bug where the CW field when posting a toot was still usable even when it was invisible.
- Replying to a CW'ed toot will add "re: " to the CW (unless it already starts with that).
- Fixed an edge case where the app could crash after authenticating.
- Updated some links in documentation.
- Updated copyright year to 2023.
- Repackaged the v0.4.2 release but with separate 68K and PPC apps instead of a Fat Binary.
- For PPC users, nothing has changed for you and you don't have to upgrade.
- For 68K users, this should fix the "Missing PythonCore" error that showed up in v0.4.2.
- Replaced the JSON parser with a simpler eval-based solution which is much faster.
- Macstodon is now a Fat Binary application and supports PowerPC architectures in addition to 68K!
- Fixed a dumb bug that would cause a crash if the Mastodon server returned invalid JSON.
- Favouriting, boosting, and bookmarking toots are now fully supported.
- Introduced an ImageHandler class that handles downloading/caching of images and saving them as pixmaps.
- User avatars (including booster avatars) are displayed in the timeline window. The first time you view a toot for each user, there will be a small delay while the avatar is downloaded and cached.
- The timeline window now displays correctly at a 512x342 display resolution, and will run in full screen at this resolution.
- Content warnings are displayed when viewing toots in the timeline window. When clicking on a toot with a content warning, you will be prompted to confirm.
- Toots can be replied to, and the toot being replied to will be shown in the toot window.
- When writing a new toot or replying to an existing toot, the visibility can be set.
- Content warnings can be set when creating toots or replying to existing toots.
- The character limit is now displayed in the toot window. There will be a small delay when pulling up the toot window for the first time while this data is queried from the server.
- Code refactoring: rename helpers/consntants files, move third-party code into separate folder
- Try to clean up unicode junk in display names, not just toot content.
- Dialogs are now rendered via the widget framework, and should no longer have their contents cut off.
- Improved the auth experience by printing the OAuth URL in the auth dialog.
- Added a timeline view that shows the home and local timelines, and notifications
- Added some very basic HTML parsing for timeline toots
- Bug fixes to error handling
- Broke up source code into several files
- Added a beautiful new application icon by MhzModels
- Replaced a crash-to-console with a friendly, recoverable error message if the connection is lost during an HTTP request.
- Basically rewrote it to use the widget toolkit in a sane way.
- Added simple error handling.
- Added progress bars for HTTP and JSON decoding operations.
- Can now compile into a standalone app
- No longer supports being run directly through the Python IDE
- Many, many bug fixes
- Initial Release.