You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.Dismiss alert
Problem on NanoHttp cancelling button panel (sometimes)
[-] Check for single selection
Check navigation (check input on button action like 'open' without selecting an item. At the moment it will return to the last bean)
Styling (Collector, Details)
Show Progress-Page (using Statistics)
[v] Sorting-Header
[v] Previous, Next
Style (of sorting header etc.)
up, down (for sorting values)
configure to have generated IDs
read documentation
Searches on big data:
first count data
[v] button to show one-to-many in table
use thread to be interupted
[v] internal export and view (replacing ant-like variables and showing the document)
generate const class from property file
(x) create xsd through CommonTest with trang.jar
(x) add configuration action (html-tool to edit xml files)
ConfigBeanContainer to configure BeanDefinition for special beans
eval validation annotations
BeanPresenterHelper: test OptionsWrapper
min-search-field + button ==> max-search-field visible. standard: filtering with astericks
add navigation to new sub-class of beandefinition
create wiki-logger
envolve logictable and/or tableprocessor
create GenericOperator from SOperator to read available Operations from xml.
eval language per session
[v] RegularExpressionFormat ==> RegExpFormat
[v] refactore ScriptUtil: extract Ant calls
[v] util.bean ==> bean
extract bean-package as project
nano.h5 ==> fullrelation
[?] refactore environment property names to use logic path-algorithm
(x) file-access: use Environment.getResource() reading through jar or file system
extract api
java-interface-jar filled with BeanProxy to be used as mocks
reading xsd through dom - creating beandefinitions (as xml)
BeanEnhancer enhancing Beans having only attributes with getters/setters
Replication / Offline
[-] FileBeanContainer serializing all lists of all BeanCollectors
[-] GenericBeanContainer using filled FileBeanContainer re-attaching all serialized bean lists
mechanism to synchronize local and remote database - no serialization needed.
Validate against Html5-xsd in debug mode
include LogicTable?
(x) check starting application multiple times
depends on the datamodel: gruppe --> grupperolle(only for specific gruppe) --> rolle
The new item has to be put to the list of it's parent container. This list has to be saved before the new item!
The beancollector now holds a
Problem: Filtering on Entities doesn't work (findBetween is not able to do a between for 'entity-columns')
[v] Problem: Filtering BeanCollectors of Entities doesn't work after sorting twice
internationalization: english RegExpFormat on date, date-time
[v] remove config path from environment (-->transient)
dynamic jar-loading inside used standard jars does not work without static entry in manifest
Argo-UML 0.34
how to create ddl from model
[v] create ant-script:
[v] sql-statements with ddl
[v] hibtool hbm2java
[v] replace jdbc-connection-properties
[v] start nano.h5
jmeter integration test
automated crud test (pushing search/new/delete buttons for all entity types), profiling and counting errors in log-file
multiple type/format evaluation in BeanValue (new member for type?) Presentable and BeanPresentationHelper
(x) permission configuration
waiting message - new thread, answering on finish (e.g. on generating)
provide last exception of log-file
use actual h2 or hsqldb
[-] extend layout-managment for nested beans <- extend your bean-definition with attributes of other beans.
(x) generic navigation through hsql statements
bean navigation actions
hsqldb 1.8 is not able to do select max(count(color)) from Colors group by color
hibernate3 is - on special circumstances - not able to load fields with empty ('') strings. This results in an java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: 0
failure: presentable.layout --> simple-xml: Transform of class java.util.LinkedHashMap not supported
[v] failure: sorting numbers/currencies sorts as strings
BeanPresentationHelper.defineAdditionalAttributes(): how to avoid javaassist class
presentation not written to xml --> see first failure
every bean gets a new beandef copy with copies of attributedefs --> attributedef evaluations for every bean!
one-to-many: if no cascade-type is defined,the attribute should not be editable!
hibernate-tools generates id-beans like times-->timesid.
(x) check for @id is no standard-java-type and is true
(x) BeanPresentationHelper fills all id-bean fields as virtuals to the main bean
on export, the filtered names (like id) are given --> nullpointer
performance/memory: create only specific bean/beanvalue instances for changed values - use definition-instances if possible.
field-order of bean-def may change after new compile --> serializing/deserialings will differ, see CommonTest
Value class extends attributedefinition and beanvalue
RuleAttr --> RuleValue?
temp value registering through environment
all generic interfaces registered in environment (IAttributeDefinition, IBeanDefinition, IBeanContainer, ..) to be extendable
[v] refactore attribute-def-hierarchy: attributedefinition should not extend beanattribute. what to do with beanvalue?
how to fill virtual beans ? default-values may be checked with errors, serializings...?
AttributeConfiguration with value-expression
Views with expression as listing output
DirectSQL: SQL or HQL
LogivView: LogicTable
JMeter as macro configuration
[-] html-frames as perspective (left side: beans and views)
[v] refactore ForwardedException. delete FormattedException. Stacktrace with member-info
perhaps use before invoking maven-repository
in jdk1.7 it is possible to close a classloader (unlocking and reloading jar-files is now possible). but the URLClassLoader doesn't use this mechanism yet.
[v] NetworkClassLoader should recognize resources (e.g. for loggers) to avoid reloading from network every time.
ebean uses an own query language but is able to 'parse' an ansi sql statement
ormlite needs field-annotations - while hibernate-tools only create property/method annotations
[v] problems on event 'onchange' with value = 'function() {...}' on attachments
use any tool to create an uml class diagram with persistent stereotypes and export an xmi file
generate a ddl file from xmi through xsl transformation
generate java class files through the ddl file with hibernate or openjpa
use tsl2nano to have a full application through the generated model
adapt the standard gui-design (xml-files) of tsl2nano to fit your requirements
Note: xmi2ddl.xls no script found
h3. Tools
h4. Permutator
Source: collection of strings
Transf: action to transform source-string
swap : whether to swap keys and values
Dest : property map with: source-string=transformation
Trial : action on each dest-key, checking if action-result equals key-value
: distributing the work to many stations
** status-bar: space, time, time-last-action, count(items-changed), user
** own jar file
** network classloader
** (x) if only one item available --> select it
** file-selector
** picture viewer (asciipicture)
** beanexaminer ;-)
[-] automatische Uebersetzungen einer ueber restful (--> Google �bersetzer)
Query wird bei jeder Aktion ausgef�hrt - um den Context zu aktualisieren
** [v] start search, if not more than 20 entries
** [-] create new, if no entry available
** [v] assign entry , if only one available
[v] show count on beancollectors
(x) Terminal: +pegdown (markdown processor)
home-page on: /home/user-web/s/sn/snieda/htdocs
Test App starten!
beandef.xsd in *.xml integrieren
terminal: flat mode (super-tree with selection e.g. 1.1.1)
[v] terminal: scans --> varargs like String...
(x) SecurityManager ausschalten und eigene policy in jar ausliefern
signing: probleme beim start von ant script reverseeng.xml: LogFactory
property jnlpx.origFilenameArg (how to get the root jar from jnlp)
admin-anyway.sql verlagern, damit es bei jnlp nicht angezogen wird
[v] jnlp: funktioniert erst beim zweiten Start <-- jars abwarten
was tun, wenn zum zweiten Mal generiert wird und schon Klassen in generated-src vorhanden sind? diese sind dann von jpa nicht ladbar.
doc+test rulescript, actionscript (javascript)
[v] kion: javax.persistence.PersistenceException: org.hibernate.PropertyValueException: not-null property references a null or transient value : de.eom.kion.beans.festsetzung.steuerakte.Austrittregel._austrittregel_BUNDESLANDIDBackref
Doc: Verwende am besten Chrome+Hibernate+Hsqldb
implement XmlPresentableConverter to provide readable xml files
test: create random data through lists with: german-names.lst, cities.lst, countries.lst, banks.lst
** [v] RuleCover
** integration of external rule engines like visual rules, drools
** entscheidungstabelle --> csv-Datei --> rule-xml, --> tree (graphviz)
trace: Runtime.traceInstructions
webstart: JAVA_VM_ARGS
SEO: page ranking mit Seorch, diagnoSEO
Argumentator --> GetOpts
[v] QueryResult, Statistics sollten wie BeanDefinition konfigurierbar sein.
--Zeiterfassung (anyway):
Organisation -> Betrieb, Mandant
Party -> Mitarbeiter
Category -> Art des Kunden
Area -> Kunde
Type -> Typ des Dienstes
Item -> Projekt
Classification ->
Charge -> Zeiteintrag
Discharge -> Abrechnung
--Bestellung+Kasse (anyway):
Organisation -> Betriebe
Party -> Betrieb/Admin/Mitarbeiter / Kunde
Mission -> Bedienung etc
Category -> Reservierung / Bestellung
Area -> z.B. Lokal/Restaurant
Type -> Nicht definiert / Getränk / veg. Speisen / Speisen / Nachtisch ...
Item -> z.B. Tisch 1 o. Wasser
Classification -> schnelle Lieferung / Standard
Charge -> Anfrage (Bestellung, Reservierung)
Discharge -> Kasse
--Haushalt (anyway):
Organisation -> Haus
Party -> Bewohner
Category -> Typ der Einteilung (Zimmer/Keller, ...)
Area -> Einteilung (Wohnzimmer o.ä.)
Type -> Typ der Aktion (Wischen)
Item -> Gegenstand (K�chenherd)
Classification ->
Charge -> Aktion pro Zeit in bezug auf Gegenstand
Discharge -> Abgeltung
jar-file: #anyway.jar
--> javax.persistence.PersistenceException: No Persistence provider for EntityManager named genericPersistenceUnit
Problem bei Eingabe im Timesheet wahrscheinlich in:
User-Agent(Mobile) (store in Session-Thread) in Html5BeanPresentation as filter?
ERROR: persistence loaded in nano app instead of session - using this on all sessions
-> eigentlich correct implementiert, siehe NanoH5.connect(..)
Schulverwaltung (Noten-Listen):
Durchschnitts-Noten pro Schueler
Durchschnitts-Note pro Kontrolle
Durchschnitts-Note, Anzahl-Sch�ler pro Klasse
Note für Schüler zusammengesetzt aus Kontrollen
YAML2DDL (mapOfMaps):
id: primary-key
default: 1
keywords: class, from, until, order, table, column, view, like
constraints on methodaction: +predefined sets (all classes, all beans, all bean-attributes)
create standard actions: print, crypt, etc.
fill messages.properites with all configurator action names
run with name
model from ponyorm
copy as database
ok --> create environment
model: item, party... -> icon, value-expression, attribute order
model: charge -> create compositor
rename, run photo
memorize user
set layout: style=background-image: url(icons/beanex-logo.jpg)
[v] de.tsl2.nano.h5.timesheet.ActionImportHolidays in test ?
Message beim Öffnen, Schliessen, Neu, ...
Zeitmessung falsch
Exception 'collection is empty but must contain at least one item'
quicksearch schränkt such-ergebnis nicht ein
[v] Performance bei BeanCollector.onActivation
[v] ETimer -> keine Entity? <- from, until muss umbenannt werden
[v] Relationen alle als Binary <- bijective manytoone, joincolumn
[v] jarFile mit Suchvorschlägen aus sql, jar funzt nicht, wegen falscher BeanValue-instance
[v] ref. RuleCover --> bean extracting super class AttributeCover (RulePool is in specification)
[v] Test new annotations
[v] Test attachments
test https and use it as default
[v] check, why NanoWebSocketServer is not connected to client
[v] gimmicks not as default!
what if table not loaded, but gimmick active?
[v] Controller: go straight into the most reasonable entity and show directly all actions
h2-lucene integration <-- problem in h2
[-] hibernate-lucene integration (since hib 5.0)
[v] show picture instead of valueexpression
[v] send broadcast)only to users defined by a rule (message context defined by rule, too)
WebsocketExceptionHandler.server.session.main.sessions with websocket.address = session.address
send bean attribute to session.authorization
error in configuration? <-- only on first start + initialization
bei mvn clean install wird anyway generiert, websocket ist nicht ansprechbar
nach erneutem start über (falscher jar-file name) ist login nicht möglich , wegen falschem login/passwd
test mavengenerator+tsl2spring-archetype
[v] index und controller nicht startbar <-- mvn install muss ein zweites mal ausgeführt werden
[x] wo werden bean java klassen generiert? class files sind vorhanden <-- absolut path in project
[v] BeanCollector.createItem() --> replace common BeanUtils call to be able to run on android
[v] main arguments: bean-jar, jdbc-url, user, passwd
[v] Show count of items
[v] Navigation Links have Problems
[v] show logging
[v] visible icons read by page
[v] Button-Panel for
[v] Use Xml-Configuration for BeanDefinitions
[v] Use Environment
[v] Extend BeanContainer:
[v] tooltips for buttons
[v] check running in java 7
[v] add java-compiler (tools.jar, 12MB) of jdk6
[v] create ide for sample project
[v] If search result is only one element, select it
[v] hibernate-tools: (solved through beancollector.createNewItem() setting UUID
[v] on multiple selection, put all selected elements to the stack
[v] Problem: creating a new element, copying an existing one, one-to-many connections will be lost
[v] extract jars through constants
(x) Application Menu: reset (--> caches, environment, navigation), restart, login, logout
(x) default attribute names without @id field
(x) Nesting Beans
(x) Bean with Layout
[v] Right-Alignments for Numbers
Problem on NanoHttp cancelling button panel (sometimes)
[-] Check for single selection
Check navigation (check input on button action like 'open' without selecting an item. At the moment it will return to the last bean)
Styling (Collector, Details)
Show Progress-Page (using Statistics)
configure to have generated IDs
read documentation
Searches on big data:
[v] internal export and view (replacing ant-like variables and showing the document)
generate const class from property file
(x) create xsd through CommonTest with trang.jar
(x) add configuration action (html-tool to edit xml files)
Replication / Offline
Validate against Html5-xsd in debug mode
include LogicTable?
(x) check starting application multiple times
Problem: Filtering on Entities doesn't work (findBetween is not able to do a between for 'entity-columns')
[v] Problem: Filtering BeanCollectors of Entities doesn't work after sorting twice
internationalization: english RegExpFormat on date, date-time
[v] remove config path from environment (-->transient)
dynamic jar-loading inside used standard jars does not work without static entry in manifest
Argo-UML 0.34
multiple type/format evaluation in BeanValue (new member for type?) Presentable and BeanPresentationHelper
(x) permission configuration
waiting message - new thread, answering on finish (e.g. on generating)
provide last exception of log-file
use actual h2 or hsqldb
[-] extend layout-managment for nested beans <- extend your bean-definition with attributes of other beans.
(x) generic navigation through hsql statements
bean navigation actions
hibernate-tools generates id-beans like times-->timesid.
on export, the filtered names (like id) are given --> nullpointer
performance/memory: create only specific bean/beanvalue instances for changed values - use definition-instances if possible.
field-order of bean-def may change after new compile --> serializing/deserialings will differ, see CommonTest
Value class extends attributedefinition and beanvalue
RuleAttr --> RuleValue?
temp value registering through environment
all generic interfaces registered in environment (IAttributeDefinition, IBeanDefinition, IBeanContainer, ..) to be extendable
[v] refactore attribute-def-hierarchy: attributedefinition should not extend beanattribute. what to do with beanvalue?
AttributeConfiguration with value-expression
Views with expression as listing output
JMeter as macro configuration
[-] html-frames as perspective (left side: beans and views)
[v] refactore ForwardedException. delete FormattedException. Stacktrace with member-info
ParseObject <-- Bean(Map)
test with multi values - using best id's
[-] test on android
on appserver
spalten-layout tag: section (landscape, portrait), max-rowcount
detail hintergrund-bild
ve mit ? ???
konfig format
Expectable-Data? Convention-Master-Developer?
TAGs: crud, grud, crud2gui, crud2html, bean2html, entity2html, bean2gui, entity2gui, jpa2gui, jpa2html, jpa persistence provider, openjpa, hibernate, datanucleus, eclipselink, data-editor, data-sheet, entity browser, jpa2, full stack framework, orm, o/r mapper
perhaps use before invoking maven-repository
in jdk1.7 it is possible to close a classloader (unlocking and reloading jar-files is now possible). but the URLClassLoader doesn't use this mechanism yet.
[v] NetworkClassLoader should recognize resources (e.g. for loggers) to avoid reloading from network every time.
ebean uses an own query language but is able to 'parse' an ansi sql statement
ormlite needs field-annotations - while hibernate-tools only create property/method annotations
[v] problems on event 'onchange' with value = 'function() {...}' on attachments
problems on de/-serializing 'EventController'
create uml documentation (websockets, bean-package)
[v] changing beandefs value expression will not change attributes value expressions.
wenn �bernehmen aktiv, diesen button als default deklarieren
[?] l�schen: navigations-fehler
collector mehrfach verwendet --> nav nicht als set
[v] jpa: was, wenn collection-joincolumn nullable = false? <== composition!
[v] persist von composition-kette
[v] ve von composition darf nicht id sein - da bei neu-anlage erst mit parent erstellt
[v] enum.toString() mit Punkten (siehe Festsetzungsmethode)
l�schen von transientem und persistentem composite l�uft manchmal schief!
deaktivieren von neuen composites zeigt nicht erw�nschtes ergebnis an
[v] verwende incubation-rule in constraint (-->check())
[v] verwende incubation-rule in bean (-->check())
[v] attribute.presentable +isSearchable
lose kopplung von apache fop?
Verwendung von sourceforges Admin/MySQL Webhosting
Untersuche Verwendung von sourceforge VHost (
declaration over programmation
print-Verzeichnis: Suche nach jrxml und xsl-fo
rule-definition: Zur Anbindung anderer rule-engines
[v] fade-in, fade-out
[v] show if application was stopped
(x) show message if offline
where to use instrumentation agents?
[v] how to ignore unset primitive search attributes?
add database-logging to genericservice (if exist 'Log'-Table: user: action, bean-diff old and new)
evaluate reverse tools:
create jars for:
avoid dump of bean PersistenceUI$8 < simple-xml exception
create shell like main()-methods on util classes
jarresolver jars into sub-modules (--> filemonitor on file-tree)
jarresolver creating pom.xml for all modules
mybook: wcopy + concat files(date) + fop:xhtml2fo.xsl
MDA Steps
Note: xmi2ddl.xls no script found
h3. Tools
h4. Permutator
Source: collection of strings
Transf: action to transform source-string
swap : whether to swap keys and values
Dest : property map with: source-string=transformation
Trial : action on each dest-key, checking if action-result equals key-value
: distributing the work to many stations
Etc:Connection-->IConnection(core, descriptor)
Net:Connection-->Link-->Cover(content, descriptor)
** status-bar: space, time, time-last-action, count(items-changed), user
** own jar file
** network classloader
** (x) if only one item available --> select it
** file-selector
** picture viewer (asciipicture)
** beanexaminer ;-)
TODO f�r zeiterfassung
[v] id --> sequence
[v] Vorbelegungen und Suche in Suchmaske (z.B. aktueller Monat <-- 'Merken')
[v] labels, tooltips not from presentable but from messages* charge=Erfassung, order: fromdate + wochentag, party-k�rzel, fromtime, totime, value, comment
** pause=(end-start)-value,
** -todate, -discharges
** dependeny: fromdate --> todate
** dependeny: totime --> value
Category: Art des Kunden
Area: Kunde
Type: Typ des Dienstes (meist Standard)
Classification: Klasse (frei, ?)
Item: Projekt (Standard)
messages �bersetzen
[v] +Bankverbindung (+Paypal, ...)
ER-Diagramme link
frm an online-model zum verlinken
Digital Identity (mail, twitter, homepage...)
[v] Bilder mit blob?
[v] Summenzeile (beandef oder columndef: + summarize=$feld1-$feld2)
Wochentage + unterschiedliche Farben am WE+Feiertage
DependencyListener f�r Stunden-Berechnung: Ende-Beginn
Sekunden entfernen
macros aufnehmen und abspielen
verschiedene workflows zur verf�gung stellen
datenbank-user --> benutzer --> session-context + actions
[v] Statistik eingeschr�nkt auf Suchparameter
erweiterte attribut-sortierung: von --> bis, string --> date --> time --> value --> timestamp --> blob
NanoTask, NanoProc, NanoLogic?
[-] TODO: simplexml --> xstream
[v] simplexml: type = java.lang.byte[] --> [B
how to show a pdf file inside the html response
interactions on svg-pictures?
** using jax-rs: javascript implementieren
Datenbank: +Version, +Benutzer+Rollen
Nano.H5 im Web-Container starten
** �ber Restful: nano.h5/start/config/8686
** als Servlet
QS (jenkins Probleme)
** Jacoco agent erstellt kein *.exec
** tests korrigieren
** Checkstyle warnungen bearbeiten
RasterBean like TslTableProcessor?
[v] Nesting panels in collectors
[v] Nesting Attributes
[v] Page for Environment
** [v] start search, if not more than 20 entries
** [-] create new, if no entry available
** [v] assign entry , if only one available
[v] show count on beancollectors
(x) Terminal: +pegdown (markdown processor)
home-page on: /home/user-web/s/sn/snieda/htdocs
Test App starten!
beandef.xsd in *.xml integrieren
terminal: flat mode (super-tree with selection e.g. 1.1.1)
[v] terminal: scans --> varargs like String...
(x) SecurityManager ausschalten und eigene policy in jar ausliefern
signing: probleme beim start von ant script reverseeng.xml: LogFactory
property jnlpx.origFilenameArg (how to get the root jar from jnlp)
admin-anyway.sql verlagern, damit es bei jnlp nicht angezogen wird
[v] jnlp: funktioniert erst beim zweiten Start <-- jars abwarten
was tun, wenn zum zweiten Mal generiert wird und schon Klassen in generated-src vorhanden sind? diese sind dann von jpa nicht ladbar.
doc+test rulescript, actionscript (javascript)
[v] kion: javax.persistence.PersistenceException: org.hibernate.PropertyValueException: not-null property references a null or transient value : de.eom.kion.beans.festsetzung.steuerakte.Austrittregel._austrittregel_BUNDESLANDIDBackref
Doc: Verwende am besten Chrome+Hibernate+Hsqldb
implement XmlPresentableConverter to provide readable xml files
test: create random data through lists with: german-names.lst, cities.lst, countries.lst, banks.lst
** [v] RuleCover
** integration of external rule engines like visual rules, drools
** entscheidungstabelle --> csv-Datei --> rule-xml, --> tree (graphviz)
trace: Runtime.traceInstructions
webstart: JAVA_VM_ARGS
SEO: page ranking mit Seorch, diagnoSEO
Argumentator --> GetOpts
[v] QueryResult, Statistics sollten wie BeanDefinition konfigurierbar sein.
[v] DecisionTableInterpreter --> Rule, LogicTable
** (x) table <--> tree
** table.rotate
BeanCollector --> LogicTable, LogicTableUI mit dependency listeners
FormattedLogFactory per session
java 8 Probleme:
[v] bean.action --> annotation
[v] bean.action(arguments) --> create Dialog for action arguments
do more integration of packages like timesheet - perhaps link to the zip file
(x) HOTFIX for image integration
Integration of REST(map of properties, with serialization) with XML/JSON response
store map/json to database (service-URL, fixed properties, user properties, result xml/json)
Html-Tree element (details+table+css?)
x/y --> svg
Statistics graph: select function (like sum, avg, ...), x-column/y-column
responsive design (table-->div+span+css)
** core Klassen mit nach WEB-INF/classes kopieren!
** abstractstatelessservice, genericservicebean, namedqueryservice, fileservicebean raus
erdplus: kann nichts allgemeines exportieren
[v] environment.keys
Messages.send uses ENV to evaluate the right exceptionhandler
only singelton beancontainer with one user
RegexFormat only with german formats
session hash id?
timesheet: pause
holidays, workdays
assign + cancel: new assignment will be shown
(x) timestamp --> date ?
** [v]®ion=Bavaria&year=2016#
** ICSCalendarImport implementieren
remove h5 test classes from jar
remove disabled buttons in menu
h2 db test
ICSImportCharge in timesheet Test (script) integrieren
export to ICS
(x) rest-call with ?-=-&
[v] correction on new actions not having mode-ok
[v] NEW: OneClick-Charger / Fast-Collector
** base-type, charge-type
** charge-type constraints
** value-attribute
** icon-attribute
** +-action showing sum(values)
** --action showing sum(values)
** o-action as reset
** list on top showing current actions
** customized button to charge customized base-types
** save-button
** storno-button
PROBLEM: loading definitions from file and using BeanClass.copy(src, dst) does not a deep copy!
(x) BeanContainer.instance() <-- use ThreadLocals
sometimes session-context.xml with Stackoverflow
Holiday import (file name/path, chargeitem)
workflow: organisation, ma, project
[v] pause --> UTC
+Charge.creation, Discharge.creation
[v] +Admin:see full bean (inclusive all attributes)
PROBLEM: value --> change-event should only do something if value is empty
(x) persistence.xml: javax.persistence.schema-generation.* properties
REST generator for each entity using BeanContainer
CRUD generator for each entity using REST
** [v] mda-->runServer.bat <-- define the h2-script-file
** [v] jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost:9092/PUBLIC
** LUCENE integration?
[v] HTTPS:
** keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias nanoh5 -keystore nanoh5.jks -storepass nanoh5 -keysize 2048 -ext SAN=DNS:localhost,IP: -validity 9999
** server.makeSecure(NanoHTTPD.makeSSLSocketFactory("nanoh5.jks", "nanoh5".toCharArray()), null);
** [ ] websockets (org.java_websockets) on wss:// not working
** [v] Chrome not working <-- GET + '/' redoing response
YAML --> ObjectMapper
MDA: manyToMany Error
slf-api Version (1.5.8 --> 1.7.5) Problem
h5.sessions,,, ConcurrentUtil -> Collections.synchronizedMap(.)
Nano Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG.h5.builder �berfl�ssig
h5.serve synchronized raus
info: min --> sec
h5.request --> info tooltip
MapExpressionFormat.parseObject(..) --> ve.from() raus
ValueExpression.createInstance() --> Formatter?
BeanAttribute.wrap() --> Convertert?
BeanClass.createInstance() --> Formatter?
BeanContainer.createBeanInstance() --> Formatter?
FormatUtil <-- DefaultFormat <-- GenericParser <-- RegExpFormat
twice ant (ant-1.6.5) on running ant-task
hibernate not depending slf4j-simple --> ant-task error
[v] login ok-button not working on ALT-o
status-line with tooltip not working
MS InternetExplorer: first app login --> Inet6Address, second session request: Inet4Address
createDataTag, isData <-- iframe + srcdoc, +svg
integrating VNet as scripting rule with parameters
rule: attribute 'test' for specification on 'app.clean' or ''
nalgox ?
Anyway : Allgemeine DB für timesheet, bestell+kasse, estore
EM-2016 :
Skill-DB :
eStore :
forum :
PhotoSharing :
Logbuch : Eintragung von Aktivitäten, Summierung+Statistiken
Haushaltsplan : Dienstplan und Eintragung letzter Aktivitäten (==>timesheet)
Nahrung : Erechne aus eingeg. Nahrung den Anteil von Stoffen am Tagesbedarf
Bestellung+Kasse: Bestellung+Kasse
TOOD: android (java?, datanucleus?),, EM-2016, neue apps (siehe unten)
Aufgabe (name, gewichtung, frequenz)
Teilnehmer (name)
Aktion(teilnehmer, aufgabe, datum)
Plan(teilnehmer, aufgabe, datum)
Teilnehmer (name)
Eintrag (datum, Kategorie, Werte-Typ, Wert, Einheit, Beschreibung, Bild)
--Zeiterfassung (anyway):
Organisation -> Betrieb, Mandant
Party -> Mitarbeiter
Category -> Art des Kunden
Area -> Kunde
Type -> Typ des Dienstes
Item -> Projekt
Classification ->
Charge -> Zeiteintrag
Discharge -> Abrechnung
--Bestellung+Kasse (anyway):
Organisation -> Betriebe
Party -> Betrieb/Admin/Mitarbeiter / Kunde
Mission -> Bedienung etc
Category -> Reservierung / Bestellung
Area -> z.B. Lokal/Restaurant
Type -> Nicht definiert / Getränk / veg. Speisen / Speisen / Nachtisch ...
Item -> z.B. Tisch 1 o. Wasser
Classification -> schnelle Lieferung / Standard
Charge -> Anfrage (Bestellung, Reservierung)
Discharge -> Kasse
--Haushalt (anyway):
Organisation -> Haus
Party -> Bewohner
Category -> Typ der Einteilung (Zimmer/Keller, ...)
Area -> Einteilung (Wohnzimmer o.ä.)
Type -> Typ der Aktion (Wischen)
Item -> Gegenstand (K�chenherd)
Classification ->
Charge -> Aktion pro Zeit in bezug auf Gegenstand
Discharge -> Abgeltung
jar-file: #anyway.jar
--> javax.persistence.PersistenceException: No Persistence provider for EntityManager named genericPersistenceUnit
Problem bei Eingabe im Timesheet wahrscheinlich in:
User-Agent(Mobile) (store in Session-Thread) in Html5BeanPresentation as filter?
ERROR: persistence loaded in nano app instead of session - using this on all sessions
-> eigentlich correct implementiert, siehe NanoH5.connect(..)
Schulverwaltung (Noten-Listen):
YAML2DDL (mapOfMaps):
id: primary-key
default: 1
keywords: class, from, until, order, table, column, view, like
TODO: yaml --> @PostConstruct
YAML: howto invoke initSerialization() + initDeserialization() (32 occurrencies)
constraints on methodaction: +predefined sets (all classes, all beans, all bean-attributes)
create standard actions: print, crypt, etc.
fill messages.properites with all configurator action names
- previous->next: java-action-script (like "copy old env.xml", "remove property")
- [v] sql
- [v] formula extensions
- [v] labels
- growing fields
- (x) create transient default entries to be saved by controller actions
- AsciiSignature: mit sub-zero
analyse integration with REST etc.
(x) maven+refactoring TODO:
- [v] integration test NanoH5
- (x) jars: war, sign, standalone, pure, sishell
- [v] Cp1252 -> UTF-8
- [ ] clean code (unused imports etc.)
- [v] Test timing app
- [?] dependencies (ant+hibernate -> javax validation-api)
- [-] build: replace src/resources/ with maven build
- [v] release
derby.jar + derbynet.jar aus JAVA_HOME/db/lib kopieren
runServer: java -jar org.apache.derby.drda.NetworkServerControl start %*
java -cp *
refresh default-resources.jar
[v] refresh MANIFEST.MF in h5:
Application-Name: Nano.H5
Application-redirect: /download
Permissions: all-permissions
on external database, anyway-scripts are used 'anyway'
Bean: multi-instance holder?
[v] PROBLEM: style.template saved as UTF-8 becomes NULNULNUL at the end on saving it in environment.xml
[v] NanoHandler -> replace Loader or Main-Class in h5 manifest
[v] test timesheet with rulecover
test EntityReplication with JMockit
[v] int test: shell.xml not found by mda.xml
int test: DelegationHander in environment.xml
deploy 2.1.3 EINZELNE KOMPONENTEN, pom fehlt!!!
[v] merge inspection brunch
create tag 2.1.5
(x) don't try to reload unresolved classes!
[v] no script engine on jdk8
(x) &.*; wird in tables angezeigt...
(x) button size ???
(x) useSideNav > 3 buttons
(x) resorting fetched data
[v] compositor -> RunnableExpression.setValue() -> UnsupportedOperation
timesheet test: presentations without jpa informations (e.g. nullable=true)
test in android
[-] vNet jar vervollständigen (Classfinder: find all implementations)
(x) vNet in terminal
(x) error on actions in sidenavbar if more than 3
Statistik aus Haushalt in TimesheetTest einfügen
[v] Ablauf (Undo/Rdo -> Repeat)
Migration 1.1.0 -> 2.1.3
(!) alle environment jar-files löschen - ausser dem generierten beans jar file
[v] ClassFinder -> InputStream.readLine -> NPE <- install new jdk8 version
[v] policy file problem <- java_home to jre
(!) de.tsl2.nano.DefaultFormat -> de.tsl2.nano.core.util.DefaultFormat
(!) de.tsl2.nano.messaging.ChangeEvent -> de.tsl2.nano.core.messaging.ChangeEvent
[v] de.tsl2.nano.h5.timesheet.ActionImportHolidays in test ?
Message beim Öffnen, Schliessen, Neu, ...
Zeitmessung falsch
Exception 'collection is empty but must contain at least one item'
quicksearch schränkt such-ergebnis nicht ein
[v] Performance bei BeanCollector.onActivation
[v] ETimer -> keine Entity? <- from, until muss umbenannt werden
[v] Relationen alle als Binary <- bijective manytoone, joincolumn
[v] jarFile mit Suchvorschlägen aus sql, jar funzt nicht, wegen falscher BeanValue-instance
[v] ref. RuleCover --> bean extracting super class AttributeCover (RulePool is in specification)
[v] Test new annotations
[v] Test attachments
test https and use it as default
[v] check, why NanoWebSocketServer is not connected to client
[v] gimmicks not as default!
what if table not loaded, but gimmick active?
[v] Controller: go straight into the most reasonable entity and show directly all actions
h2-lucene integration <-- problem in h2
[-] hibernate-lucene integration (since hib 5.0)
[v] show picture instead of valueexpression
[v] send broadcast)only to users defined by a rule (message context defined by rule, too)
WebsocketExceptionHandler.server.session.main.sessions with websocket.address = session.address
send bean attribute to session.authorization
error in configuration? <-- only on first start + initialization
sidebar button layout correction
[v] application.html without https
[?] Verlaufs-Graph?
file or media from Mobile client not transferred
Apps auf Serverway:
[v] logbook --> git
[v] haushalt : 8067/9003
[v] timesheet: 8068/9004
exam : 8069/9093 connection refused <-- wrong/duplicate h2.jar libraries, users.xml?
ergdi : 8070/9095: npe: jarfile not found <-- jar-file selector true not working
photo : 8071/9097 npe: environment.xml corrupt <-- wrong System LANG, LANGUAGE so Date cannot be loaded
skiller : 8072/9096: message 'object event'
EM-2016 : 8073/9092
logbook : 8074/9094
GENERELL auf Serverway: Speicher-Problem <-- Xmx512 -> Xmx256
[v] restart-all -> reset-all +restart +backup
BeanConfigurator.actionCreateController testen
Translation uses random language
[v] anyway.sql +Mission, +Charge->Location
Date.toString() <-- LANG, LANGUAGE --> LocalDate verwenden <--java.sql.Date eingebaut
app backup: service.url raus und app.update.last nur als Date
login funzt bei transferrierten apps nicht
linux+openjdk10: NoClassDefFoundError java.sql.Blob
population 23.8.: ~7.600.314.137 (
OWASP-ZAP message: SQL-injection possible <- websocket info text
action-logging + exceptions as link, exception-stack on client: remove that on production mode
hsqldb/h2 server only local availability on default!
websocket info text not in production mode!
date/time stamps on current time/date
beancontainer list height constraints
presenting key/values -> 1:key, 2:value
timesheet: pause field not working
h5 tests don't shutdown java h5 app
h5 sign=false in maven properties
sidenav button: width: 100%
logbook auf heroku deployen
[v] create own velocity-maven-plugin: generator-maven-plugin
[v] velocity template for spring-data-rest repositors with finders for all attributes
velocity template for tsl2 to generate rest interfaces with annotations for all entities resolved by a util through resteasy
[v] velocity template for tsl2 to generate thymeleaf templates for each entity
velocity template for tsl2 to generate openapi-tools rest yaml-documents for swagger
[v] create maven archetype
[v] encapsulate common: collection+tree, (action, execution), generator
[v] GeneratorMojo: Refactore PackageGenerator.main -> ACodeGenerator.main
[v] JobServerTest wieder aktivieren
NanoH5ITTest: ant-run im post-integration-test stoppen
Version 2.3.0 auf serverway testen und release erstellen
test archetype:generate mit net.sf.tsl2nano:tsl2.nano.archetype
test mavengenerator+tsl2spring-archetype
[v] index und controller nicht startbar <-- mvn install muss ein zweites mal ausgeführt werden
[x] wo werden bean java klassen generiert? class files sind vorhanden <-- absolut path in project
[ ] util: class.isMaterlizable() <-- Class.isLocalOrAnonymous() Modifier.isAbstract
[ ] util: getImplementations(Class)
xml-formatting (using enums)
LibClassloader extracting all files in directory unpack
tutorials for generator mavengenerator and gp
bibliothek: grc, bat, graphene, media-beschreibung: m3u, links, ...
[v] fromValueMap() implementieren (full json support for beans!)
[v] dynamic REST implementation
[-] show REST infos on bean
[v] NanoHtmlUnitTest in anderem Verzeichnis starten - Kollision und 10 Sekunden entfernen
Lucene Test aktivieren
auf GitHub hosten
manuell testen (auf serverway deployen)
[v] release hochladen
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