Go to .NET project directory
Clean the directory
dotnet clean snowflake-connector-net.sln && dotnet nuget locals all --clear
Create parameters.json containing connection info for AWS, AZURE, or GCP account and place inside the Snowflake.Data.Tests folder
Build the project for .NET6
dotnet build snowflake-connector-net.sln /p:DebugType=Full
- Run dotnet-cover on the .NET6 build
dotnet-coverage collect "dotnet test --framework net6.0 --no-build -l console;verbosity=normal" --output net6.0_AWS_coverage.xml --output-format cobertura --settings coverage.config
- Build the project for .NET Framework
msbuild snowflake-connector-net.sln -p:Configuration=Release
- Run dotnet-cover on the .NET Framework build
dotnet-coverage collect "dotnet test --framework net472 --no-build -l console;verbosity=normal" --output net472_AWS_coverage.xml --output-format cobertura --settings coverage.config
Repeat steps 3, 5, and 7 for the other cloud providers.
Note: no need to rebuild the connector again.
For Azure:
Create parameters.json containing connection info for AZURE account and place inside the Snowflake.Data.Tests folder
Run dotnet-cover on the .NET6 build
dotnet-coverage collect "dotnet test --framework net6.0 --no-build -l console;verbosity=normal" --output net6.0_AZURE_coverage.xml --output-format cobertura --settings coverage.config
- Run dotnet-cover on the .NET Framework build
dotnet-coverage collect "dotnet test --framework net472 --no-build -l console;verbosity=normal" --output net472_AZURE_coverage.xml --output-format cobertura --settings coverage.config
For GCP:
Create parameters.json containing connection info for GCP account and place inside the Snowflake.Data.Tests folder
Run dotnet-cover on the .NET6 build
dotnet-coverage collect "dotnet test --framework net6.0 --no-build -l console;verbosity=normal" --output net6.0_GCP_coverage.xml --output-format cobertura --settings coverage.config
- Run dotnet-cover on the .NET Framework build
dotnet-coverage collect "dotnet test --framework net472 --no-build -l console;verbosity=normal" --output net472_GCP_coverage.xml --output-format cobertura --settings coverage.config