Install :
# Initialize environment
rye pin 3.11
rye sync
# Configure database and other settings, see app/ for available settings
mkdir -p instance
${EDITOR} instance/config.cfg
# Create database
rye run flask db upgrade
# Initial data load
rye run flask import assets
rye run flask import players
rye run flask import market # very long, several hours
rye run flask import market --item 73 # retrieve market history for only one item, much faster for dev
Run :
rye run flask --debug run
Access the backend at http://localhost:5000.
Linter :
rye lint
Tests :
rye test
# Configure database and other settings, see app/ for available settings
mkdir -p instance
${EDITOR} instance/config.cfg
# Launch the stack
docker compose up --build
# Initialize the database
docker compose exec -w /app backend flask db upgrade
# Initial data load
docker compose exec -w /app backend flask import assets
docker compose exec -w /app backend flask import players
docker compose exec -w /app backend flask import market --item 73
Access the backend at http://localhost:8080.