diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..18af34d26b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.13.0)
+set(ETH_CMAKE_DIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/cmake" CACHE PATH "The path to the cmake directory")
+# Set the build type, if none was specified.
+ set(DEFAULT_BUILD_TYPE "RelWithDebInfo")
+ else()
+ set(DEFAULT_BUILD_TYPE "Release")
+ endif()
+ set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE "${DEFAULT_BUILD_TYPE}" CACHE STRING "Choose the type of build, options are: Debug Release RelWithDebInfo MinSizeRel" FORCE)
+ set_property(CACHE CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE PROPERTY STRINGS "Debug" "Release" "RelWithDebInfo" "MinSizeRel")
+# Set cmake_policies
+# project name and version should be set after cmake_policy CMP0048
+set(PROJECT_VERSION "0.8.25")
+# OSX target needed in order to support std::visit
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "${PROJECT_NAME} currently does not support big endian systems.")
+option(SOLC_LINK_STATIC "Link solc executable statically on supported platforms" OFF)
+option(SOLC_STATIC_STDLIBS "Link solc against static versions of libgcc and libstdc++ on supported platforms" OFF)
+option(STRICT_Z3_VERSION "Use the latest version of Z3" ON)
+option(PEDANTIC "Enable extra warnings and pedantic build flags. Treat all warnings as errors." ON)
+option(PROFILE_OPTIMIZER_STEPS "Output performance metrics for the optimiser steps." OFF)
+# Setup cccache.
+# Let's find our dependencies
+include_directories(SYSTEM ${JSONCPP_INCLUDE_DIR})
+ message(WARNING "-- Pedantic build flags turned off. Warnings will not make compilation fail. This is NOT recommended in development builds.")
+ add_definitions(-DPROFILE_OPTIMIZER_STEPS)
+# Figure out what compiler and system are we using
+# Include utils
+# Create license.h from LICENSE.txt and template
+# Converting to char array is required due to MSVC's string size limit.
+configure_file("${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/templates/license.h.in" include/license.h)
+set(LATEST_Z3_VERSION "4.12.1")
+set(MINIMUM_Z3_VERSION "4.8.16")
+if (${Z3_FOUND})
+ message(
+ "SMTChecker tests require Z3 ${LATEST_Z3_VERSION} for all tests to pass.\n\
+Build with -DSTRICT_Z3_VERSION=OFF if you want to use a different version. \
+You can also use -DUSE_Z3=OFF to build without Z3. In both cases use --no-smt when running tests."
+ )
+ endif()
+ else()
+ message(
+ "Solidity requires Z3 ${MINIMUM_Z3_VERSION} or newer. You can also use -DUSE_Z3=OFF to build without Z3."
+ )
+ endif()
+ endif()
+ add_definitions(-DHAVE_Z3)
+ add_definitions(-DHAVE_Z3_DLOPEN)
+ find_package(Python3 COMPONENTS Interpreter)
+ if(${Z3_FOUND})
+ get_target_property(Z3_HEADER_HINTS z3::libz3 INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES)
+ endif()
+ find_path(Z3_HEADER_PATH z3.h HINTS ${Z3_HEADER_HINTS})
+ set(Z3_FOUND TRUE)
+ else()
+ message(SEND_ERROR "Dynamic loading of Z3 requires Z3 headers to be present at build time.")
+ endif()
+ if(NOT ${Python3_FOUND})
+ message(SEND_ERROR "Dynamic loading of Z3 requires Python 3 to be present at build time.")
+ endif()
+ message(SEND_ERROR "solc cannot be linked statically when dynamically loading Z3.")
+ endif()
+elseif (${Z3_FOUND})
+ add_definitions(-DHAVE_Z3)
+ message("Z3 SMT solver found. This enables optional SMT checking with Z3.")
+find_package(CVC4 QUIET)
+if (${CVC4_FOUND})
+ add_definitions(-DHAVE_CVC4)
+ message("CVC4 SMT solver found. This enables optional SMT checking with CVC4.")
+if (NOT (${Z3_FOUND} OR ${CVC4_FOUND}))
+ message("No SMT solver found (or it has been forcefully disabled). Optional SMT checking will not be available.\
+ \nPlease install Z3 or CVC4 or remove the option disabling them (USE_Z3, USE_CVC4).")
+ add_subdirectory(solc)
+ add_subdirectory(test)
diff --git a/docs/050-breaking-changes.rst b/docs/050-breaking-changes.rst
index 90af865267..a40bbcf6e9 100644
--- a/docs/050-breaking-changes.rst
+++ b/docs/050-breaking-changes.rst
@@ -89,8 +89,8 @@ For most of the topics the compiler will provide suggestions.
* Explicit data location for all variables of struct, array or mapping types is
now mandatory. This is also applied to function parameters and return
- variables. For example, change ``uint[] x = m_x`` to ``uint[] storage x =
- m_x``, and ``function f(uint[][] x)`` to ``function f(uint[][] memory x)``
+ variables. For example, change ``uint[] x = z`` to ``uint[] storage x =
+ z``, and ``function f(uint[][] x)`` to ``function f(uint[][] memory x)``
where ``memory`` is the data location and might be replaced by ``storage`` or
``calldata`` accordingly. Note that ``external`` functions require
parameters with a data location of ``calldata``.
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ For most of the topics the compiler will provide suggestions.
``payable`` or create a new internal function for the program logic that
uses ``msg.value``.
-* For clarity reasons, the command line interface now requires ``-`` if the
+* For clarity reasons, the command-line interface now requires ``-`` if the
standard input is used as source.
Deprecated Elements
@@ -147,18 +147,18 @@ This section lists changes that deprecate prior features or syntax. Note that
many of these changes were already enabled in the experimental mode
-Command Line and JSON Interfaces
+Command-line and JSON Interfaces
-* The command line option ``--formal`` (used to generate Why3 output for
+* The command-line option ``--formal`` (used to generate Why3 output for
further formal verification) was deprecated and is now removed. A new
formal verification module, the SMTChecker, is enabled via ``pragma
experimental SMTChecker;``.
-* The command line option ``--julia`` was renamed to ``--yul`` due to the
+* The command-line option ``--julia`` was renamed to ``--yul`` due to the
renaming of the intermediate language ``Julia`` to ``Yul``.
-* The ``--clone-bin`` and ``--combined-json clone-bin`` command line options
+* The ``--clone-bin`` and ``--combined-json clone-bin`` command-line options
were removed.
* Remappings with empty prefix are disallowed.
@@ -483,7 +483,7 @@ New version:
return data;
- using address_make_payable for address;
+ using AddressMakePayable for address;
// Data location for 'arr' must be specified
function g(uint[] memory /* arr */, bytes8 x, OtherContract otherContract, address unknownContract) public payable {
// 'otherContract.transfer' is not provided.
@@ -500,7 +500,7 @@ New version:
// 'address payable' should be used whenever possible.
// To increase clarity, we suggest the use of a library for
// the conversion (provided after the contract in this example).
- address payable addr = unknownContract.make_payable();
+ address payable addr = unknownContract.makePayable();
require(addr.send(1 ether));
// Since uint32 (4 bytes) is smaller than bytes8 (8 bytes),
@@ -516,8 +516,8 @@ New version:
// We can define a library for explicitly converting ``address``
// to ``address payable`` as a workaround.
- library address_make_payable {
- function make_payable(address x) internal pure returns (address payable) {
+ library AddressMakePayable {
+ function makePayable(address x) internal pure returns (address payable) {
return address(uint160(x));
diff --git a/docs/060-breaking-changes.rst b/docs/060-breaking-changes.rst
index 915a9f3352..e7c93057f6 100644
--- a/docs/060-breaking-changes.rst
+++ b/docs/060-breaking-changes.rst
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ For the full list check
Changes the Compiler Might not Warn About
-This section lists changes where the behaviour of your code might
+This section lists changes where the behavior of your code might
change without the compiler telling you about it.
* The resulting type of an exponentiation is the type of the base. It used to be the smallest type
@@ -53,6 +53,8 @@ For most of the topics the compiler will provide suggestions.
If the name contains a dot, its prefix up to the dot may not conflict with any declaration outside the inline
assembly block.
+* In inline assembly, opcodes that do not take arguments are now represented as "built-in functions" instead of standalone identifiers. So ``gas`` is now ``gas()``.
* State variable shadowing is now disallowed. A derived contract can only
declare a state variable ``x``, if there is no visible state variable with
the same name in any of its bases.
@@ -103,23 +105,23 @@ Interface Changes
This section lists changes that are unrelated to the language itself, but that have an effect on the interfaces of
-the compiler. These may change the way how you use the compiler on the command line, how you use its programmable
+the compiler. These may change the way how you use the compiler on the command-line, how you use its programmable
interface, or how you analyze the output produced by it.
New Error Reporter
-A new error reporter was introduced, which aims at producing more accessible error messages on the command line.
-It is enabled by default, but passing ``--old-reporter`` falls back to the the deprecated old error reporter.
+A new error reporter was introduced, which aims at producing more accessible error messages on the command-line.
+It is enabled by default, but passing ``--old-reporter`` falls back to the deprecated old error reporter.
Metadata Hash Options
The compiler now appends the `IPFS `_ hash of the metadata file to the end of the bytecode by default
(for details, see documentation on :doc:`contract metadata `). Before 0.6.0, the compiler appended the
-`Swarm `_ hash by default, and in order to still support this behaviour,
-the new command line option ``--metadata-hash`` was introduced. It allows you to select the hash to be produced and
-appended, by passing either ``ipfs`` or ``swarm`` as value to the ``--metadata-hash`` command line option.
+`Swarm `_ hash by default, and in order to still support this behavior,
+the new command-line option ``--metadata-hash`` was introduced. It allows you to select the hash to be produced and
+appended, by passing either ``ipfs`` or ``swarm`` as value to the ``--metadata-hash`` command-line option.
Passing the value ``none`` completely removes the hash.
These changes can also be used via the :ref:`Standard JSON Interface` and effect the metadata JSON generated by the compiler.
@@ -174,3 +176,6 @@ This section gives detailed instructions on how to update prior code for every b
``override`` to every overriding function. For multiple inheritance, add ``override(A, B, ..)``,
where you list all contracts that define the overridden function in the parentheses. When
multiple bases define the same function, the inheriting contract must override all conflicting functions.
+* In inline assembly, add ``()`` to all opcodes that do not otherwise accept an argument.
+ For example, change ``pc`` to ``pc()``, and ``gas`` to ``gas()``.
diff --git a/docs/080-breaking-changes.rst b/docs/080-breaking-changes.rst
index b322d2a489..524d12ac3b 100644
--- a/docs/080-breaking-changes.rst
+++ b/docs/080-breaking-changes.rst
@@ -10,18 +10,18 @@ For the full list check
Silent Changes of the Semantics
-This section lists changes where existing code changes its behaviour without
+This section lists changes where existing code changes its behavior without
the compiler notifying you about it.
* Arithmetic operations revert on underflow and overflow. You can use ``unchecked { ... }`` to use
- the previous wrapping behaviour.
+ the previous wrapping behavior.
Checks for overflow are very common, so we made them the default to increase readability of code,
even if it comes at a slight increase of gas costs.
* ABI coder v2 is activated by default.
- You can choose to use the old behaviour using ``pragma abicoder v1;``.
+ You can choose to use the old behavior using ``pragma abicoder v1;``.
The pragma ``pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2;`` is still valid, but it is deprecated and has no effect.
If you want to be explicit, please use ``pragma abicoder v2;`` instead.
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ New Restrictions
This section lists changes that might cause existing contracts to not compile anymore.
-* There are new restrictions related to explicit conversions of literals. The previous behaviour in
+* There are new restrictions related to explicit conversions of literals. The previous behavior in
the following cases was likely ambiguous:
1. Explicit conversions from negative literals and literals larger than ``type(uint160).max`` to
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ This section lists changes that might cause existing contracts to not compile an
* The global functions ``log0``, ``log1``, ``log2``, ``log3`` and ``log4`` have been removed.
- These are low-level functions that were largely unused. Their behaviour can be accessed from inline assembly.
+ These are low-level functions that were largely unused. Their behavior can be accessed from inline assembly.
* ``enum`` definitions cannot contain more than 256 members.
@@ -173,4 +173,4 @@ How to update your code
- Change ``msg.sender.transfer(x)`` to ``payable(msg.sender).transfer(x)`` or use a stored variable of ``address payable`` type.
- Change ``x**y**z`` to ``(x**y)**z``.
- Use inline assembly as a replacement for ``log0``, ..., ``log4``.
-- Negate unsigned integers by subtracting them from the maximum value of the type and adding 1 (e.g. ``type(uint256).max - x + 1``, while ensuring that `x` is not zero)
+- Negate unsigned integers by subtracting them from the maximum value of the type and adding 1 (e.g. ``type(uint256).max - x + 1``, while ensuring that ``x`` is not zero)
diff --git a/docs/Makefile b/docs/Makefile
index 3cc98f6990..01660bd388 100644
--- a/docs/Makefile
+++ b/docs/Makefile
@@ -34,7 +34,6 @@ help:
@echo " epub to make an epub"
@echo " latex to make LaTeX files, you can set PAPER=a4 or PAPER=letter"
@echo " latexpdf to make LaTeX files and run them through pdflatex"
- @echo " latexpdfja to make LaTeX files and run them through platex/dvipdfmx"
@echo " text to make text files"
@echo " man to make manual pages"
@echo " texinfo to make Texinfo files"
@@ -116,12 +115,6 @@ latexpdf:
$(MAKE) -C $(BUILDDIR)/latex all-pdf
@echo "pdflatex finished; the PDF files are in $(BUILDDIR)/latex."
- @echo "Running LaTeX files through platex and dvipdfmx..."
- $(MAKE) -C $(BUILDDIR)/latex all-pdf-ja
- @echo "pdflatex finished; the PDF files are in $(BUILDDIR)/latex."
diff --git a/docs/README.md b/docs/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a3b5f25aed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# Solidity Language Docs
+## Local environment setup
+1. Install python https://www.python.org/downloads/
+1. Install sphinx (the tool used to generate the docs) https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/installation.html
+Go to `/docs` and run `./docs.sh` to install dependencies and build the project:
+cd docs
+That will output the generated htmls under _build/
+## Serve environment
+python3 -m http.server -d _build/html --cgi 8080
+Visit dev server at http://localhost:8080
diff --git a/docs/_static/css/custom-dark.css b/docs/_static/css/custom-dark.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..044a8f800d
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+++ b/docs/_static/css/custom-dark.css
@@ -0,0 +1,595 @@
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+/* Name.Variable.Global */
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+ color: #f8f8f2
+/* Name.Variable.Magic */
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+ color: #ae81ff
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index 4ff53f3a7b..25ab265443 100644
--- a/docs/_static/css/custom.css
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background: #eac545;
@@ -27,60 +189,638 @@ pre {
background: #fafafa;
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+ margin-bottom: 0.5rem;
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+/* Link to Remix IDE shown next to code snippets */
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margin: 0;
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-/* Link to Remix IDE shown next to code snippets */
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+ content: "Documentation";
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+ color: var(--color-a);
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+ * Customization for the unified layout
+ */
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position: relative;
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- position: absolute; /* Remove it from normal flow not to affect the original position of the snippet. */
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display: block;
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- display: none; /* Visible only on hover. */
- width: 3.3em; /* Narrow enough to get two lines of text. */
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-a.remix-link:hover {
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+/* Second child: Content */
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opacity: 0.5;
-a.remix-link:hover .link-text {
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+ h2 {
+ margin-top: 3rem;
+ margin-bottom: 1rem;
+ }
+ h3 {
+ margin-top: 3rem;
+ margin-bottom: 1rem;
+ }
+ h4 {
+ margin-top: 2rem;
+ margin-bottom: 1rem;
+ }
+ /* Menu closed styles */
+ .unified-header .nav-link {
+ display: none;
+ }
+ .unified-header .inner-header {
+ padding-inline: var(--mobileInlinePadding);
+ }
+ .unified-wrapper .wy-grid-for-nav nav.wy-nav-side {
+ transform: translateX(-100%);
+ transition: transform 200ms ease-in-out;
+ }
+ /* Menu open styles */
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+ transform: translateX(0);
+ transition: transform 200ms ease-in-out;
+ }
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+ position: sticky;
+ bottom: 0;
+ width: 100%;
+ }
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+ display: block;
+ position: fixed;
+ inset: 0;
+ opacity: 1;
+ transition: opacity 200ms ease-in-out;
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+ background: #0006;
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+ display: none;
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+ padding-bottom: 0 !important;
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+ color: var(--color-b) !important;
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+/* Bottom Search */
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+ padding-inline-start: 0 !important;
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+ color: var(--black) !important;
+/* Light/dark color mode toggle 🌓 */
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+ display: inline-flex;
+ appearance: none;
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+ color,
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+ stroke,
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+ outline: 2px solid var(--color-c);
+ color: var(--color-c);
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+ background: #0002;
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+ border: 0px;
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+ content: ' ↗';
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display: block;
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+ opacity: 1;
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\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/_static/css/dark.css b/docs/_static/css/dark.css
deleted file mode 100644
index a87ff09ebe..0000000000
--- a/docs/_static/css/dark.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,635 +0,0 @@
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- color: #aaddff !important;
-/* code directives */
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-em.property {
- color: #888888;
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-.rst-content table.docutils:not(.field-list) tr:nth-child(2n-1) td {
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-.rst-content pre {
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- font-weight: normal !important;
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-code.docutils.literal.notranslate {
- color: #ddd;
-/* highlight color search text */
-.rst-content .highlighted {
- background: #ff5722;
- box-shadow: 0 0 0 2px #f0978b;
-/* notes, warnings, hints */
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-.warning .admonition-title {
- background: #cc4444 !important;
-.admonition-title {
- background: #3a7ca8 !important;
-.note {
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-/* table of contents */
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-/* Comment */
-.highlight .err {
- color: #960050;
- background-color: #1e0010
-/* Error */
-.highlight .k {
- color: #66d9ef
-/* Keyword */
-.highlight .l {
- color: #ae81ff
-/* Literal */
-.highlight .n {
- color: #f8f8f2
-/* Name */
-.highlight .o {
- color: #f92672
-/* Operator */
-.highlight .p {
- color: #f8f8f2
-/* Punctuation */
-.highlight .ch {
- color: #888
-/* Comment.Hashbang */
-.highlight .cm {
- color: #888
-/* Comment.Multiline */
-.highlight .cp {
- color: #888
-/* Comment.Preproc */
-.highlight .cpf {
- color: #888
-/* Comment.PreprocFile */
-.highlight .c1 {
- color: #888
-/* Comment.Single */
-.highlight .cs {
- color: #888
-/* Comment.Special */
-.highlight .gd {
- color: #f92672
-/* Generic.Deleted */
-.highlight .ge {
- font-style: italic
-/* Generic.Emph */
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- color: #a6e22e
-/* Generic.Inserted */
-.highlight .gs {
- font-weight: bold
-/* Generic.Strong */
-.highlight .gu {
- color: #888
-/* Generic.Subheading */
-.highlight .kc {
- color: #66d9ef
-/* Keyword.Constant */
-.highlight .kd {
- color: #66d9ef
-/* Keyword.Declaration */
-.highlight .kn {
- color: #f92672
-/* Keyword.Namespace */
-.highlight .kp {
- color: #66d9ef
-/* Keyword.Pseudo */
-.highlight .kr {
- color: #66d9ef
-/* Keyword.Reserved */
-.highlight .kt {
- color: #66d9ef
-/* Keyword.Type */
-.highlight .ld {
- color: #e6db74
-/* Literal.Date */
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- color: #ae81ff
-/* Literal.Number */
-.highlight .s {
- color: #e6db74
-/* Literal.String */
-.highlight .na {
- color: #a6e22e
-/* Name.Attribute */
-.highlight .nb {
- color: #f8f8f2
-/* Name.Builtin */
-.highlight .nc {
- color: #a6e22e
-/* Name.Class */
-.highlight .no {
- color: #66d9ef
-/* Name.Constant */
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-/* Name.Decorator */
-.highlight .ni {
- color: #f8f8f2
-/* Name.Entity */
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- color: #a6e22e
-/* Name.Exception */
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- color: #a6e22e
-/* Name.Function */
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-/* Name.Label */
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- color: #f8f8f2
-/* Name.Namespace */
-.highlight .nx {
- color: #a6e22e
-/* Name.Other */
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- color: #f8f8f2
-/* Name.Property */
-.highlight .nt {
- color: #f92672
-/* Name.Tag */
-.highlight .nv {
- color: #f8f8f2
-/* Name.Variable */
-.highlight .ow {
- color: #f92672
-/* Operator.Word */
-.highlight .w {
- color: #f8f8f2
-/* Text.Whitespace */
-.highlight .mb {
- color: #ae81ff
-/* Literal.Number.Bin */
-.highlight .mf {
- color: #ae81ff
-/* Literal.Number.Float */
-.highlight .mh {
- color: #ae81ff
-/* Literal.Number.Hex */
-.highlight .mi {
- color: #ae81ff
-/* Literal.Number.Integer */
-.highlight .mo {
- color: #ae81ff
-/* Literal.Number.Oct */
-.highlight .sa {
- color: #e6db74
-/* Literal.String.Affix */
-.highlight .sb {
- color: #e6db74
-/* Literal.String.Backtick */
-.highlight .sc {
- color: #e6db74
-/* Literal.String.Char */
-.highlight .dl {
- color: #e6db74
-/* Literal.String.Delimiter */
-.highlight .sd {
- color: #e6db74
-/* Literal.String.Doc */
-.highlight .s2 {
- color: #e6db74
-/* Literal.String.Double */
-.highlight .se {
- color: #ae81ff
-/* Literal.String.Escape */
-.highlight .sh {
- color: #e6db74
-/* Literal.String.Heredoc */
-.highlight .si {
- color: #e6db74
-/* Literal.String.Interpol */
-.highlight .sx {
- color: #e6db74
-/* Literal.String.Other */
-.highlight .sr {
- color: #e6db74
-/* Literal.String.Regex */
-.highlight .s1 {
- color: #e6db74
-/* Literal.String.Single */
-.highlight .ss {
- color: #e6db74
-/* Literal.String.Symbol */
-.highlight .bp {
- color: #f8f8f2
-/* Name.Builtin.Pseudo */
-.highlight .fm {
- color: #a6e22e
-/* Name.Function.Magic */
-.highlight .vc {
- color: #f8f8f2
-/* Name.Variable.Class */
-.highlight .vg {
- color: #f8f8f2
-/* Name.Variable.Global */
-.highlight .vi {
- color: #f8f8f2
-/* Name.Variable.Instance */
-.highlight .vm {
- color: #f8f8f2
-/* Name.Variable.Magic */
-.highlight .il {
- color: #ae81ff
-/* Literal.Number.Integer.Long */
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+/* Error */
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+/* Keyword */
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+ color: #666666
+/* Operator */
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+ font-style: italic
+/* Comment.Hashbang */
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+ font-style: italic
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+/* Generic.Output */
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+ font-weight: bold
+/* Generic.Strong */
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+/* Generic.Subheading */
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+/* Generic.Traceback */
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+ font-weight: bold
+/* Keyword.Constant */
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+ color: #007020;
+ font-weight: bold
+/* Keyword.Declaration */
+.highlight .kn {
+ color: #007020;
+ font-weight: bold
+/* Keyword.Namespace */
+.highlight .kp {
+ color: #007020
+/* Keyword.Pseudo */
+.highlight .kr {
+ color: #007020;
+ font-weight: bold
+/* Keyword.Reserved */
+.highlight .kt {
+ color: #902000
+/* Keyword.Type */
+.highlight .m {
+ color: #208050
+/* Literal.Number */
+.highlight .s {
+ color: #4070a0
+/* Literal.String */
+.highlight .na {
+ color: #4070a0
+/* Name.Attribute */
+.highlight .nb {
+ color: #007020
+/* Name.Builtin */
+.highlight .nc {
+ color: #0e84b5;
+ font-weight: bold
+/* Name.Class */
+.highlight .no {
+ color: #60add5
+/* Name.Constant */
+.highlight .nd {
+ color: #555555;
+ font-weight: bold
+/* Name.Decorator */
+.highlight .ni {
+ color: #d55537;
+ font-weight: bold
+/* Name.Entity */
+.highlight .ne {
+ color: #007020
+/* Name.Exception */
+.highlight .nf {
+ color: #06287e
+/* Name.Function */
+.highlight .nl {
+ color: #002070;
+ font-weight: bold
+/* Name.Label */
+.highlight .nn {
+ color: #0e84b5;
+ font-weight: bold
+/* Name.Namespace */
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+ color: #062873;
+ font-weight: bold
+/* Name.Tag */
+.highlight .nv {
+ color: #bb60d5
+/* Name.Variable */
+.highlight .ow {
+ color: #007020;
+ font-weight: bold
+/* Operator.Word */
+.highlight .w {
+ color: #bbbbbb
+/* Text.Whitespace */
+.highlight .mb {
+ color: #208050
+/* Literal.Number.Bin */
+.highlight .mf {
+ color: #208050
+/* Literal.Number.Float */
+.highlight .mh {
+ color: #208050
+/* Literal.Number.Hex */
+.highlight .mi {
+ color: #208050
+/* Literal.Number.Integer */
+.highlight .mo {
+ color: #208050
+/* Literal.Number.Oct */
+.highlight .sa {
+ color: #4070a0
+/* Literal.String.Affix */
+.highlight .sb {
+ color: #4070a0
+/* Literal.String.Backtick */
+.highlight .sc {
+ color: #4070a0
+/* Literal.String.Char */
+.highlight .dl {
+ color: #4070a0
+/* Literal.String.Delimiter */
+.highlight .sd {
+ color: #4070a0;
+ font-style: italic
+/* Literal.String.Doc */
+.highlight .s2 {
+ color: #4070a0
+/* Literal.String.Double */
+.highlight .se {
+ color: #4070a0;
+ font-weight: bold
+/* Literal.String.Escape */
+.highlight .sh {
+ color: #4070a0
+/* Literal.String.Heredoc */
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+ color: #70a0d0;
+ font-style: italic
+/* Literal.String.Interpol */
+.highlight .sx {
+ color: #c65d09
+/* Literal.String.Other */
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+ color: #235388
+/* Literal.String.Regex */
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+ color: #4070a0
+/* Literal.String.Single */
+.highlight .ss {
+ color: #517918
+/* Literal.String.Symbol */
+.highlight .bp {
+ color: #007020
+/* Name.Builtin.Pseudo */
+.highlight .fm {
+ color: #06287e
+/* Name.Function.Magic */
+.highlight .vc {
+ color: #bb60d5
+/* Name.Variable.Class */
+.highlight .vg {
+ color: #bb60d5
+/* Name.Variable.Global */
+.highlight .vi {
+ color: #bb60d5
+/* Name.Variable.Instance */
+.highlight .vm {
+ color: #bb60d5
+/* Name.Variable.Magic */
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+ color: #208050
+/* Literal.Number.Integer.Long */
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- /* The default padding of 2em is too small and the "Keyword Index" link gets obscured
- * by the version toggle. */
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+// Solidity navigation constants
+const SOLIDITY_HOME_URL = "https://soliditylang.org";
+const BLOG_URL = `${SOLIDITY_HOME_URL}/blog`;
+const DOCS_URL = "/";
+const USE_CASES_PATH = `${SOLIDITY_HOME_URL}/use-cases`;
+const CONTRIBUTE_PATH = `/en/latest/contributing.html`;
+const ABOUT_PATH = `${SOLIDITY_HOME_URL}/about`;
+const FORUM_URL = "https://forum.soliditylang.org/";
+const NAV_LINKS = [
+ { name: "Blog", href: BLOG_URL },
+ { name: "Documentation", href: DOCS_URL },
+ { name: "Use cases", href: USE_CASES_PATH },
+ { name: "Contribute", href: CONTRIBUTE_PATH },
+ { name: "About", href: ABOUT_PATH },
+ { name: "Forum", href: FORUM_URL },
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+const getMenuIconSrc = (isDark) =>
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+ footerNote.innerHTML =
+ 'Customized with ❤️ by the ethereum.org team.';
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+ link.innerText = name;
+ return link;
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+function updateGitHubEditPath() {
+ // Replaces the version number in the GitHub edit path with "develop"
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+ const url = new URL(gitHubEditAnchor.href);
+ const split = url.pathname.split("/");
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+ split[versionIndex] = "develop";
+ url.pathname = split.join("/");
+ gitHubEditAnchor.setAttribute("href", url.toString());
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+ gitHubEditAnchor.setAttribute("rel", "noopener noreferrer");
+function initialize() {
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+ rearrangeDom();
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+ var prefersDark = localStorage.getItem(LS_COLOR_SCHEME) == DARK;
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+ var urlParams = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search);
+ if (urlParams.size > 0) {
+ // This is used for color mode continuity between the main Solidity Lang site and the docs
+ var colorSchemeParam = urlParams.get("color");
+ // If present, overwrite prefersDark accordingly
+ if (colorSchemeParam) {
+ prefersDark = colorSchemeParam == DARK;
+ }
+ // Remove "color" search param from URL
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+ const { pathname, origin, search, hash } = location;
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+ newSearchParams.size < 1 ? "" : "?" + newSearchParams.toString();
+ window.history.replaceState(
+ origin,
+ title,
+ pathname + sanitizedSearch + hash
+ );
+ }
+ // In case none existed, establish localStorage color scheme preference
+ var mode = prefersDark ? DARK : LIGHT;
+ localStorage.setItem(LS_COLOR_SCHEME, mode);
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+ document
+ .querySelector(":root")
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+ addFooterNote();
+ // Build header
+ buildHeader();
+ // Close menu
+ toggleMenu({ force: false });
+ // Update active nav link
+ updateActiveNavLink();
+ // Update GitHub edit path to direct to `develop` branch
+ updateGitHubEditPath();
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+ if (e.target.closest(".backdrop")) {
+ toggleMenu({ force: false });
+ }
+ if (e.target.closest("a")) {
+ const target = e.target.closest("a");
+ const href = target.getAttribute("href");
+ if (href.includes(SOLIDITY_HOME_URL)) {
+ const url = new URL(href);
+ const params = new URLSearchParams(url.search);
+ params.set("color", localStorage.getItem(LS_COLOR_SCHEME));
+ url.search = params.toString();
+ target.setAttribute("href", url.toString());
+ }
+ }
+document.addEventListener("click", handleClick);
+const handleKeyDown = (e) => {
+ if (e.metaKey && e.key === "k") {
+ document.querySelector("#rtd-search-form input").focus();
+ } else if (e.key === "Escape") {
+ toggleMenu({ force: false });
+ }
+ if (e.metaKey && e.code === "Backslash") {
+ toggleColorMode();
+ }
+document.addEventListener("keydown", handleKeyDown);
diff --git a/docs/_static/js/toggle.js b/docs/_static/js/toggle.js
index f46a3a6662..6ea2dd1f80 100644
--- a/docs/_static/js/toggle.js
+++ b/docs/_static/js/toggle.js
@@ -1,38 +1,47 @@
-document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
+function toggleColorMode() {
+ // Check localStorage for previous color scheme preference, assign the opposite
+ var newMode = localStorage.getItem(LS_COLOR_SCHEME) == DARK ? LIGHT : DARK;
- function toggleCssMode(isDay) {
- var mode = (isDay ? "Day" : "Night");
- localStorage.setItem("css-mode", mode);
+ // Update localStorage with new color scheme preference
+ localStorage.setItem(LS_COLOR_SCHEME, newMode);
- var daysheet = $('link[href="_static/pygments.css"]')[0].sheet;
- daysheet.disabled = !isDay;
+ // Update the root element with the new color scheme preference
+ document
+ .querySelector(":root")
+ .setAttribute("style", `--color-scheme: ${newMode}`);
- var nightsheet = $('link[href="_static/css/dark.css"]')[0];
- if (!isDay && nightsheet === undefined) {
- var element = document.createElement("link");
- element.setAttribute("rel", "stylesheet");
- element.setAttribute("type", "text/css");
- element.setAttribute("href", "_static/css/dark.css");
- document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(element);
- return;
- }
- if (nightsheet !== undefined) {
- nightsheet.sheet.disabled = isDay;
- }
- }
- var initial = localStorage.getItem("css-mode") != "Night";
- var checkbox = document.querySelector('input[name=mode]');
+ // Update logo
+ document
+ .querySelector(`img.${SOLIDITY_LOGO_CLASS}`)
+ .setAttribute("src", newMode === LIGHT ? LIGHT_LOGO_PATH : DARK_LOGO_PATH);
- toggleCssMode(initial);
- checkbox.checked = initial;
+ // Update color mode toggle icon
+ document
+ .querySelector(`img.${COLOR_TOGGLE_ICON_CLASS}`)
+ .setAttribute("src", newMode === LIGHT ? MOON_ICON_PATH : SUN_ICON_PATH);
- checkbox.addEventListener('change', function() {
- document.documentElement.classList.add('transition');
- window.setTimeout(() => {
- document.documentElement.classList.remove('transition');
- }, 1000)
- toggleCssMode(this.checked);
- })
+ // Update hamburger menu icon color
+ document
+ .querySelector("button.mobile-menu-button img")
+ .setAttribute(
+ "src",
+ );
\ No newline at end of file
+function toggleMenu(options = {}) {
+ const handleClassToggle = ({ classList }, className) => {
+ if (typeof options.force !== "undefined") {
+ classList.toggle(className, options.force);
+ } else {
+ classList.toggle(className);
+ }
+ };
+ document
+ .querySelectorAll('[data-toggle="rst-versions"]')
+ .forEach((e) => handleClassToggle(e, MOBILE_MENU_TOGGLE_CLASS));
+ document
+ .querySelectorAll('[data-toggle="wy-nav-shift"]')
+ .forEach((e) => handleClassToggle(e, MOBILE_MENU_TOGGLE_CLASS));
+ handleClassToggle(document.querySelector(`.${WRAPPER_CLASS}`), "menu-open");
diff --git a/docs/abi-spec.rst b/docs/abi-spec.rst
index 02e5f8b2a4..0d48b51dd7 100644
--- a/docs/abi-spec.rst
+++ b/docs/abi-spec.rst
@@ -13,13 +13,13 @@ The Contract Application Binary Interface (ABI) is the standard way to interact
from outside the blockchain and for contract-to-contract interaction. Data is encoded according to its type,
as described in this specification. The encoding is not self describing and thus requires a schema in order to decode.
-We assume the interface functions of a contract are strongly typed, known at compilation time and static.
+We assume that the interface functions of a contract are strongly typed, known at compilation time and static.
We assume that all contracts will have the interface definitions of any contracts they call available at compile-time.
This specification does not address contracts whose interface is dynamic or otherwise known only at run-time.
.. _abi_function_selector:
-.. index:: selector
+.. index:: ! selector; of a function
Function Selector
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ first (left, high-order in big-endian) four bytes of the Keccak-256 hash of the
the function. The signature is defined as the canonical expression of the basic prototype without data
location specifier, i.e.
the function name with the parenthesised list of parameter types. Parameter types are split by a single
-comma - no spaces are used.
+comma — no spaces are used.
.. note::
The return type of a function is not part of this signature. In
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ The encoding is designed to have the following properties, which are especially
previous version of the ABI, the number of reads scaled linearly with the total number of dynamic
parameters in the worst case.
-2. The data of a variable or array element is not interleaved with other data and it is
+2. The data of a variable or an array element is not interleaved with other data and it is
relocatable, i.e. it only uses relative "addresses".
@@ -191,9 +191,9 @@ on the type of ``X`` being
- ``T[]`` where ``X`` has ``k`` elements (``k`` is assumed to be of type ``uint256``):
- ``enc(X) = enc(k) enc([X[0], ..., X[k-1]])``
+ ``enc(X) = enc(k) enc((X[0], ..., X[k-1]))``
- i.e. it is encoded as if it were an array of static size ``k``, prefixed with
+ i.e. it is encoded as if it were a tuple with ``k`` elements of the same type (resp. an array of static size ``k``), prefixed with
the number of elements.
- ``bytes``, of length ``k`` (which is assumed to be of type ``uint256``):
@@ -252,7 +252,21 @@ Given the contract:
-Thus for our ``Foo`` example if we wanted to call ``baz`` with the parameters ``69`` and
+Thus, for our ``Foo`` example, if we wanted to call ``bar`` with the argument ``["abc", "def"]``, we would pass 68 bytes total, broken down into:
+- ``0xfce353f6``: the Method ID. This is derived from the signature ``bar(bytes3[2])``.
+- ``0x6162630000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000``: the first part of the first
+ parameter, a ``bytes3`` value ``"abc"`` (left-aligned).
+- ``0x6465660000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000``: the second part of the first
+ parameter, a ``bytes3`` value ``"def"`` (left-aligned).
+In total:
+.. code-block:: none
+ 0xfce353f661626300000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006465660000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
+If we wanted to call ``baz`` with the parameters ``69`` and
``true``, we would pass 68 bytes total, which can be broken down into:
- ``0xcdcd77c0``: the Method ID. This is derived as the first 4 bytes of the Keccak hash of
@@ -271,20 +285,6 @@ In total:
It returns a single ``bool``. If, for example, it were to return ``false``, its output would be
the single byte array ``0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000``, a single bool.
-If we wanted to call ``bar`` with the argument ``["abc", "def"]``, we would pass 68 bytes total, broken down into:
-- ``0xfce353f6``: the Method ID. This is derived from the signature ``bar(bytes3[2])``.
-- ``0x6162630000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000``: the first part of the first
- parameter, a ``bytes3`` value ``"abc"`` (left-aligned).
-- ``0x6465660000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000``: the second part of the first
- parameter, a ``bytes3`` value ``"def"`` (left-aligned).
-In total:
-.. code-block:: none
- 0xfce353f661626300000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006465660000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
If we wanted to call ``sam`` with the arguments ``"dave"``, ``true`` and ``[1,2,3]``, we would
pass 292 bytes total, broken down into:
@@ -308,10 +308,10 @@ In total:
Use of Dynamic Types
-A call to a function with the signature ``f(uint,uint32[],bytes10,bytes)`` with values
+A call to a function with the signature ``f(uint256,uint32[],bytes10,bytes)`` with values
``(0x123, [0x456, 0x789], "1234567890", "Hello, world!")`` is encoded in the following way:
-We take the first four bytes of ``sha3("f(uint256,uint32[],bytes10,bytes)")``, i.e. ``0x8be65246``.
+We take the first four bytes of ``keccak("f(uint256,uint32[],bytes10,bytes)")``, i.e. ``0x8be65246``.
Then we encode the head parts of all four arguments. For the static types ``uint256`` and ``bytes10``,
these are directly the values we want to pass, whereas for the dynamic types ``uint32[]`` and ``bytes``,
we use the offset in bytes to the start of their data area, measured from the start of the value
@@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ All together, the encoding is (newline after function selector and each 32-bytes
-Let us apply the same principle to encode the data for a function with a signature ``g(uint[][],string[])``
+Let us apply the same principle to encode the data for a function with a signature ``g(uint256[][],string[])``
with values ``([[1, 2], [3]], ["one", "two", "three"])`` but start from the most atomic parts of the encoding:
First we encode the length and data of the first embedded dynamic array ``[1, 2]`` of the first root array ``[[1, 2], [3]]``:
@@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ thus ``e = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000e0``.
Note that the encodings of the embedded elements of the root arrays are not dependent on each other
-and have the same encodings for a function with a signature ``g(string[],uint[][])``.
+and have the same encodings for a function with a signature ``g(string[],uint256[][])``.
Then we encode the length of the first root array:
@@ -503,6 +503,7 @@ efficient search and arbitrary legibility by defining events with two arguments
indexed, one not — intended to hold the same value.
.. _abi_errors:
+.. index:: error, selector; of an error
@@ -562,7 +563,7 @@ A function description is a JSON object with the fields:
blockchain state `), ``view`` (:ref:`specified to not modify the blockchain
state `), ``nonpayable`` (function does not accept Ether - the default) and ``payable`` (function accepts Ether).
-Constructor and fallback function never have ``name`` or ``outputs``. Fallback function doesn't have ``inputs`` either.
+Constructor, receive, and fallback never have ``name`` or ``outputs``. Receive and fallback do not have ``inputs`` either.
.. note::
Sending non-zero Ether to non-payable function will revert the transaction.
@@ -580,7 +581,7 @@ An event description is a JSON object with fairly similar fields:
* ``name``: the name of the parameter.
* ``type``: the canonical type of the parameter (more below).
* ``components``: used for tuple types (more below).
- * ``indexed``: ``true`` if the field is part of the log's topics, ``false`` if it one of the log's data segment.
+ * ``indexed``: ``true`` if the field is part of the log's topics, ``false`` if it is one of the log's data segments.
- ``anonymous``: ``true`` if the event was declared as ``anonymous``.
@@ -596,7 +597,7 @@ Errors look as follows:
.. note::
There can be multiple errors with the same name and even with identical signature
- in the JSON array, for example if the errors originate from different
+ in the JSON array; for example, if the errors originate from different
files in the smart contract or are referenced from another smart contract.
For the ABI, only the name of the error itself is relevant and not where it is
@@ -645,7 +646,7 @@ would result in the JSON:
Handling tuple types
-Despite that names are intentionally not part of the ABI encoding they do make a lot of sense to be included
+Despite the fact that names are intentionally not part of the ABI encoding, they do make a lot of sense to be included
in the JSON to enable displaying it to the end user. The structure is nested in the following way:
An object with members ``name``, ``type`` and potentially ``components`` describes a typed variable.
@@ -653,7 +654,7 @@ The canonical type is determined until a tuple type is reached and the string de
to that point is stored in ``type`` prefix with the word ``tuple``, i.e. it will be ``tuple`` followed by
a sequence of ``[]`` and ``[k]`` with
integers ``k``. The components of the tuple are then stored in the member ``components``,
-which is of array type and has the same structure as the top-level object except that
+which is of an array type and has the same structure as the top-level object except that
``indexed`` is not allowed there.
As an example, the code
@@ -737,10 +738,10 @@ Strict Encoding Mode
Strict encoding mode is the mode that leads to exactly the same encoding as defined in the formal specification above.
-This means offsets have to be as small as possible while still not creating overlaps in the data areas and thus no gaps are
+This means that offsets have to be as small as possible while still not creating overlaps in the data areas, and thus no gaps are
-Usually, ABI decoders are written in a straightforward way just following offset pointers, but some decoders
+Usually, ABI decoders are written in a straightforward way by just following offset pointers, but some decoders
might enforce strict mode. The Solidity ABI decoder currently does not enforce strict mode, but the encoder
always creates data in strict mode.
@@ -776,7 +777,7 @@ More specifically:
encoding of its elements **with** padding.
- Dynamically-sized types like ``string``, ``bytes`` or ``uint[]`` are encoded
without their length field.
-- The encoding of ``string`` or ``bytes`` does not apply padding at the end
+- The encoding of ``string`` or ``bytes`` does not apply padding at the end,
unless it is part of an array or struct (then it is padded to a multiple of
32 bytes).
@@ -804,7 +805,7 @@ Encoding of Indexed Event Parameters
Indexed event parameters that are not value types, i.e. arrays and structs are not
-stored directly but instead a keccak256-hash of an encoding is stored. This encoding
+stored directly but instead a Keccak-256 hash of an encoding is stored. This encoding
is defined as follows:
- the encoding of a ``bytes`` and ``string`` value is just the string contents
diff --git a/docs/analysing-compilation-output.rst b/docs/analysing-compilation-output.rst
index 892b18b957..183f773223 100644
--- a/docs/analysing-compilation-output.rst
+++ b/docs/analysing-compilation-output.rst
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ visual diff of the assembly before and after a change is often very enlightening
Consider the following contract (named, say ``contract.sol``):
-.. code-block:: Solidity
+.. code-block:: solidity
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
pragma solidity >=0.5.0 <0.9.0;
diff --git a/docs/assembly.rst b/docs/assembly.rst
index c26a53e49a..e08ff9f627 100644
--- a/docs/assembly.rst
+++ b/docs/assembly.rst
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Inline Assembly
You can interleave Solidity statements with inline assembly in a language close
-to the one of the Ethereum virtual machine. This gives you more fine-grained control,
+to the one of the Ethereum Virtual Machine. This gives you more fine-grained control,
which is especially useful when you are enhancing the language by writing libraries.
The language used for inline assembly in Solidity is called :ref:`Yul `
@@ -45,19 +45,19 @@ Solidity language without a compiler change.
pragma solidity >=0.4.16 <0.9.0;
library GetCode {
- function at(address _addr) public view returns (bytes memory o_code) {
+ function at(address addr) public view returns (bytes memory code) {
assembly {
// retrieve the size of the code, this needs assembly
- let size := extcodesize(_addr)
+ let size := extcodesize(addr)
// allocate output byte array - this could also be done without assembly
- // by using o_code = new bytes(size)
- o_code := mload(0x40)
+ // by using code = new bytes(size)
+ code := mload(0x40)
// new "memory end" including padding
- mstore(0x40, add(o_code, and(add(add(size, 0x20), 0x1f), not(0x1f))))
+ mstore(0x40, add(code, and(add(add(size, 0x20), 0x1f), not(0x1f))))
// store length in memory
- mstore(o_code, size)
+ mstore(code, size)
// actually retrieve the code, this needs assembly
- extcodecopy(_addr, add(o_code, 0x20), 0, size)
+ extcodecopy(addr, add(code, 0x20), 0, size)
@@ -74,49 +74,49 @@ efficient code, for example:
library VectorSum {
// This function is less efficient because the optimizer currently fails to
// remove the bounds checks in array access.
- function sumSolidity(uint[] memory _data) public pure returns (uint sum) {
- for (uint i = 0; i < _data.length; ++i)
- sum += _data[i];
+ function sumSolidity(uint[] memory data) public pure returns (uint sum) {
+ for (uint i = 0; i < data.length; ++i)
+ sum += data[i];
// We know that we only access the array in bounds, so we can avoid the check.
// 0x20 needs to be added to an array because the first slot contains the
// array length.
- function sumAsm(uint[] memory _data) public pure returns (uint sum) {
- for (uint i = 0; i < _data.length; ++i) {
+ function sumAsm(uint[] memory data) public pure returns (uint sum) {
+ for (uint i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
assembly {
- sum := add(sum, mload(add(add(_data, 0x20), mul(i, 0x20))))
+ sum := add(sum, mload(add(add(data, 0x20), mul(i, 0x20))))
// Same as above, but accomplish the entire code within inline assembly.
- function sumPureAsm(uint[] memory _data) public pure returns (uint sum) {
+ function sumPureAsm(uint[] memory data) public pure returns (uint sum) {
assembly {
// Load the length (first 32 bytes)
- let len := mload(_data)
+ let len := mload(data)
// Skip over the length field.
// Keep temporary variable so it can be incremented in place.
- // NOTE: incrementing _data would result in an unusable
- // _data variable after this assembly block
- let data := add(_data, 0x20)
+ // NOTE: incrementing data would result in an unusable
+ // data variable after this assembly block
+ let dataElementLocation := add(data, 0x20)
// Iterate until the bound is not met.
- { let end := add(data, mul(len, 0x20)) }
- lt(data, end)
- { data := add(data, 0x20) }
+ { let end := add(dataElementLocation, mul(len, 0x20)) }
+ lt(dataElementLocation, end)
+ { dataElementLocation := add(dataElementLocation, 0x20) }
- sum := add(sum, mload(data))
+ sum := add(sum, mload(dataElementLocation))
+.. index:: selector; of a function
Access to External Variables, Functions and Libraries
@@ -126,20 +126,20 @@ You can access Solidity variables and other identifiers by using their name.
Local variables of value type are directly usable in inline assembly.
They can both be read and assigned to.
-Local variables that refer to memory evaluate to the address of the variable in memory not the value itself.
+Local variables that refer to memory evaluate to the address of the variable in memory, not the value itself.
Such variables can also be assigned to, but note that an assignment will only change the pointer and not the data
and that it is your responsibility to respect Solidity's memory management.
See :ref:`Conventions in Solidity `.
Similarly, local variables that refer to statically-sized calldata arrays or calldata structs
evaluate to the address of the variable in calldata, not the value itself.
-The variable can also be assigned a new offset, but note that no validation to ensure that
-the variable will not point beyond ``calldatasize()`` is performed.
+The variable can also be assigned a new offset, but note that no validation is performed to ensure that
+the variable will not point beyond ``calldatasize()``.
For external function pointers the address and the function selector can be
accessed using ``x.address`` and ``x.selector``.
The selector consists of four right-aligned bytes.
-Both values are can be assigned to. For example:
+Both values can be assigned to. For example:
.. code-block:: solidity
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ Local Solidity variables are available for assignments, for example:
``assembly { signextend(, x) }``
-Since Solidity 0.6.0 the name of a inline assembly variable may not
+Since Solidity 0.6.0, the name of a inline assembly variable may not
shadow any declaration visible in the scope of the inline assembly block
(including variable, contract and function declarations).
@@ -228,6 +228,11 @@ of their block is reached.
Conventions in Solidity
+.. _assembly-typed-variables:
+Values of Typed Variables
In contrast to EVM assembly, Solidity has types which are narrower than 256 bits,
e.g. ``uint24``. For efficiency, most arithmetic operations ignore the fact that
types can be shorter than 256
@@ -237,13 +242,18 @@ This means that if you access such a variable
from within inline assembly, you might have to manually clean the higher-order bits
+.. _assembly-memory-management:
+Memory Management
Solidity manages memory in the following way. There is a "free memory pointer"
at position ``0x40`` in memory. If you want to allocate memory, use the memory
starting from where this pointer points at and update it.
There is no guarantee that the memory has not been used before and thus
you cannot assume that its contents are zero bytes.
There is no built-in mechanism to release or free allocated memory.
-Here is an assembly snippet you can use for allocating memory that follows the process outlined above
+Here is an assembly snippet you can use for allocating memory that follows the process outlined above:
.. code-block:: yul
@@ -266,5 +276,103 @@ first slot of the array and followed by the array elements.
.. warning::
Statically-sized memory arrays do not have a length field, but it might be added later
- to allow better convertibility between statically- and dynamically-sized arrays, so
+ to allow better convertibility between statically and dynamically-sized arrays; so,
do not rely on this.
+Memory Safety
+Without the use of inline assembly, the compiler can rely on memory to remain in a well-defined
+state at all times. This is especially relevant for :ref:`the new code generation pipeline via Yul IR `:
+this code generation path can move local variables from stack to memory to avoid stack-too-deep errors and
+perform additional memory optimizations, if it can rely on certain assumptions about memory use.
+While we recommend to always respect Solidity's memory model, inline assembly allows you to use memory
+in an incompatible way. Therefore, moving stack variables to memory and additional memory optimizations are,
+by default, globally disabled in the presence of any inline assembly block that contains a memory operation
+or assigns to Solidity variables in memory.
+However, you can specifically annotate an assembly block to indicate that it in fact respects Solidity's memory
+model as follows:
+.. code-block:: solidity
+ assembly ("memory-safe") {
+ ...
+ }
+In particular, a memory-safe assembly block may only access the following memory ranges:
+- Memory allocated by yourself using a mechanism like the ``allocate`` function described above.
+- Memory allocated by Solidity, e.g. memory within the bounds of a memory array you reference.
+- The scratch space between memory offset 0 and 64 mentioned above.
+- Temporary memory that is located *after* the value of the free memory pointer at the beginning of the assembly block,
+ i.e. memory that is "allocated" at the free memory pointer without updating the free memory pointer.
+Furthermore, if the assembly block assigns to Solidity variables in memory, you need to assure that accesses to
+the Solidity variables only access these memory ranges.
+Since this is mainly about the optimizer, these restrictions still need to be followed, even if the assembly block
+reverts or terminates. As an example, the following assembly snippet is not memory safe, because the value of
+``returndatasize()`` may exceed the 64 byte scratch space:
+.. code-block:: solidity
+ assembly {
+ returndatacopy(0, 0, returndatasize())
+ revert(0, returndatasize())
+ }
+On the other hand, the following code *is* memory safe, because memory beyond the location pointed to by the
+free memory pointer can safely be used as temporary scratch space:
+.. code-block:: solidity
+ assembly ("memory-safe") {
+ let p := mload(0x40)
+ returndatacopy(p, 0, returndatasize())
+ revert(p, returndatasize())
+ }
+Note that you do not need to update the free memory pointer if there is no following allocation,
+but you can only use memory starting from the current offset given by the free memory pointer.
+If the memory operations use a length of zero, it is also fine to just use any offset (not only if it falls into the scratch space):
+.. code-block:: solidity
+ assembly ("memory-safe") {
+ revert(0, 0)
+ }
+Note that not only memory operations in inline assembly itself can be memory-unsafe, but also assignments to
+Solidity variables of reference type in memory. For example the following is not memory-safe:
+.. code-block:: solidity
+ bytes memory x;
+ assembly {
+ x := 0x40
+ }
+ x[0x20] = 0x42;
+Inline assembly that neither involves any operations that access memory nor assigns to any Solidity variables
+in memory is automatically considered memory-safe and does not need to be annotated.
+.. warning::
+ It is your responsibility to make sure that the assembly actually satisfies the memory model. If you annotate
+ an assembly block as memory-safe, but violate one of the memory assumptions, this **will** lead to incorrect and
+ undefined behavior that cannot easily be discovered by testing.
+In case you are developing a library that is meant to be compatible across multiple versions
+of Solidity, you can use a special comment to annotate an assembly block as memory-safe:
+.. code-block:: solidity
+ /// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
+ assembly {
+ ...
+ }
+Note that we will disallow the annotation via comment in a future breaking release; so, if you are not concerned with
+backward-compatibility with older compiler versions, prefer using the dialect string.
diff --git a/docs/brand-guide.rst b/docs/brand-guide.rst
index 5601b16a8e..cf471c5e3c 100644
--- a/docs/brand-guide.rst
+++ b/docs/brand-guide.rst
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ When using the Solidity logo, please respect the Solidity logo guidelines.
Solidity Logo Guidelines
-.. image:: logo.svg
+.. image:: solidity_logo.svg
:width: 256
*(Right click on the logo to download it.)*
diff --git a/docs/bugs.json b/docs/bugs.json
index 0b72c05c7d..c853f95edd 100644
--- a/docs/bugs.json
+++ b/docs/bugs.json
@@ -1,4 +1,120 @@
+ {
+ "uid": "SOL-2023-3",
+ "name": "VerbatimInvalidDeduplication",
+ "summary": "All ``verbatim`` blocks are considered identical by deduplicator and can incorrectly be unified when surrounded by identical opcodes.",
+ "description": "The block deduplicator is a step of the opcode-based optimizer which identifies equivalent assembly blocks and merges them into a single one. However, when blocks contained ``verbatim``, their comparison was performed incorrectly, leading to the collapse of assembly blocks which are identical except for the contents of the ``verbatim`` items. Since ``verbatim`` is only available in Yul, compilation of Solidity sources is not affected.",
+ "link": "https://blog.soliditylang.org/2023/11/08/verbatim-invalid-deduplication-bug/",
+ "introduced": "0.8.5",
+ "fixed": "0.8.23",
+ "severity": "low"
+ },
+ {
+ "uid": "SOL-2023-2",
+ "name": "FullInlinerNonExpressionSplitArgumentEvaluationOrder",
+ "summary": "Optimizer sequences containing FullInliner do not preserve the evaluation order of arguments of inlined function calls in code that is not in expression-split form.",
+ "description": "Function call arguments in Yul are evaluated right to left. This order matters when the argument expressions have side-effects, and changing it may change contract behavior. FullInliner is an optimizer step that can replace a function call with the body of that function. The transformation involves assigning argument expressions to temporary variables, which imposes an explicit evaluation order. FullInliner was written with the assumption that this order does not necessarily have to match usual argument evaluation order because the argument expressions have no side-effects. In most circumstances this assumption is true because the default optimization step sequence contains the ExpressionSplitter step. ExpressionSplitter ensures that the code is in *expression-split form*, which means that function calls cannot appear nested inside expressions, and all function call arguments have to be variables. The assumption is, however, not guaranteed to be true in general. Version 0.6.7 introduced a setting allowing users to specify an arbitrary optimization step sequence, making it possible for the FullInliner to actually encounter argument expressions with side-effects, which can result in behavior differences between optimized and unoptimized bytecode. Contracts compiled without optimization or with the default optimization sequence are not affected. To trigger the bug the user has to explicitly choose compiler settings that contain a sequence with FullInliner step not preceded by ExpressionSplitter.",
+ "link": "https://blog.soliditylang.org/2023/07/19/full-inliner-non-expression-split-argument-evaluation-order-bug/",
+ "introduced": "0.6.7",
+ "fixed": "0.8.21",
+ "severity": "low",
+ "conditions": {
+ "yulOptimizer": true
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "uid": "SOL-2023-1",
+ "name": "MissingSideEffectsOnSelectorAccess",
+ "summary": "Accessing the ``.selector`` member on complex expressions leaves the expression unevaluated in the legacy code generation.",
+ "description": "When accessing the ``.selector`` member on an expression with side-effects, like an assignment, a function call or a conditional, the expression would not be evaluated in the legacy code generation. This would happen in expressions where the functions used in the expression were all known at compilation time, regardless of whether the whole expression could be evaluated at compilation time or not. Note that the code generated by the IR pipeline was unaffected and would behave as expected.",
+ "link": "https://blog.soliditylang.org/2023/07/19/missing-side-effects-on-selector-access-bug/",
+ "introduced": "0.6.2",
+ "fixed": "0.8.21",
+ "severity": "low",
+ "conditions": {
+ "viaIR": false
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "uid": "SOL-2022-7",
+ "name": "StorageWriteRemovalBeforeConditionalTermination",
+ "summary": "Calling functions that conditionally terminate the external EVM call using the assembly statements ``return(...)`` or ``stop()`` may result in incorrect removals of prior storage writes.",
+ "description": "A call to a Yul function that conditionally terminates the external EVM call could result in prior storage writes being incorrectly removed by the Yul optimizer. This used to happen in cases in which it would have been valid to remove the store, if the Yul function in question never actually terminated the external call, and the control flow always returned back to the caller instead. Conditional termination within the same Yul block instead of within a called function was not affected. In Solidity with optimized via-IR code generation, any storage write before a function conditionally calling ``return(...)`` or ``stop()`` in inline assembly, may have been incorrectly removed, whenever it would have been valid to remove the write without the ``return(...)`` or ``stop()``. In optimized legacy code generation, only inline assembly that did not refer to any Solidity variables and that involved conditionally-terminating user-defined assembly functions could be affected.",
+ "link": "https://blog.soliditylang.org/2022/09/08/storage-write-removal-before-conditional-termination/",
+ "introduced": "0.8.13",
+ "fixed": "0.8.17",
+ "severity": "medium/high",
+ "conditions": {
+ "yulOptimizer": true
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "uid": "SOL-2022-6",
+ "name": "AbiReencodingHeadOverflowWithStaticArrayCleanup",
+ "summary": "ABI-encoding a tuple with a statically-sized calldata array in the last component would corrupt 32 leading bytes of its first dynamically encoded component.",
+ "description": "When ABI-encoding a statically-sized calldata array, the compiler always pads the data area to a multiple of 32-bytes and ensures that the padding bytes are zeroed. In some cases, this cleanup used to be performed by always writing exactly 32 bytes, regardless of how many needed to be zeroed. This was done with the assumption that the data that would eventually occupy the area past the end of the array had not yet been written, because the encoder processes tuple components in the order they were given. While this assumption is mostly true, there is an important corner case: dynamically encoded tuple components are stored separately from the statically-sized ones in an area called the *tail* of the encoding and the tail immediately follows the *head*, which is where the statically-sized components are placed. The aforementioned cleanup, if performed for the last component of the head would cross into the tail and overwrite up to 32 bytes of the first component stored there with zeros. The only array type for which the cleanup could actually result in an overwrite were arrays with ``uint256`` or ``bytes32`` as the base element type and in this case the size of the corrupted area was always exactly 32 bytes. The problem affected tuples at any nesting level. This included also structs, which are encoded as tuples in the ABI. Note also that lists of parameters and return values of functions, events and errors are encoded as tuples.",
+ "link": "https://blog.soliditylang.org/2022/08/08/calldata-tuple-reencoding-head-overflow-bug/",
+ "introduced": "0.5.8",
+ "fixed": "0.8.16",
+ "severity": "medium",
+ "conditions": {
+ "ABIEncoderV2": true
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "uid": "SOL-2022-5",
+ "name": "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
+ "summary": "Copying ``bytes`` arrays from memory or calldata to storage may result in dirty storage values.",
+ "description": "Copying ``bytes`` arrays from memory or calldata to storage is done in chunks of 32 bytes even if the length is not a multiple of 32. Thereby, extra bytes past the end of the array may be copied from calldata or memory to storage. These dirty bytes may then become observable after a ``.push()`` without arguments to the bytes array in storage, i.e. such a push will not result in a zero value at the end of the array as expected. This bug only affects the legacy code generation pipeline, the new code generation pipeline via IR is not affected.",
+ "link": "https://blog.soliditylang.org/2022/06/15/dirty-bytes-array-to-storage-bug/",
+ "introduced": "0.0.1",
+ "fixed": "0.8.15",
+ "severity": "low"
+ },
+ {
+ "uid": "SOL-2022-4",
+ "name": "InlineAssemblyMemorySideEffects",
+ "summary": "The Yul optimizer may incorrectly remove memory writes from inline assembly blocks, that do not access solidity variables.",
+ "description": "The Yul optimizer considers all memory writes in the outermost Yul block that are never read from as unused and removes them. This is valid when that Yul block is the entire Yul program, which is always the case for the Yul code generated by the new via-IR pipeline. Inline assembly blocks are never optimized in isolation when using that pipeline. Instead they are optimized as a part of the whole Yul input. However, the legacy code generation pipeline (which is still the default) runs the Yul optimizer individually on an inline assembly block if the block does not refer to any local variables defined in the surrounding Solidity code. Consequently, memory writes in such inline assembly blocks are removed as well, if the written memory is never read from in the same assembly block, even if the written memory is accessed later, for example by a subsequent inline assembly block.",
+ "link": "https://blog.soliditylang.org/2022/06/15/inline-assembly-memory-side-effects-bug/",
+ "introduced": "0.8.13",
+ "fixed": "0.8.15",
+ "severity": "medium",
+ "conditions": {
+ "yulOptimizer": true
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "uid": "SOL-2022-3",
+ "name": "DataLocationChangeInInternalOverride",
+ "summary": "It was possible to change the data location of the parameters or return variables from ``calldata`` to ``memory`` and vice-versa while overriding internal and public functions. This caused invalid code to be generated when calling such a function internally through virtual function calls.",
+ "description": "When calling external functions, it is irrelevant if the data location of the parameters is ``calldata`` or ``memory``, the encoding of the data does not change. Because of that, changing the data location when overriding external functions is allowed. The compiler incorrectly also allowed a change in the data location for overriding public and internal functions. Since public functions can be called internally as well as externally, this causes invalid code to be generated when such an incorrectly overridden function is called internally through the base contract. The caller provides a memory pointer, but the called function interprets it as a calldata pointer or vice-versa.",
+ "link": "https://blog.soliditylang.org/2022/05/17/data-location-inheritance-bug/",
+ "introduced": "0.6.9",
+ "fixed": "0.8.14",
+ "severity": "very low"
+ },
+ {
+ "uid": "SOL-2022-2",
+ "name": "NestedCalldataArrayAbiReencodingSizeValidation",
+ "summary": "ABI-reencoding of nested dynamic calldata arrays did not always perform proper size checks against the size of calldata and could read beyond ``calldatasize()``.",
+ "description": "Calldata validation for nested dynamic types is deferred until the first access to the nested values. Such an access may for example be a copy to memory or an index or member access to the outer type. While in most such accesses calldata validation correctly checks that the data area of the nested array is completely contained in the passed calldata (i.e. in the range [0, calldatasize()]), this check may not be performed, when ABI encoding such nested types again directly from calldata. For instance, this can happen, if a value in calldata with a nested dynamic array is passed to an external call, used in ``abi.encode`` or emitted as event. In such cases, if the data area of the nested array extends beyond ``calldatasize()``, ABI encoding it did not revert, but continued reading values from beyond ``calldatasize()`` (i.e. zero values).",
+ "link": "https://blog.soliditylang.org/2022/05/17/calldata-reencode-size-check-bug/",
+ "introduced": "0.5.8",
+ "fixed": "0.8.14",
+ "severity": "very low"
+ },
+ {
+ "uid": "SOL-2022-1",
+ "name": "AbiEncodeCallLiteralAsFixedBytesBug",
+ "summary": "Literals used for a fixed length bytes parameter in ``abi.encodeCall`` were encoded incorrectly.",
+ "description": "For the encoding, the compiler only considered the types of the expressions in the second argument of ``abi.encodeCall`` itself, but not the parameter types of the function given as first argument. In almost all cases the abi encoding of the type of the expression matches the abi encoding of the parameter type of the given function. This is because the type checker ensures the expression is implicitly convertible to the respective parameter type. However this is not true for number literals used for fixed bytes types shorter than 32 bytes, nor for string literals used for any fixed bytes type. Number literals were encoded as numbers instead of being shifted to become left-aligned. String literals were encoded as dynamically sized memory strings instead of being converted to a left-aligned bytes value.",
+ "link": "https://blog.soliditylang.org/2022/03/16/encodecall-bug/",
+ "introduced": "0.8.11",
+ "fixed": "0.8.13",
+ "severity": "very low"
+ },
"uid": "SOL-2021-4",
"name": "UserDefinedValueTypesBug",
@@ -8,7 +124,6 @@
"introduced": "0.8.8",
"fixed": "0.8.9",
"severity": "very low"
"uid": "SOL-2021-3",
diff --git a/docs/bugs.rst b/docs/bugs.rst
index 75a23e4999..350b1e7a48 100644
--- a/docs/bugs.rst
+++ b/docs/bugs.rst
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ conditions
If no conditions are given, assume that the bug is present.
This field contains different checks that report whether the smart contract
- contains the bug or not. The first type of check are Javascript regular
+ contains the bug or not. The first type of check are JavaScript regular
expressions that are to be matched against the source code ("source-regex")
if the bug is present. If there is no match, then the bug is very likely
not present. If there is a match, the bug might be present. For improved
diff --git a/docs/bugs_by_version.json b/docs/bugs_by_version.json
index 608ba3dfda..156b846d01 100644
--- a/docs/bugs_by_version.json
+++ b/docs/bugs_by_version.json
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
"0.1.0": {
"bugs": [
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
@@ -22,6 +23,7 @@
"0.1.1": {
"bugs": [
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
@@ -43,6 +45,7 @@
"0.1.2": {
"bugs": [
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
@@ -64,6 +67,7 @@
"0.1.3": {
"bugs": [
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
@@ -85,6 +89,7 @@
"0.1.4": {
"bugs": [
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
@@ -107,6 +112,7 @@
"0.1.5": {
"bugs": [
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
@@ -129,6 +135,7 @@
"0.1.6": {
"bugs": [
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
@@ -153,6 +160,7 @@
"0.1.7": {
"bugs": [
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
@@ -177,6 +185,7 @@
"0.2.0": {
"bugs": [
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
@@ -202,6 +211,7 @@
"0.2.1": {
"bugs": [
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
@@ -227,6 +237,7 @@
"0.2.2": {
"bugs": [
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
@@ -252,6 +263,7 @@
"0.3.0": {
"bugs": [
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
@@ -279,6 +291,7 @@
"0.3.1": {
"bugs": [
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
@@ -305,6 +318,7 @@
"0.3.2": {
"bugs": [
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
@@ -331,6 +345,7 @@
"0.3.3": {
"bugs": [
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
@@ -356,6 +371,7 @@
"0.3.4": {
"bugs": [
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
@@ -381,6 +397,7 @@
"0.3.5": {
"bugs": [
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
@@ -406,6 +423,7 @@
"0.3.6": {
"bugs": [
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
@@ -429,6 +447,7 @@
"0.4.0": {
"bugs": [
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
@@ -452,6 +471,7 @@
"0.4.1": {
"bugs": [
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
@@ -475,6 +495,7 @@
"0.4.10": {
"bugs": [
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
@@ -497,6 +518,7 @@
"0.4.11": {
"bugs": [
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
@@ -518,6 +540,7 @@
"0.4.12": {
"bugs": [
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
@@ -538,6 +561,7 @@
"0.4.13": {
"bugs": [
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
@@ -558,6 +582,7 @@
"0.4.14": {
"bugs": [
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
@@ -577,6 +602,7 @@
"0.4.15": {
"bugs": [
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
@@ -595,6 +621,7 @@
"0.4.16": {
"bugs": [
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
@@ -616,6 +643,7 @@
"0.4.17": {
"bugs": [
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
@@ -638,6 +666,7 @@
"0.4.18": {
"bugs": [
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
@@ -659,6 +688,7 @@
"0.4.19": {
"bugs": [
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
@@ -681,6 +711,7 @@
"0.4.2": {
"bugs": [
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
@@ -703,6 +734,7 @@
"0.4.20": {
"bugs": [
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
@@ -725,6 +757,7 @@
"0.4.21": {
"bugs": [
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
@@ -747,6 +780,7 @@
"0.4.22": {
"bugs": [
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
@@ -769,6 +803,7 @@
"0.4.23": {
"bugs": [
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
@@ -790,6 +825,7 @@
"0.4.24": {
"bugs": [
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
@@ -811,6 +847,7 @@
"0.4.25": {
"bugs": [
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
@@ -830,6 +867,7 @@
"0.4.26": {
"bugs": [
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
@@ -846,6 +884,7 @@
"0.4.3": {
"bugs": [
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
@@ -867,6 +906,7 @@
"0.4.4": {
"bugs": [
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
@@ -887,6 +927,7 @@
"0.4.5": {
"bugs": [
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
@@ -910,6 +951,7 @@
"0.4.6": {
"bugs": [
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
@@ -932,6 +974,7 @@
"0.4.7": {
"bugs": [
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
@@ -954,6 +997,7 @@
"0.4.8": {
"bugs": [
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
@@ -976,6 +1020,7 @@
"0.4.9": {
"bugs": [
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
@@ -998,6 +1043,7 @@
"0.5.0": {
"bugs": [
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
@@ -1017,6 +1063,7 @@
"0.5.1": {
"bugs": [
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
@@ -1036,6 +1083,9 @@
"0.5.10": {
"bugs": [
+ "AbiReencodingHeadOverflowWithStaticArrayCleanup",
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
+ "NestedCalldataArrayAbiReencodingSizeValidation",
@@ -1051,6 +1101,9 @@
"0.5.11": {
"bugs": [
+ "AbiReencodingHeadOverflowWithStaticArrayCleanup",
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
+ "NestedCalldataArrayAbiReencodingSizeValidation",
@@ -1065,6 +1118,9 @@
"0.5.12": {
"bugs": [
+ "AbiReencodingHeadOverflowWithStaticArrayCleanup",
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
+ "NestedCalldataArrayAbiReencodingSizeValidation",
@@ -1079,6 +1135,9 @@
"0.5.13": {
"bugs": [
+ "AbiReencodingHeadOverflowWithStaticArrayCleanup",
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
+ "NestedCalldataArrayAbiReencodingSizeValidation",
@@ -1093,6 +1152,9 @@
"0.5.14": {
"bugs": [
+ "AbiReencodingHeadOverflowWithStaticArrayCleanup",
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
+ "NestedCalldataArrayAbiReencodingSizeValidation",
@@ -1109,6 +1171,9 @@
"0.5.15": {
"bugs": [
+ "AbiReencodingHeadOverflowWithStaticArrayCleanup",
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
+ "NestedCalldataArrayAbiReencodingSizeValidation",
@@ -1124,6 +1189,9 @@
"0.5.16": {
"bugs": [
+ "AbiReencodingHeadOverflowWithStaticArrayCleanup",
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
+ "NestedCalldataArrayAbiReencodingSizeValidation",
@@ -1138,6 +1206,9 @@
"0.5.17": {
"bugs": [
+ "AbiReencodingHeadOverflowWithStaticArrayCleanup",
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
+ "NestedCalldataArrayAbiReencodingSizeValidation",
@@ -1151,6 +1222,7 @@
"0.5.2": {
"bugs": [
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
@@ -1170,6 +1242,7 @@
"0.5.3": {
"bugs": [
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
@@ -1189,6 +1262,7 @@
"0.5.4": {
"bugs": [
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
@@ -1208,6 +1282,7 @@
"0.5.5": {
"bugs": [
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
@@ -1229,6 +1304,7 @@
"0.5.6": {
"bugs": [
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
@@ -1250,6 +1326,7 @@
"0.5.7": {
"bugs": [
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
@@ -1269,6 +1346,9 @@
"0.5.8": {
"bugs": [
+ "AbiReencodingHeadOverflowWithStaticArrayCleanup",
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
+ "NestedCalldataArrayAbiReencodingSizeValidation",
@@ -1287,6 +1367,9 @@
"0.5.9": {
"bugs": [
+ "AbiReencodingHeadOverflowWithStaticArrayCleanup",
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
+ "NestedCalldataArrayAbiReencodingSizeValidation",
@@ -1304,6 +1387,9 @@
"0.6.0": {
"bugs": [
+ "AbiReencodingHeadOverflowWithStaticArrayCleanup",
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
+ "NestedCalldataArrayAbiReencodingSizeValidation",
@@ -1319,6 +1405,9 @@
"0.6.1": {
"bugs": [
+ "AbiReencodingHeadOverflowWithStaticArrayCleanup",
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
+ "NestedCalldataArrayAbiReencodingSizeValidation",
@@ -1333,6 +1422,12 @@
"0.6.10": {
"bugs": [
+ "FullInlinerNonExpressionSplitArgumentEvaluationOrder",
+ "MissingSideEffectsOnSelectorAccess",
+ "AbiReencodingHeadOverflowWithStaticArrayCleanup",
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
+ "DataLocationChangeInInternalOverride",
+ "NestedCalldataArrayAbiReencodingSizeValidation",
@@ -1343,6 +1438,12 @@
"0.6.11": {
"bugs": [
+ "FullInlinerNonExpressionSplitArgumentEvaluationOrder",
+ "MissingSideEffectsOnSelectorAccess",
+ "AbiReencodingHeadOverflowWithStaticArrayCleanup",
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
+ "DataLocationChangeInInternalOverride",
+ "NestedCalldataArrayAbiReencodingSizeValidation",
@@ -1353,6 +1454,12 @@
"0.6.12": {
"bugs": [
+ "FullInlinerNonExpressionSplitArgumentEvaluationOrder",
+ "MissingSideEffectsOnSelectorAccess",
+ "AbiReencodingHeadOverflowWithStaticArrayCleanup",
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
+ "DataLocationChangeInInternalOverride",
+ "NestedCalldataArrayAbiReencodingSizeValidation",
@@ -1363,6 +1470,10 @@
"0.6.2": {
"bugs": [
+ "MissingSideEffectsOnSelectorAccess",
+ "AbiReencodingHeadOverflowWithStaticArrayCleanup",
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
+ "NestedCalldataArrayAbiReencodingSizeValidation",
@@ -1377,6 +1488,10 @@
"0.6.3": {
"bugs": [
+ "MissingSideEffectsOnSelectorAccess",
+ "AbiReencodingHeadOverflowWithStaticArrayCleanup",
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
+ "NestedCalldataArrayAbiReencodingSizeValidation",
@@ -1391,6 +1506,10 @@
"0.6.4": {
"bugs": [
+ "MissingSideEffectsOnSelectorAccess",
+ "AbiReencodingHeadOverflowWithStaticArrayCleanup",
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
+ "NestedCalldataArrayAbiReencodingSizeValidation",
@@ -1405,6 +1524,10 @@
"0.6.5": {
"bugs": [
+ "MissingSideEffectsOnSelectorAccess",
+ "AbiReencodingHeadOverflowWithStaticArrayCleanup",
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
+ "NestedCalldataArrayAbiReencodingSizeValidation",
@@ -1419,6 +1542,10 @@
"0.6.6": {
"bugs": [
+ "MissingSideEffectsOnSelectorAccess",
+ "AbiReencodingHeadOverflowWithStaticArrayCleanup",
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
+ "NestedCalldataArrayAbiReencodingSizeValidation",
@@ -1432,6 +1559,11 @@
"0.6.7": {
"bugs": [
+ "FullInlinerNonExpressionSplitArgumentEvaluationOrder",
+ "MissingSideEffectsOnSelectorAccess",
+ "AbiReencodingHeadOverflowWithStaticArrayCleanup",
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
+ "NestedCalldataArrayAbiReencodingSizeValidation",
@@ -1445,6 +1577,11 @@
"0.6.8": {
"bugs": [
+ "FullInlinerNonExpressionSplitArgumentEvaluationOrder",
+ "MissingSideEffectsOnSelectorAccess",
+ "AbiReencodingHeadOverflowWithStaticArrayCleanup",
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
+ "NestedCalldataArrayAbiReencodingSizeValidation",
@@ -1455,6 +1592,12 @@
"0.6.9": {
"bugs": [
+ "FullInlinerNonExpressionSplitArgumentEvaluationOrder",
+ "MissingSideEffectsOnSelectorAccess",
+ "AbiReencodingHeadOverflowWithStaticArrayCleanup",
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
+ "DataLocationChangeInInternalOverride",
+ "NestedCalldataArrayAbiReencodingSizeValidation",
@@ -1466,6 +1609,12 @@
"0.7.0": {
"bugs": [
+ "FullInlinerNonExpressionSplitArgumentEvaluationOrder",
+ "MissingSideEffectsOnSelectorAccess",
+ "AbiReencodingHeadOverflowWithStaticArrayCleanup",
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
+ "DataLocationChangeInInternalOverride",
+ "NestedCalldataArrayAbiReencodingSizeValidation",
@@ -1476,6 +1625,12 @@
"0.7.1": {
"bugs": [
+ "FullInlinerNonExpressionSplitArgumentEvaluationOrder",
+ "MissingSideEffectsOnSelectorAccess",
+ "AbiReencodingHeadOverflowWithStaticArrayCleanup",
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
+ "DataLocationChangeInInternalOverride",
+ "NestedCalldataArrayAbiReencodingSizeValidation",
@@ -1487,6 +1642,12 @@
"0.7.2": {
"bugs": [
+ "FullInlinerNonExpressionSplitArgumentEvaluationOrder",
+ "MissingSideEffectsOnSelectorAccess",
+ "AbiReencodingHeadOverflowWithStaticArrayCleanup",
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
+ "DataLocationChangeInInternalOverride",
+ "NestedCalldataArrayAbiReencodingSizeValidation",
@@ -1497,6 +1658,12 @@
"0.7.3": {
"bugs": [
+ "FullInlinerNonExpressionSplitArgumentEvaluationOrder",
+ "MissingSideEffectsOnSelectorAccess",
+ "AbiReencodingHeadOverflowWithStaticArrayCleanup",
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
+ "DataLocationChangeInInternalOverride",
+ "NestedCalldataArrayAbiReencodingSizeValidation",
@@ -1506,6 +1673,12 @@
"0.7.4": {
"bugs": [
+ "FullInlinerNonExpressionSplitArgumentEvaluationOrder",
+ "MissingSideEffectsOnSelectorAccess",
+ "AbiReencodingHeadOverflowWithStaticArrayCleanup",
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
+ "DataLocationChangeInInternalOverride",
+ "NestedCalldataArrayAbiReencodingSizeValidation",
@@ -1514,6 +1687,12 @@
"0.7.5": {
"bugs": [
+ "FullInlinerNonExpressionSplitArgumentEvaluationOrder",
+ "MissingSideEffectsOnSelectorAccess",
+ "AbiReencodingHeadOverflowWithStaticArrayCleanup",
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
+ "DataLocationChangeInInternalOverride",
+ "NestedCalldataArrayAbiReencodingSizeValidation",
@@ -1522,6 +1701,12 @@
"0.7.6": {
"bugs": [
+ "FullInlinerNonExpressionSplitArgumentEvaluationOrder",
+ "MissingSideEffectsOnSelectorAccess",
+ "AbiReencodingHeadOverflowWithStaticArrayCleanup",
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
+ "DataLocationChangeInInternalOverride",
+ "NestedCalldataArrayAbiReencodingSizeValidation",
@@ -1530,6 +1715,12 @@
"0.8.0": {
"bugs": [
+ "FullInlinerNonExpressionSplitArgumentEvaluationOrder",
+ "MissingSideEffectsOnSelectorAccess",
+ "AbiReencodingHeadOverflowWithStaticArrayCleanup",
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
+ "DataLocationChangeInInternalOverride",
+ "NestedCalldataArrayAbiReencodingSizeValidation",
@@ -1538,6 +1729,12 @@
"0.8.1": {
"bugs": [
+ "FullInlinerNonExpressionSplitArgumentEvaluationOrder",
+ "MissingSideEffectsOnSelectorAccess",
+ "AbiReencodingHeadOverflowWithStaticArrayCleanup",
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
+ "DataLocationChangeInInternalOverride",
+ "NestedCalldataArrayAbiReencodingSizeValidation",
@@ -1545,23 +1742,162 @@
"released": "2021-01-27"
"0.8.10": {
- "bugs": [],
+ "bugs": [
+ "VerbatimInvalidDeduplication",
+ "FullInlinerNonExpressionSplitArgumentEvaluationOrder",
+ "MissingSideEffectsOnSelectorAccess",
+ "AbiReencodingHeadOverflowWithStaticArrayCleanup",
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
+ "DataLocationChangeInInternalOverride",
+ "NestedCalldataArrayAbiReencodingSizeValidation"
+ ],
"released": "2021-11-09"
"0.8.11": {
- "bugs": [],
+ "bugs": [
+ "VerbatimInvalidDeduplication",
+ "FullInlinerNonExpressionSplitArgumentEvaluationOrder",
+ "MissingSideEffectsOnSelectorAccess",
+ "AbiReencodingHeadOverflowWithStaticArrayCleanup",
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
+ "DataLocationChangeInInternalOverride",
+ "NestedCalldataArrayAbiReencodingSizeValidation",
+ "AbiEncodeCallLiteralAsFixedBytesBug"
+ ],
"released": "2021-12-20"
+ "0.8.12": {
+ "bugs": [
+ "VerbatimInvalidDeduplication",
+ "FullInlinerNonExpressionSplitArgumentEvaluationOrder",
+ "MissingSideEffectsOnSelectorAccess",
+ "AbiReencodingHeadOverflowWithStaticArrayCleanup",
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
+ "DataLocationChangeInInternalOverride",
+ "NestedCalldataArrayAbiReencodingSizeValidation",
+ "AbiEncodeCallLiteralAsFixedBytesBug"
+ ],
+ "released": "2022-02-16"
+ },
+ "0.8.13": {
+ "bugs": [
+ "VerbatimInvalidDeduplication",
+ "FullInlinerNonExpressionSplitArgumentEvaluationOrder",
+ "MissingSideEffectsOnSelectorAccess",
+ "StorageWriteRemovalBeforeConditionalTermination",
+ "AbiReencodingHeadOverflowWithStaticArrayCleanup",
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
+ "InlineAssemblyMemorySideEffects",
+ "DataLocationChangeInInternalOverride",
+ "NestedCalldataArrayAbiReencodingSizeValidation"
+ ],
+ "released": "2022-03-16"
+ },
+ "0.8.14": {
+ "bugs": [
+ "VerbatimInvalidDeduplication",
+ "FullInlinerNonExpressionSplitArgumentEvaluationOrder",
+ "MissingSideEffectsOnSelectorAccess",
+ "StorageWriteRemovalBeforeConditionalTermination",
+ "AbiReencodingHeadOverflowWithStaticArrayCleanup",
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
+ "InlineAssemblyMemorySideEffects"
+ ],
+ "released": "2022-05-17"
+ },
+ "0.8.15": {
+ "bugs": [
+ "VerbatimInvalidDeduplication",
+ "FullInlinerNonExpressionSplitArgumentEvaluationOrder",
+ "MissingSideEffectsOnSelectorAccess",
+ "StorageWriteRemovalBeforeConditionalTermination",
+ "AbiReencodingHeadOverflowWithStaticArrayCleanup"
+ ],
+ "released": "2022-06-15"
+ },
+ "0.8.16": {
+ "bugs": [
+ "VerbatimInvalidDeduplication",
+ "FullInlinerNonExpressionSplitArgumentEvaluationOrder",
+ "MissingSideEffectsOnSelectorAccess",
+ "StorageWriteRemovalBeforeConditionalTermination"
+ ],
+ "released": "2022-08-08"
+ },
+ "0.8.17": {
+ "bugs": [
+ "VerbatimInvalidDeduplication",
+ "FullInlinerNonExpressionSplitArgumentEvaluationOrder",
+ "MissingSideEffectsOnSelectorAccess"
+ ],
+ "released": "2022-09-08"
+ },
+ "0.8.18": {
+ "bugs": [
+ "VerbatimInvalidDeduplication",
+ "FullInlinerNonExpressionSplitArgumentEvaluationOrder",
+ "MissingSideEffectsOnSelectorAccess"
+ ],
+ "released": "2023-02-01"
+ },
+ "0.8.19": {
+ "bugs": [
+ "VerbatimInvalidDeduplication",
+ "FullInlinerNonExpressionSplitArgumentEvaluationOrder",
+ "MissingSideEffectsOnSelectorAccess"
+ ],
+ "released": "2023-02-22"
+ },
"0.8.2": {
"bugs": [
+ "FullInlinerNonExpressionSplitArgumentEvaluationOrder",
+ "MissingSideEffectsOnSelectorAccess",
+ "AbiReencodingHeadOverflowWithStaticArrayCleanup",
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
+ "DataLocationChangeInInternalOverride",
+ "NestedCalldataArrayAbiReencodingSizeValidation",
"released": "2021-03-02"
+ "0.8.20": {
+ "bugs": [
+ "VerbatimInvalidDeduplication",
+ "FullInlinerNonExpressionSplitArgumentEvaluationOrder",
+ "MissingSideEffectsOnSelectorAccess"
+ ],
+ "released": "2023-05-10"
+ },
+ "0.8.21": {
+ "bugs": [
+ "VerbatimInvalidDeduplication"
+ ],
+ "released": "2023-07-19"
+ },
+ "0.8.22": {
+ "bugs": [
+ "VerbatimInvalidDeduplication"
+ ],
+ "released": "2023-10-25"
+ },
+ "0.8.23": {
+ "bugs": [],
+ "released": "2023-11-08"
+ },
+ "0.8.24": {
+ "bugs": [],
+ "released": "2024-01-25"
+ },
"0.8.3": {
"bugs": [
+ "FullInlinerNonExpressionSplitArgumentEvaluationOrder",
+ "MissingSideEffectsOnSelectorAccess",
+ "AbiReencodingHeadOverflowWithStaticArrayCleanup",
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
+ "DataLocationChangeInInternalOverride",
+ "NestedCalldataArrayAbiReencodingSizeValidation",
@@ -1569,37 +1905,79 @@
"0.8.4": {
"bugs": [
+ "FullInlinerNonExpressionSplitArgumentEvaluationOrder",
+ "MissingSideEffectsOnSelectorAccess",
+ "AbiReencodingHeadOverflowWithStaticArrayCleanup",
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
+ "DataLocationChangeInInternalOverride",
+ "NestedCalldataArrayAbiReencodingSizeValidation",
"released": "2021-04-21"
"0.8.5": {
"bugs": [
+ "VerbatimInvalidDeduplication",
+ "FullInlinerNonExpressionSplitArgumentEvaluationOrder",
+ "MissingSideEffectsOnSelectorAccess",
+ "AbiReencodingHeadOverflowWithStaticArrayCleanup",
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
+ "DataLocationChangeInInternalOverride",
+ "NestedCalldataArrayAbiReencodingSizeValidation",
"released": "2021-06-10"
"0.8.6": {
"bugs": [
+ "VerbatimInvalidDeduplication",
+ "FullInlinerNonExpressionSplitArgumentEvaluationOrder",
+ "MissingSideEffectsOnSelectorAccess",
+ "AbiReencodingHeadOverflowWithStaticArrayCleanup",
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
+ "DataLocationChangeInInternalOverride",
+ "NestedCalldataArrayAbiReencodingSizeValidation",
"released": "2021-06-22"
"0.8.7": {
"bugs": [
+ "VerbatimInvalidDeduplication",
+ "FullInlinerNonExpressionSplitArgumentEvaluationOrder",
+ "MissingSideEffectsOnSelectorAccess",
+ "AbiReencodingHeadOverflowWithStaticArrayCleanup",
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
+ "DataLocationChangeInInternalOverride",
+ "NestedCalldataArrayAbiReencodingSizeValidation",
"released": "2021-08-11"
"0.8.8": {
"bugs": [
+ "VerbatimInvalidDeduplication",
+ "FullInlinerNonExpressionSplitArgumentEvaluationOrder",
+ "MissingSideEffectsOnSelectorAccess",
+ "AbiReencodingHeadOverflowWithStaticArrayCleanup",
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
+ "DataLocationChangeInInternalOverride",
+ "NestedCalldataArrayAbiReencodingSizeValidation",
"released": "2021-09-27"
"0.8.9": {
- "bugs": [],
+ "bugs": [
+ "VerbatimInvalidDeduplication",
+ "FullInlinerNonExpressionSplitArgumentEvaluationOrder",
+ "MissingSideEffectsOnSelectorAccess",
+ "AbiReencodingHeadOverflowWithStaticArrayCleanup",
+ "DirtyBytesArrayToStorage",
+ "DataLocationChangeInInternalOverride",
+ "NestedCalldataArrayAbiReencodingSizeValidation"
+ ],
"released": "2021-09-29"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/cheatsheet.rst b/docs/cheatsheet.rst
index eab1e3d52a..2b68d73119 100644
--- a/docs/cheatsheet.rst
+++ b/docs/cheatsheet.rst
@@ -2,75 +2,17 @@
-.. index:: precedence
-.. _order:
+.. index:: operator;precedence
Order of Precedence of Operators
-The following is the order of precedence for operators, listed in order of evaluation.
-| Precedence | Description | Operator |
-| *1* | Postfix increment and decrement | ``++``, ``--`` |
-+ +-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+
-| | New expression | ``new `` |
-+ +-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+
-| | Array subscripting | ``[]`` |
-+ +-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+
-| | Member access | ``