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Testing extensions against multiple Solidus versions

John Hawthorn edited this page Jun 12, 2017 · 10 revisions


We usually test our extensions on TravisCI and make use of their build matrix feature to test across multiple Solidus version (as well as both MySQL and PostgreSQL databases).

Here's an example .travis.yml testing versions 1.4 through 2.1 and master:

language: ruby
  - 2.3.1
    - SOLIDUS_BRANCH=v1.4 DB=postgres
    - SOLIDUS_BRANCH=v2.0 DB=postgres
    - SOLIDUS_BRANCH=v2.1 DB=postgres
    - SOLIDUS_BRANCH=master DB=postgres
    - SOLIDUS_BRANCH=v1.4 DB=mysql
    - SOLIDUS_BRANCH=v2.0 DB=mysql
    - SOLIDUS_BRANCH=v2.1 DB=mysql
    - SOLIDUS_BRANCH=master DB=mysql


To use the versions of Solidus specified from the TravisCI build matrix, we need to use those environment variables in the Gemfile. Here's an example:

source ""

branch = ENV.fetch('SOLIDUS_BRANCH', 'master')
gem "solidus", github: "solidusio/solidus", branch: branch

if branch == 'master' || branch >= "v2.0"
  gem "rails-controller-testing", group: :test
  gem "rails", '~> 4.2.7' # workaround for bundler resolution issue
  gem "rails_test_params_backport", group: :test

gem 'pg'
gem 'mysql2'


Currently (as of 2017-02-07) we need to specify rails ~> 4.2.7 to work around bundler/bundler#5359


Rails 5.0 deprecates inheriting directly from ActiveRecord::Migration. Doing so is an error under Rails 5.1. To be able to support both Rails 5.1 and Rails 4.2 from the same extension, we use a helper from solidus_support.

  1. Add a dependency on solidus_support from the .gemspec
s.add_dependency 'solidus_core', ['>= 1.1', '< 3']
s.add_dependency 'solidus_support'
  1. Require solidus_support from the gem's top-level .rb file
require 'solidus_core'
require 'solidus_support'
  1. Replace all occurrences of ActiveRecord::Migration
class MyAwesomeMigration < SolidusSupport::Migration[4.2]
  # ...

This can be done automatically with

sed -i 's/ActiveRecord::Migration/SolidusSupport::Migration[4.2]/' db/migrate/*.rb provide an easy to read matrix of the status of various extensions across multiple versions. It's generated from a simple script.

If you'd like to have an extension added, please bring it up in the #solidus Slack.

Rails 5 request specs

Rails 5 changed the syntax for making requests in tests from

get :users, {id: '123'}, { user_id: 1 }


get :users, params: { id: '123'}, session: { user_id: 1 }

To allow both of these in a test suite side-by-side we make use of the rails_test_params_backport gem.

This can be fixed automatically using the rails5-spec-converter gem.

Bundler issues

This shouldn't be necessary. But every recent version of bundler is completely broken, and fails to resolve dependencies correctly if it is given too complex a problem. See bundler/bundler#5633

As a horrible hack^W^W workaround, we can specify Rails versions explicitly, which seems to un-confuse bundler enough to finish bundling.

if branch == 'master' || branch >= "v2.3"
  gem 'rails', '~> 5.1.0' # HACK: broken bundler dependency resolution
elsif branch >= "v2.0"
  gem 'rails', '~> 5.0.0' # HACK: broken bundler dependency resolution
  gem "rails", '~> 4.2.0' # HACK: broken bundler dependency resolution