Tämä on web sovellus energiatodistusten laadintaan ja todistuksiin liittyvään viranomaistoimintaan.
This is a web application for managing energy performance certificates and related activities. This application is for accredited certificate experts and public authorities.
Node.js has to be installed and preferred node version manager tool is node version manager.
source ~/.nvm/nvm.sh
nvm use
Install the dependencies...
npm install
You also need to start backend services.
...then start webpack
npm run dev
Navigate to https://localhost:3000. You should see your app running. Edit a component file
in src
, save it, the page should reload automatically.
- For code that is not UI related, have the code in JS file. Write unit tests with Jest to a file _test.js next to the implementation. Separate side effects like api calls from the code so those don't need to be mocked.
- Write a story for the component using Storybook. These give an example to other developers what components we have available in the project. Stories are then rendered in Storybook. Storybook is then built as tests using Storybook test-runner. This tests that the stories are rendered without errors and also compare that they are visually similar to what they should be. This should be the minimum level of tests for new UI components. These should be next to the implementation in a file .stories.js.
- UI component tests can be written to test the components in isolation. Use Jest and testing-library, Svelte testing library docs to write component tests. These can either just render the component with the given props and then check what was rendered or also contain interactions. The most minimal rendering test, such as H1.test.js provide the additional safety compared to Storybook story that it checks and warns against improper props passed to the component. These should be located next to the component in a file .test.js.
- Write E2E tests to test the whole system through the user interface using Cypress. Use E2E tests when the integration of the user interface and backend need to be tested, or when a longer UI workflow needs to be tested. Cypress tests and their setup are located in their own directory.
Run unit tests with:
npm run test
npm run tdd
The latter command watches file changes and reruns tests upon saved changes.
Run in Docker container with
If you run these locally outside Docker container, the snapshots will be different as browsers in different operating systems render things slightly differently.
When there are intentional changes, update the image snapshots by running
./run-visual-tests-in-docker.sh update
See e2e test readme
To create a production optimised version of the app:
npm run build
Contains all the application code divided into subfolders for different purposes. The root contains internal riggin required for scaffolding the application.
General components to be used in UI building e.g. inputs, buttons etc. These components can be used in any page.
All pages and their components. Pages are grouped by feature-basis. Each feature contains:
- index (
) - page components and specialized components used from these pages (
) - api modules (
) to create backend futures - datamodel validation schemas (
) - other functional utility modules (
Specialized components (used only from a specific place) are:
- header
- breadcrumb
- navigation
- footer
- valvonta (used from valvonta-oikeellisuus/valvonta-kaytto)
Translations, i18n riggings and some utilities for handling objects with fi/sv-label fields.
General purpose pure function libraries.
Static assets (images, pdfs, etc.)
- Directories/files should be kebab-case
- Imported namespaces should be pascal-case
- Data models used with backend are kebab-case
- Otherwise use camel-case.
Always use proper monadic type for special cases.
- Instead of null, use Maybe.
- Everything that could fail (f.ex. parsing/validation) synchronously should be wrapped in Either where Left is error and Right is value.
- Asynchronous operations should be wrapped in futures.
- In general prefer functional programming style.
- Variable reassignment should only happen with svelte components. Always declare variables with const.
- No mutations allowed
- Heavy utilization of Ramda
- Curry-functions and compositions
- Write pointfree/tacit code
- Only pure functions in utilities, side effects allowed inside svelte components
- Try to achieve good test coverage with unit tests.
- If you find 2 different ways to achieve the same result within codebase; default to the newer version for examples when writing new code.