Convert integer numbers to different formats
Numbers are used with several meanings and different contexts, Mew provides the help of converting integers to the following contexts:
Get the name of the month to which the integer corresponds
mew.toMonth(1); //=> "January"
mew.toMonth(4); //=> "April"
mew.toMonth(11); //=> "November"
if configuration.zeroBased
is true:
mew.toMonth(1); //=> "February"
mew.toMonth(4); //=> "May"
mew.toMonth(11); //=> "December"
Get the name of the day to which the integer corresponds
mew.toDay(1); //=> "Sunday"
mew.toDay(4); //=> "Wednesday"
mew.toDay(6); //=> "Friday"
if configuration.zeroBased
is true:
mew.toDay(1); //=> "Monday"
mew.toDay(4); //=> "Thursday"
mew.toDay(7); //=> "Saturday"
Get the ordinal name of the number to which the integer corresponds
mew.toOrdinal(1); //=> "First"
mew.toOrdinal(3); //=> "Third"
Get the cardinal name of the number to which the integer corresponds
mew.toCardinal(0); //=> "zero"
mew.toCardinal(1); //=> "one"
mew.toCardinal(4); //=> "four"
mew.toCardinal(11); //=> "eleven"
Converts the integer to Roman graphic number
mew.toRoman(1); //=> "I"
mew.toRoman(4); //=> "IV"
mew.toRoman(11); //=> "XI"
Obtains a string with the integer specified with the specified unit, but the unit depends if the integer need a plural unit.
And the integer can be convert to word if the third parameter are true.
obviously needs more logic to anothers languages'cat', 1); //=> "1 cat"'cat', 1, true); //=> "one cat"'cat', 2); //=> "2 cats"'cat', 2, true); //=> "two cats"
You can test the Configuration
object to change lenguage and use (or not) zeroBased.
In future i plan add more configuration options.
I started to code Mew at 2017-08-10, in the future i wish make Mew more useful and add the next functions:
- integer to Year unit (Eons, Decades, Millennials, etc).
- pass a function as parameter in
to expand to new horizons. - add a configuration options to specify the first day of week.
- integer to Money unit ($,€,¥, etc).
I'm a latin-american person, that's the reason that the spanish language have more content. If you can add and fix a language, feel be free to do that.