Typescript API for Space Cloud
import { Server } from "@spacecloud-io/worker";
import { z } from "zod";
// We first create the server object
const server = Server.create({
name: "myServer",
baseUrl: "/v2", // Optional. Defaults to `/v1`.
port: 8080 // Optional. Defaults to `3000`.
// Create a router object. All operations are registered on this router.
const router = server.router();
// Register a query object.
router.query("operate") // `opId` is the name of the operation
.method("GET") // Defaults to `GET` for queries and `POST` for mutations
.url("/v1/operate") // Defaults to `${baseUrl}/${opId}`
.input(z.object({ name: z.string() }))
.output(z.object({ greeting: z.string() }))
.fn(async (_ctx, req) => {
return { greeting: `Hi ${req.name}` };
// Start the express http server.
The worker generates the some additional routes as shown below:
# Routes created to expose the OpenAPI specification generated
[GET] `${baseUrl}/openapi.json`
[GET] `${baseUrl}/openapi.yaml`
Simply add the flag --save-openapi
flag to save the autogenerated Open API specification in yaml format. Use the -f, --file <path>
flag to control the file path. The specification will be persisted at ${file}/openapi.yaml
node index.js --save-openapi -f ./config