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Deploy a TiDB Cluster Offline Using TiUP
Introduce how to deploy a TiDB cluster offline using TiUP.

Deploy a TiDB Cluster Offline Using TiUP

This document describes how to deploy a TiDB cluster offline using TiUP.

Step 1: Prepare the TiUP offline component package

Option 1: Download the official TiUP offline component package

Download the offline mirror package of the TiDB server (including the TiUP offline component package) from the Download TiDB page.

Option 2: Manually pack an offline component package using tiup mirror clone

The steps are below.

  • Install the TiUP package manager online.

    1. Install the TiUP tool:

      {{< copyable "shell-regular" >}}

      curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
    2. Redeclare the global environment variables:

      {{< copyable "shell-regular" >}}

      source .bash_profile
    3. Confirm whether TiUP is installed:

      {{< copyable "shell-regular" >}}

      which tiup
  • Pull the mirror using TiUP

    1. Pull the needed components on a machine that has access to the Internet:

      {{< copyable "shell-regular" >}}

      tiup mirror clone tidb-community-server-${version}-linux-amd64 ${version} --os=linux --arch=amd64

      The command above creates a directory named tidb-community-server-${version}-linux-amd64 in the current directory, which contains the component package necessary for starting a cluster.

    2. Pack the component package by using the tar command and send the package to the control machine in the isolated environment:

      {{< copyable "shell-regular" >}}

      tar czvf tidb-community-server-${version}-linux-amd64.tar.gz tidb-community-server-${version}-linux-amd64

      tidb-community-server-${version}-linux-amd64.tar.gz is an independent offline environment package.

Step 2: Deploy the offline TiUP component

After sending the package to the control machine of the target cluster, install the TiUP component by running the following command:

{{< copyable "shell-regular" >}}

tar xzvf tidb-community-server-${version}-linux-amd64.tar.gz
sh tidb-community-server-${version}-linux-amd64/
source /home/tidb/.bash_profile

The script automatically executes the tiup mirror set tidb-community-server-${version}-linux-amd64 command to set the current mirror address to tidb-community-server-${version}-linux-amd64.

To switch the mirror to another directory, you can manually execute the tiup mirror set <mirror-dir> command.

Step 3: Mount the TiKV data disk


It is recommended to use the EXT4 file system format for the data directory of the target machines that deploy TiKV. Compared with the XFS file system format, the EXT4 file system format has more deployment cases of TiDB clusters. For the production environment, use the EXT4 file system format.

Log in to the target machines using the root user account.

Format your data disks to the ext4 filesystem and add the nodelalloc and noatime mount options to the filesystem. It is required to add the nodelalloc option, or else the TiUP deployment cannot pass the test. The noatime option is optional.


If your data disks have been formatted to ext4 and have added the mount options, you can uninstall it by running the umount /dev/nvme0n1p1 command, follow the steps starting from editing the /etc/fstab file, and add the options again to the filesystem.

Take the /dev/nvme0n1 data disk as an example:

  1. View the data disk:

    {{< copyable "shell-root" >}}

    fdisk -l
    Disk /dev/nvme0n1: 1000 GB
  2. Create the partition table:

    {{< copyable "shell-root" >}}

    parted -s -a optimal /dev/nvme0n1 mklabel gpt -- mkpart primary ext4 1 -1


    Use the lsblk command to view the device number of the partition: for a nvme disk, the generated device number is usually nvme0n1p1; for a regular disk (for example, /dev/sdb), the generated device number is usually sdb1.

  3. Format the data disk to the ext4 filesystem:

    {{< copyable "shell-root" >}}

    mkfs.ext4 /dev/nvme0n1p1
  4. View the partition UUID of the data disk:

    In this example, the UUID of nvme0n1p1 is c51eb23b-195c-4061-92a9-3fad812cc12f.

    {{< copyable "shell-root" >}}

    lsblk -f
    NAME    FSTYPE LABEL UUID                                 MOUNTPOINT
    ├─sda1  ext4         237b634b-a565-477b-8371-6dff0c41f5ab /boot
    ├─sda2  swap         f414c5c0-f823-4bb1-8fdf-e531173a72ed
    └─sda3  ext4         547909c1-398d-4696-94c6-03e43e317b60 /
    └─nvme0n1p1 ext4         c51eb23b-195c-4061-92a9-3fad812cc12f
  5. Edit the /etc/fstab file and add the mount options:

    {{< copyable "shell-root" >}}

    vi /etc/fstab
    UUID=c51eb23b-195c-4061-92a9-3fad812cc12f /data1 ext4 defaults,nodelalloc,noatime 0 2
  6. Mount the data disk:

    {{< copyable "shell-root" >}}

    mkdir /data1 && \
    mount -a
  7. Check whether the steps above take effect by using the following command:

    {{< copyable "shell-root" >}}

    mount -t ext4

    If the filesystem is ext4 and nodelalloc is included in the mount options, you have successfully mount the data disk ext4 filesystem with options on the target machines.

    /dev/nvme0n1p1 on /data1 type ext4 (rw,noatime,nodelalloc,data=ordered)

Step 4: Edit the initialization configuration file topology.yaml

You need to manually create and edit the cluster initialization configuration file. For the full configuration template, refer to the TiUP configuration parameter template.

Create a YAML configuration file on the control machine, such as topology.yaml:

{{< copyable "shell-regular" >}}

cat topology.yaml
# # Global variables are applied to all deployments and used as the default value of
# # the deployments if a specific deployment value is missing.
  user: "tidb"
  ssh_port: 22
  deploy_dir: "/tidb-deploy"
  data_dir: "/tidb-data"

    replication.enable-placement-rules: true

  - host:
  - host:
  - host:
  - host:
  - host:
  - host:
  - host:
  - host:
  - host:
  - host:
    data_dir: /data1/tiflash/data,/data2/tiflash/data
  - host:
  - host:
  - host:
  - host:
  - host:
  - host:

Step 5: Deploy the TiDB cluster

Execute the following command to deploy the TiDB cluster:

{{< copyable "shell-regular" >}}

tiup cluster deploy tidb-test v4.0.0 topology.yaml --user tidb [-p] [-i /home/root/.ssh/gcp_rsa]
tiup cluster start tidb-test

Parameter description:

  • The name of the cluster deployed by the TiUP cluster is tidb-test.
  • The deployment version is v4.0.0. To obtain other supported versions, run tiup list tidb.
  • The initialization configuration file is topology.yaml.
  • –user tidb: log in to the target machine using the tidb user account to complete the cluster deployment. The tidb user needs to have ssh and sudo privileges of the target machine. You can use other users with ssh and sudo privileges to complete the deployment.
  • [-i] and [-p]: optional. If you have configured login to the target machine without password, these parameters are not required. If not, choose one of the two parameters. [-i] is the private key of the root user (or other users specified by -user) that has access to the target machine. [-p] is used to input the user password interactively.

If you see the Deployed cluster `tidb-test` successfully output at the end of the log, the deployment is successful.

After the deployment, see Deploy and Maintain TiDB Using TiUP for the cluster operations.


By default, TiDB and TiUP share usage details with PingCAP to help understand how to improve the product. For details about what is shared and how to disable the sharing, see Telemetry.