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Become a sponsor to uhcode

└── itooktime
    └── Software Developer student experienced in Python, HTML & CSS and many frameworks.
    └── Studying Web Development & Software Development

Who am I?

└── I'm ozu, a 19 year old developer from Edinburgh, UK.

What I've worked on...

- Vierre: A multi-purpose bot which is discontinued, a large bot with a net with over 80 million users worldwide.
- WayBot: A versatile discord bot that features lastfm & music statistics and much more which had 18k servers with 120 million users.

Why should you sponsor me?

- It helps continue development for existing projects & give encouragement for future projects. 
- It will help with billing costs for projects which can be costly due to API usages & other costs.
- It supports me, living is expensive... any donation goes along way.

Select a tier

$ a month

You'll receive any rewards listed in the $5 monthly tier. Additionally, a Public Sponsor achievement will be added to your profile.

$5 a month

  • Get a Sponsor badge on your profile

$200 a month

  • Hire me to manage, maintain and keep your discord bot up to date.